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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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Okay, I'm really loving some of the romance novels I'm picking up lately! Here are two more I just started reading, and fond two more sneeze references!

The first one is from an anthology about shapeshifters and vampires and werewolves, and stuff. The book is called Hot Blooded. This particular story is by Emma Holly and it's called The Night Owl. In it, Bastien is a vampire shape-shifter type creature, with a sensitive nose! He sneezes once as a wolf, and once in his "human" form. Here are the two scenes:

When the wolf was close enough to sniff her offering, it sneezed.

Bastien broke the silence by sneezing at her perfume.

The other book I just got on Saturday, is by Rachel Gibson, called Sex, Lies, and Online Dating. In this particular passage, the heroine and her blind date are discussing viloent crimes, and serial killers. This is what Lucy, the heroine says:

"Most people with a conscience tell people about their crime. It's like a sneeze. It's got to come out to relive the pressure."

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When I was little (before I understood why), I really liked to read the first Nancy Drew book (the Secret of the Old Clock, or something similiar to that) because of that. The climactic scene has Nancy overhearing the kidnappers talking from her hiding place in a dusty, musty closet. You can guess what happens...

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Kay, this one's goooo-ooood...

it's from 'Catch 22', the book you all have read... and if not, you should. IMMEDIATELY. and NOT only for this passage. and ESPECIALLY if you're an Amurrican.

now I've got a Dutch translation (:shy: blasphemy!) of the book, so I've tried to translate it back into English. any discrepancies and flaws in this passage are more than likely to occur - apologies in advance - corrections heartily welcomed!

He turned swiftly back to Yossarian and before he could speak sneezed six times in a row, teetering a bit each time and raising his elbows in a vain attempt to stop the sneezing. The lids of his watery eyes were red and swollen.

"What does the guy think," he snapped, sniffing fiercely and wiping his nose on the back of his wrist, "that he's a detective or something?"

(...) Yossarian grabbed his arm and dragged him down. Dobbs started sneezing again. "I'm allergic," he said apologetically, when he'd done sneezing and the water was running from his eyes and nostrils.


SO good to accidentally stumble upon passages like this in non-fetishist stories. it's like hearing a perfect sneeze (or a fit, rawr) on the street when you don't expect it. Ooooooo, I love the surprise element :yes:

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I have had this fetish as long as I remember and most of my reading material is from my childhood.

I can't remember whether it was in Malory Towers, or the Twins at St Clares books by Enid Blyton, but the class plays a prank on their french teacher using sneezing powder. I reread that over and over. lots of sneezes.

She also wrote a little story for children called the Tiresome Brownie which has sneezing powder.

She wrote another story like that about an elf or something that makes people sneeze so they will buy his cold medicine.

Then there was Sweet Valley high. Romeo and two Juliets has a bunch of people sneezing and coming down with colds, plus the whole nurturing thing.

There was also a series Nightmare on Fear Street or something and one story was about a werecat that goes into her enemies room while she is a cat and the girl is allergic to her and sneezes an awful lot. That is one of my favourites and when I am in a shop I still go and check the childrens section for that book and quicjkly reread that passage.

So glad someone mentioned Blyton, a great source of sneezes when I was young. I've just come across one that really obsessed me, "The Castle of Adventure" [London 1946]. ,where for good Blytonian reasons, our hero hides in a suit of armour, as one does, and there follows a not sneezing while hiding episode.

"...and Philip ... in great danger of being discovered,. He's only got to sneeze or cough, you know!"

Lucy-Ann...at once imagined poor Philip trying to stifle sneeze after sneeze. '

This haunted me for years. And there are several more Blytonian sneezes I can't place precisely.

And Sanne, I've found my copy of CATCH-22 but can't locate the quote, because of Heller's wonderfully bizarre narrative technique. Still, for an off the cuff translation from the Dutch, your version sounds pretty good.

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Sanne, I've found my copy of CATCH-22 but can't locate the quote, because of Heller's wonderfully bizarre narrative technique. Still, for an off the cuff translation from the Dutch, your version sounds pretty good.

it's about halfway chapter 27, 'Nurse Duckett' (assuming of course that the chapter titles have not been changed in translation).

oh, and thank you :shy:

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Kay, this one's goooo-ooood...

it's from 'Catch 22', the book you all have read... and if not, you should. IMMEDIATELY. and NOT only for this passage. and ESPECIALLY if you're an Amurrican.

now I've got a Dutch translation (:shy: blasphemy!) of the book, so I've tried to translate it back into English. any discrepancies and flaws in this passage are more than likely to occur - apologies in advance - corrections heartily welcomed!

He turned swiftly back to Yossarian and before he could speak sneezed six times in a row, teetering a bit each time and raising his elbows in a vain attempt to stop the sneezing. The lids of his watery eyes were red and swollen.

"What does the guy think," he snapped, sniffing fiercely and wiping his nose on the back of his wrist, "that he's a detective or something?"

(...) Yossarian grabbed his arm and dragged him down. Dobbs started sneezing again. "I'm allergic," he said apologetically, when he'd done sneezing and the water was running from his eyes and nostrils.


SO good to accidentally stumble upon passages like this in non-fetishist stories. it's like hearing a perfect sneeze (or a fit, rawr) on the street when you don't expect it. Ooooooo, I love the surprise element :yes:

He whirled back to Y and, before he could speak, sneezed thunderously six times, staggering sideways on rubbery legs in the intervals and raising his elbows ineffectively to fend each seizure off. The lids of his watery eyes were puffy and inflamed.

"Who does he think," he demanded, sniffing, [sic] spasmodically and wiping his nose with the back of his sturdy wrist, "he is, a cop or something?"

...Y caught his arm and yanked him down. D began sneezing again. "I have an allergy," he apologized when he had finished, his nostrils running and his eyes streaming with tears.

Fascinating exercise in double translation. I think your version is pretty damn good, but there are very odd words that couldn't reasonably have been foresseen.

Except that I expected COP in the context. And can one teeter absolutely rather than teetering on something. I realise that that is a bit far-fetched. I put SIC because there shouldn't be a comma there.

Isn't this fun. Should we try again. Orr sneezes in the long paragraph towards the end of Milo the Mayor, but it's not very exciting.

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There's another one I came across and like very much.

In CS Forester's 'Hornblower and the Atropos' there is a passage at the end of chapter 5 where Hornblower has to sneeze several times after getting soaked to the skin during Nelson's burial on the Thames.

In chapter 6 he is visiting the king, with the worst cold he ever had. Lots of sniffling etc are discribed. Cannot quote as I only have the Dutch version in my library (of course!) and most of you will not understand.

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Oooooooo!!!! Hornblower *drool* Haven't read the books, only saw the BBC miniseries. But now I have an another excellent reason to check out the books. *grin*

Thanks! :D

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  • 3 months later...

I am now reading what I guess you would call a "chick lit" book by Sue Margolis. She wrote a few other zany books, and I absolutely adore her writing! She has this naturally funny voice and style, but anyway, I digress! There is a line in her newest book, Original Cyn, about a character she calls "Gazza." From what she says about him, he doesn't seem attractive, but rather amsuing. So, here's the little line, and the word sneezed jumped right out at me on that page, he he he:

"Just then, Gazza sneezed. As he reached into his pocket for his handkerchief, his keys fell out and onto the floor."

Just loved seeing that word in her book! I think it's the first time and I've read all her novels!

Edited to add: I was finishing this book last night, and I found another part with a female sneeze. It was briefly mentioned, but I love the whole idea of people sneezing when the room is absolutely quiet!

"Empty seconds ticked by. Jenny sneezed. Ken handed her the box of tissues."

Two sneezes in one book, not bad, huh? :eyebrow:

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Gotta love Hornblower. :drool:

From the Atropos:

And then he sneezed three times running.

. . .

Of course it was raining. The westerly wind still blew and bore with it today flurries of heavy rain, which hissed down on the surface of the river, roared on the tarpaulins of the wretched boat's crew, and rattled loudly on the sou'wester which Hornblower wore on his head while he sheltered his cocked hat under his boat cloak. He sniffed lamentably. He had the worst cold he had ever experienced, and he needed to use his handkerchief. But that meant bringing a hand out from under his cloak, and he would not do that - with the boat cloak spread round him like a tent as he sat in the stern-sheets, and with the sou'wester on top, he could hope to keep himself reasonably dry as far as Whitehall if he did not disturb the arrangement. He preferred to sniff.

Up the river, through the rain; under London Bridge, round the bends he had come to know so well during the last few days. He cowered in misery under his boat cloak, shuddering. He was sure he had never felt so ill in his life before. He ought to be in bed, with hot bricks at his feet and hot rum-and-water at his side, but on the day when the First Lord was going to take him to the Court of St. James's he could not possibly plead illness, not even though the shivers ran up and down his spine and his legs felt too weak to carry him.

. . .

Hornblower sniffed again, miserably. He could not even congratulate himself on the fact that he felt so ill he knew almost no qualms about his new experience which was awaiting him, because, stupefied by his cold, he was unable to indulge in his habitual self-analysis.

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SQUEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Love Hornblower. *runs of to reserve that from the library*

Oh... and there is a link in the "House" thread about a non-fetish person's story about Wilson having a cold and House taking care of him. Very cute.

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Don't know if anyone has mentioned this one yet as WTF, I am WAY too lazy to read through all that crap! XD Kidding, it's not,but I am too lazy to read it all. But I digress. (suprised? XD )

Chronicles of Narnia; The Voyage of the Dawn Treader:

In the first chapter, soon after Eustace, Edmund, and Lucy have been pulled out of the water by Prince Caspien;

"Am I to understand," said Reepicheep to Lucy after a long stare at Eustace, "That this singularly discourteous person is under your Majesty's protection? Because, if not - "

At this moment Lucy and Edmund both sneezed.

XD *cackles over the idea of Edmund sneezing* He was always my favorite in those books, even in the first. I could sympathise with him. But anywho. There you have it!


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A few years ago - Zed sent me an Amazon gift cert for my birthday and with it I bought a book entitled "the Stargazer" written by Michelle Jaffe - an exerpt is within as the sneezes are amazing and do continue in different parts of the book.

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I'm currently reading a book called "The Amber Spyglass" by Phillip Pullman. It's the 3rd book in His Dark Materials trilogy. This passage is towards the begining of the book on page 21.


"Slow Progress," said Balthamos sourly.

"I can't help that," said Will. "If you can't say anything useful, don't speak at all."

By the time he reached the edge of the forest, the sun was low and the air heavy with pollen, so much so that he sneezed several times, startling a bird that flew up shrieking from somewhere nearby.


After that passage it just continued with the story and I was thinking, "Oh come on, you have to give me more detail than that!" :sweatdrop:

Right now I'm about halfway through the book and so far there hasn't been anymore mention of sneezing. There wasn't any mention of sneezing in the first two books either that I can remember. Still a great trilogy if you like sci-fi/fantasy.

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Oh yes, I remember reading that one.

Here's a couple of my favorites:

Over Sea, Under Stone by Susan Cooper.

"There it is! There is a door! Ouf--" He staggered backwards, gasped, and sneezed. "It's all covered in dust and cobwebs, it can't have been opened for years."

--p. 23

As Simon's head emerged through the hatch at the top he caught his breath just as Barney had: "Aah--aah--" and sneezed enourmously. Clouds of dust rose, and the ladder shook.

"Hey," said Barney potestingly from below, drawing his face back from his brother's twitching heels.

Simon opened his watering eyes and blinked.


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When I was a little kid I was into Star Trek and read a trilogy of children's books about Worf's days in Starfleet Academy. Don't remember the title or author but the first three paragraphs of Chapter 10 of Book 3 are forever emblazoned in my memory:

"Tania sneezed loudly as clouds of dust rose in the room. 'Sorry,' she muttered.

"'Yes, well for some the dust might be a bit too--' Keyhler broke off abruptly and sneezed an enormous sneeze.

"'Bless you,' Tania giggled."

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Okay, Carly Phillips did it again in her "Hot" series for HQN! She has successfully put a female sneeze into each of the three books she wrote. Too bad they weren't male sneezes, but I thought I would share anyway. This last book is called Hot Item.

Here is the excerpt:

Riley walked to the desk and peered between the floral displays. "Is Sophie Jordan in?"

The woman hed met last time glanced up at him, then sneezed. "If you have flowers, out them in the corner," she said.

Anyway, I love that she managed to sneak one into each book. Someday, I hope someone will notice how I always put a male sneeze into each of my books!

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  • 3 months later...

Okay here's one from Howl's Moving Castle:

"Where have you been?" she asked.

Howl sneezed. "Standing in the rain. None of your buisiness," he said hoarsely.

By the middle of the morning Howl was conjuring handkerchiefs in twos and threes. They were floppy squares of paper really, Sophie saw. (Sophie is from another world, Howl from earth and the other world so I'm pretty sure the 'floppy squares of paper' are tissues). He kept sneezing. His voice grew hoarser. He was conjuring handkerchiefs by the half dozen soon.

"Oh why is it that whenever I go to Wales I always come back with a cold!" Howl croaked.

Sophie and Howl argue for awhile then...

Howl conjured another wad of handkerchiefs and glowered at Sophie over them out of eyes that were now red-rimmed and watery. Then he stood up. "I feel ill." he announced. "I'm going to bed where I may die." He tottered piteously to the stairs. "Bury me beside Mrs. Pentstemmon," he croaked as he went up them to bed.

LAter on while Sophie was sewing....

Howl's voice was presently heard shouting weakly, "Help me someone! I'm dying of neglect up here!"

Even later (I just put that other part up because I thought it was funny :unsure: :

A certain amount of moaning and groaning was coming from upstairs. Sophie kept muttering to the dog and ignored it. A loud hollow coughing followed, dying away into more moaning. Sophie ignored that too. Crashing sneezes followed the coughing, each one rattling the window and all the doors. Sophie found those harder to ignore, but she managed...The coughing started again, mingled with moans. Sneezes mixed with moans and the coughs, and the sounds rose to a crescendo in which Howl seemed to be managing to cough, groan, blow his nose, sneeze, and wail gently all at the same time.

Hee hee hee. That was a good chapter. :bleh::D

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Now this thread has resurfaced, let me add a reference to the Duke of Dorset's sneezes in Beerbohm's "Zuleika Dobson"; For some reason I stuck one on TMA's "Wulf " story thread, and I'm too lazy at present to do anything else about it; another time perhaps.

Oh, and welcome to the forum, Clare. Keep those quotes coming.

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just came across this in a book I was reading, and liked picturing the moment...

“He sat down beside her on the couch. She was tired and so she rested her head on his shoulder….”

They talk for a moment then:

“It sounded as though he were about to laugh, but the laugh turned into a spasmlike inhalation, and he sneezed loudly, jarring her head with his shoulder. ‘Whew! Excuse me. I wasn’t expecting that.’”

from “The Brief History of the Dead” by Kevin Brockmeier

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was reading part of a book my friend gave me (it was a while back-I don't really remember the title, the author was Komsomb or something) and I copied out this passage and meant to post it here but never got around to it, but anyway here it is:

She went round to her side of the bed and slipped under the blankets. Peter sneezed twice.

“Bless you.” She said and wiped his lips with her thumb. He sighed and fell back tiredly.

“Are you sick Peter?” she asked.

“Maybe…Maybe just a little.” He said and sneezed again.

“Bless you…Wake me if you really don’t feel well.” She said.

“Kay.” He yawned

P.S. Even though I enjoyed this passage it was sort of depressing because this was like the chapter before you find out he has cancer. :wub: He died in the end. :naughty: It was uber depressing ;) (espeacially for me, I'm a major mush, I practically died when I saw 'Love Story' even the music :naughty: from that can set me off). :blushing:

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  • 3 weeks later...

if this has been posted befor, sorry... but there is a Rurouni Kenshin fan fiction that was one of the first i ever read that had sneezeing in it, and meantion throughout the whole thing. the story is called Fever Dreams, and it's about Sano,Kenshin and Yahiko catching a cold after falling into an icy river, as the story progresses, Ken get's worse and begins to become delusional...anyway, a pritty good read.

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I found a couple of nice non-fetish h/c ficts by House authors. One has sick Wilson, and another sick Chase (with colds/flu). I :D them. I will have to find the links and post. Not a lot of sneezing but just super cute. Especially the Chase one- she actually spells out a sneeze and has him talk congestedy a little bit. And the way that it is done (I think) is just so cute and adorable and .....

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if this has been posted befor, sorry... but there is a Rurouni Kenshin fan fiction that was one of the first i ever read that had sneezeing in it, and meantion throughout the whole thing. the story is called Fever Dreams, and it's about Sano,Kenshin and Yahiko catching a cold after falling into an icy river, as the story progresses, Ken get's worse and begins to become delusional...anyway, a pritty good read.

Ah! I read that one! :drool:

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  • 5 months later...

I just picked up a chick-lit book the other day by Carole Matthews called With or Without You. And today, I read this line, which made me think of sex and sneezing, which made me laugh :( :

"Every time Lee sneezes, I get pregnant."

That one line brightened my day! I was reading it on the stationary bike at the gym, and laughed out loud!

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