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Doing Jello Shots At Your Sister's Conformation And Regretting In The Morning - (7 Parts)


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  • 2 months later...

Part 5

Brendon got into the cab and tucked his feet under himself. Damn, he felt horrible. He couldn't even make himself care about the signing or anything else. He wondered how long he could hide this, if he were truly honest with himself. His band mates were not idiots and were going to figure it out sooner or later. "Heh-nxx! Heh-nxx!" Sooner, rather than later if he kept sneezing or coughing.

The old cabbie looked at him in the rearview mirror. "Sorry about all the dust back there, I haven’t gotten a chance to clean up lately."

Grateful for the excuse, Brendon grinned at the man. "It’s no problem. I’m totally used to it."

"Feel free to crack open a window though."

There was in actuality no dust in the backseat of that cab. And opening a window would do nothing but make him colder, and in effect worse. But how could

he not do it and not look suspicious. So he opened it. And he got colder. And his nose still itched. This could be a predicament.

Brendon rubbed at his nose and shivered violently. To his joy, they pulled up to the mall at that moment and he was saved. He rolled up the window and

sneezed again, more openly, now that he had a dust allergy excuse.

Ryan sighed and opened his door. "Come on Sneezy." Brendon opened the door on his side.

Brendon rolled his eyes. "Don't call me that. It bugs me."

Jon poked him, wanting to get out. "Everything bugs you. Let's go."

Spencer got out of the front seat. "You ready for this?" He looked at the mall front.

"As we'll ever be." Brendon led the way into the building.

There was already a mob of fans waiting for them, and Ryan was more relieved then he would ever admit when he saw their bodyguards at the entrance. As

they approached the door, the large men surrounded them for safety.

As soon as they pushed open the doors, the noise was deafening. Everyone was screaming their names, and it was almost like a concert but in a smaller and

significantly more echoing space. Not good.

They took their places at the table set up in the middle of the mall, in front of a massive line. Ryan could see that they would never get to everyone, and it

sucked. He hated when some people got to see them like they were waiting for and others didn’t.

Brendon swore under his breath. *There is no way in hell I'm going to get through the line.* He forced down a cough and poured himself a glass of water

from a pitcher between him and Jon. Ryan and Spencer had one next to them, too.

Ryan glanced at Spencer nervously. "If we sign for half of these people, we'll be lucky." He hissed.

Spencer nodded and scratched his signature on the first of many photographs from the stack next to his elbow. "Just do the best you can, I guess." He

smothered a grin when a guy thrust his arm into a surprised Ryan’s face and asked him to sign it.

"I'm gonna get this as my next tattoo." He grinned.

Ryan smiled back weakly. "That's nice." The look on his face told Spencer that he was more than a little creeped out, though.

Spencer laughed and signed the arm. "What, don't you want your John Hancock on a guy's arm forever?"

"Um, I guess there are worse tattoos." Ryan scribbled his name as quickly as he could to get the man to go away, and Brendon and Jon followed similarly.

For the most part though, all they signed were pictures, cd boxes, and the occasional woman. Ryan was bothered by those significantly less.

Some of the fans were just grateful to get their autographs, but some were more awestruck and had to be ‘assisted’ down the line. At first they were amused

by this, but by Brendon’s third marriage proposal he was less amused and more bitter at these annoying people taking up his time when he could be resting

and getting better.

He was very proud of himself as the first hour came to a close and he hadn’t sneezed once. Of course, as soon as he thought of that his nose twitched with an

oncoming sneeze. He managed to stifle it completely, not that anyone would have heard him in the loud room anyway, but the people nearest him did see,

and he got very enthusiastic blessings.

Brendon rubbed at his forehead and cleared his throat softly, thanking the people that blessed him quietly. All he wanted was to go home and get into bed,

however. He sipped his second glass of water and sniffled, dabbing at his nose with his wrist between signings.

Jon glanced at him and frowned. "You alright?" He hissed, grinning at a girl in an almost but not quite flirtatious way.

"I'm fine, it's good. Some girl was wearing a perfume that bothered my nose."

Jon nodded, knowing how that could feel. Even though he didn't have any allergies he knew how it felt to be attacked by too strong perfume. Even the least

sensitive nose wasn't immune to some of the stuff out there. "It must have really hit you hard, Man, you're eyes are starting to turn red."

"Allergy eyes-Gotta love um," Brendon joked. "Next time I’m supposed to be around this many teenage girls, I’ll wear my glasses."

"Oh, to make them go away?"

Brendon was so focused on the task of signing whatever was held in front of him while not letting any more of the sneezes he still felt escape that it took him

a minute to get the insult. "My glasses aren’t that ugly"

"Yes they are. Here, we’ll get a second opinion." As he handed a signed picture to the young woman in front of him, he asked her "what’s your name?"


"Ok Megan, have you ever seen a picture of Brendon with his glasses?" She nodded. "Are they ugly?"

"Kind of," she admitted. "But he’s still so hot!"

"See?" Jon raised his eyebrows in an I win gesture. "I was right. Ugly glasses."

"But I'm still hot." He stuck his tongue out at Jon, trying his damnedest to be playful, still. He needed to stop thinking about the comfortable bed waiting for

him back at the hotel, he decided, and turned his most winning smile on the young woman nearest him. "Hi there, thank you for coming out today."

Jon laughed as the girl giggled in a shill way. Brendon did have a way with women, that much was sure. He turned his face to watch the way Brendon talked

to them, only to see him stifle another sneeze and sniff very quietly. "Brend... man you really much have got a noseful of something. You need a break?"

God, did he ever need a break, but he shook his head and smiled cheerfully. "Nah, I'm good, I just needed to... Heh-nxx! Heh-nxx! 'Scuse me, to sneeze it

out." He looked almost embarrassed.

Jon sighed and handed him a napkin he'd stuffed in his pocket at Burger King. "Here, you need that."

Brendon really did need it, but was hesitant to blow his nose in front of all these people. After one more stifle though, he really didn’t have a choice and

turned away from the table to do so. When he turned back, his face was bright red and he laughed nervously. "I feel cool, randomly blowing my nose in the

middle of signing your cd. Sorry about that." The boy really didn’t mind, not that he’d really expected him to, but he was still embarrassed. Even more so as

Jon laughed at him.

"Yeah yeah, really funny," he said. "But let’s just keep this little joke between us, ok?"

"Why?" Jon asked. "Is there any particular reason Spence and Ry can’t know you sneezed?"

*Because it’ll put them one step closer to figuring out I’m sick.* "Because I’d just as soon have one friend laugh at me then three."

Jon rolled his eyes. "Like they couldn't fine something else to make fun of you about?" He laughed again and nudged him. "Don't worry, I'll be as secret as

the dead."

"Thank you." Brendon sighed. "You're such a dork sometimes, you know that?"

"I try." He glanced at the clock, pleased to see that they had less than an hour left of this. He didn't mind signing things, but he hated being this still for this


Ryan was starting to feel slightly panicked as the press of the crowd drew in closer. It seemed that they all realized at once that time was running out and

they'd better hurry. Still, they'd signed more than he thought they would, which was always a good thing. And, for the most part the people had been polite

and respectful, both of the band and each other. He just wanted an open space, was all.

Spencer frowned. "Everything good?"

"Yeah, everything's good, thanks. I just got a little out of focus."

"Well there’s only 45 minutes left, so try to concentrate. You can go all bored kid later." Spencer was so silly sometimes that Ryan really had to laugh, and it

always made him feel better. This is why that had been best friends for so long, they were really good together.

Brendon was ready to call it quits, he felt so sick of signing these autographs and so sick in general. But it’s like he had just heard Spencer say, there were

only 45 minutes left. These people had been waiting for them for hours, and the more autographs he managed to sign the fewer people who had wasted their

entire day in line. So he plastered a smile on his face and gave everyone who passed him his autograph. But by the end, his eyes were itching and watering

to the point where he could barely make out the papers and he could feel himself burning but still occasionally shivered. Fevers, he concluded, absolutely


When he realized that he actually couldn’t see any better then if he hadn’t been wearing contacts, he took them off and put them in the little case in his

pocket in hopes his eyes would be less red when Ryan and Spencer could get a good look at him later.

Brendon wiped his nose on his napkin again, feeling fairly miserable. His nose was starting to run and pretty soon he wasn't going to be able to get away with

just swiping at it every so often. He sniffled and shivered again, cursing under his breath. If he was starting to feel chilly, that meant his fever was going up,

didn't it? God, that would really suck if it was. He rubbed at his eyes after he had his glasses on, sighing with relief.

Jon's face quirked a bit. "Man, you sure you don't need to take off early? We can get it here. You look, no offence, but really bad."

"Gee, thanks. And I told you, I'm fine. Just feeling a little down, allergy-wise."

"Damn, allergies must really suck. I'm glad I don't have any."

"Yeah, yeah. Rub it in, why don't you?" He was only half joking, but managed to keep his voice playful. The last thing they needed was an argument at the


And allergies did suck, but he wished he was actually suffering from them now. When given the choice between bad allergies and a bad cold, he would

definitely choose the allergies. When he was younger, his dad always made fun of him for having allergies, how it made him a sissy. But he would get mad at

him for being sick. Brendon didn’t resent him. After all, the man did have five kids. So whenever one of them was sick, his dad would give them the lecture

about how one sick person brings down the whole group. So now the thought of being sick completely turned his stomach. Combine that with the fact that

they were constantly busy and didn’t have the time for any setbacks, and Brendon really wished it was just allergies.

Only half an hour left. He could totally do this. He smiled charmingly at the young lady in front of him, and noticed that she had the same shirt as his

girlfriend. So now instead of being sick, he was sick and homesick. Being charming definitely had it’s drawbacks. Technically, all anyone wanted was his

signature. So he stopped putting up the effort of being friendly and sociable and just wrote his name. He could already see the message board posts about

how he was unfriendly, but he really didn’t care at the point.

He ducked his head down and blotted at his runny nose. If he looked half as crappy as he felt he must look horrible. The guys were going to notice pretty

soon, he was positive, and he couldn't keep lying about allergies forever, he knew that full well.

Jon clicked his pen after signing the last picture. "Done. Now we can go shopping." He looked very pleased at this.

"Finally." Brendon muttered under his breath and stood up, but sat back down quickly as he felt very light-headed.

"You okay?" Ryan rested a light hand on Brendon's shoulder. "You look sort of pale... and red, if that makes any sense."

"Stood up too fast and allergies." He did his best to shrug it off, but he was feeling worse by the second. It dawned on his that he couldn't go back to the hotel

until the rest of them did, however, or it would look weird. "I'm gonna hit the food court, get something to drink." There were less people in the food court

normally, too.

Brendon didn’t go right to the food court though. He went to the sunglasses shop and quickly bought the biggest pair of sunglasses they had. They were really

cheap too, and no one seemed to be looking at them. He thought they were pretty cool though, so he grabbed them and paid.

Now that he had on two pair of glasses and looked like an idiot with the hood of his sweatshirt over his head, he could go to the food court. he had meant

what he said before: If it meant he could feel normal he’d be more then willing to sign more crap. But he didn’t feel normal, he felt sick. And the last thing he

wanted to do was play nice with a bunch of annoying fans while his head felt like it was about to split open.

He bought a water bottle and plopped himself down on a couch. Jon may have been pissed at having to sit still for so long, but Brendon couldn’t think of

anything he wanted more then sitting there and not moving. Of course, there was the exception of being better, but that didn’t count.

Brendon sipped at his water and closed his eyes, and then pressed the bottle to his overly warm forehead. God he couldn't remember feeling this miserable

in a long time. He kicked around the idea of going up to the guys and telling them that he seriously felt like shit and wanted to go home. Not just to the hotel,

but home, where his girlfriend would put him to bed, give him soup and just make much of him in general. He'd never been unable to tell her how badly he

felt, for some reason. Probably because he knew that whatever he told her, she'd still love him, and never tell him what a sissy he was.

He sniffled, then stood up very slowly and made his way toward the restroom to blow his nose properly. That was what he really needed right then. He

ducked into a stall and locked the door before digging out his pack of tissues and blowing his nose hard enough to make his ears pop. It hurt like hell, but at

least his nose was clearer. Not that he'd be able to breathe out of it still.

He left the stall and leaned over the sink, splashing water on his warm face. Then he took off the sunglasses and hood, and studied his reflection. It turned

out Jon had been being polite when he said he looked bad. He looked horrible. His face was sweaty and pale save for the bags under his eyes he could have

sworn weren’t there before, flushed cheeks, and red rimmed nostrils and eyes. If he really wanted them to think he wasn’t sick, he could always go for

the ‘on drugs’ angle, because he looked like he could fill that spot too.

His head shot up when the door opened, but his fear wasn’t realized. It wasn’t one of the guys coming in, just some random man who probably wanted to

pee. The man eyed Brendon warily, and Brendon remembered his recent realization that he looked like a stoner. "I’m sick," he told the stranger. "You may

want to breathe that way."

The man gave him a pitying look. "Sick, huh? You certainly look it."

Brendon rolled his eyes. "Thanks a lot."

"You sound it too."

Wow, who was this random man insulting him? "Again thanks, but unless you’re going to offer me some kind of help I’d rather you didn’t randomly insult me.

I feel bad enough."

The man shook his head. "Wish I could help you, Kid, but I just came in here to do what people normally do in here. You were the one who told me about

being sick. I was just agreeing with you." He went into the stall, leaving Brendon to figure things out for himself.

Brendon glanced at his watch and sighed, wiping sweat off his forehead. The guy did have a point, he looked horrible. Not that he liked being told that, but it

was the truth. He opened his mouth wide to see if his throat looked red, then closed it with a snort. All throats looked red, sick or not. He didn't make a habit

of staring down his throat when he was healthy, so how the hell was he supposed to know the difference? Brendon washed his face one more time and then

left to get a drink from the smoothie place he'd spotted. He decided that a strawberry smoothie was exactly what his aching throat wanted. He sneezed into

his elbow and dug for his tissues, swearing silently. The bad thing about colds was the worse they got, the messier they got. At least, in his experience

"One strawberry smoothie please." Brendon expected the girl behind the smoothie stand to get the strawberry powder and make him a smoothie, but she just

stood there and stared. "Is something wrong?"

"You’re Brendon Urie," she squealed.

Crap, he had forgotten to put on his disguise. "Yes I am. And I want a smoothie."

She got the message this time and made his smoothie, still staring at him in awe. Kind of creepy really. "Can I have your autograph?" she asked, and he

signed his receipt and handed it back to her.

Smoothie now in hand, he had to find something to do until the guys were ready to go back to the hotel.

He found that the best, or at least most comfortable thing for him to do was to find a booth and wait for the guys to come back. He sipped his smoothie and

closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of the cool semi-solid liquid slide down his throat.

Meanwhile, the other members of the band were having fun and taking their sweet time shopping. They'd sign whatever they were handed to sign and talk to fans who didn't seem too scary. Finally, Jon looked at his watch. "Guys, we should go track Brendon down and head back. It's pretty late." He wasn't about to

point out that Brendon was starting to look like crap, as he was sure that that was knowledge he didn't want made public, after he'd asked to not tell the

others he'd been sneezing. "Neil's gonna think we were kidnapped."

Ryan called Brendon’s cell phone to find out where he was. Brendon took this as the perfect opportunity to sneak away before the guys realized how bad he

looked. "Tell you what," he proposed, "I’ve been getting bombarded by fans all afternoon so now I’m in disguise. But If I walk with all of you they’ll recognize me and I am so sick of autographs. So do you mind if I meet you back at the cab?"

No one had a problem with it, so Brendon was finally able to make his escape. Being the first one at the cab that Neil had already ordered, Brendon got first

dibs on seats. And seeing as Neil had decided to sleep today so he could stay up with them all night tomorrow after a full day of driving, Brendon got the front

seat. Perfect seat for hiding your face.

The same cab driver from earlier was driving, and he gave Brendon a confused look. "Did the dust effect you that bad?"

Brendon shook his head. "Don't worry about it, I'm fine." he sniffled. "Do I really look that bad?"

"Yeah, you really do." The driver flipped down the visor that had a mirror glued to it. "Look."

Brendon looked and sighed. He looked pretty damn sick, alright. Well, all he had to do was hope that the other guys came out through the exit to the rear of the cab, in stead of the front.

He was in luck. Not only did they come out of the exit he hoped they would, they were chatting happily and not paying any attention to his at all until the got

inside. "Bren, you should have gone with us." Spencer told him. "I thought you liked to shop."

"I do, but I don't like to get bombarded by teenage girls while I shop. It ruins the fun."

"No way man. What ruins the fun is shopping with the teenage girl," Jon corrected. "I went shopping with Cassie once, and it was the most ridiculous

experience of my life. She kept trying on clothes and asking how she looked. How do my boobs look in this? Personally, I think if she really wanted her boobs to look good, she wouldn’t have worn a shirt at all."

"I’m sure that suggestion went over well," Spencer chuckled.

"You’d think so, but no so much." Jon shrugged. "At least she never made me go to the mall with her again."

"So what did you do Bren?" Ryan asked.

"The usual mall stuff. Hit the arcade. Walked around. Bought a smoothie. Had an interesting encounter with some guy in the john."

"Ah, the john. Some of my best stories take place in there," Jon said.

Ryan gave Jon an odd look. "I'm sure they'll keep until forever, so don't share them."

Jon sighed. "You're no fun, Ryan. I wasn't going to tell you anything too horrible. Just stories from my misspent youth."

"You're still in your misspent youth, Smart One. Just because you were born a year before me doesn't make you all wise and elderly."

"You wanna bet?" Jon ruffled Ryan's hair affectionately.

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Alright Old Man, what did you do that was so wonderful and daring in a john at the mall?"

"Well ,you know that shopping trip Cassie and I went on? To piss her off I stayed in there for a half hour, TPing the stalls. She thought I'd been kidnapped."

"That wasn't crazy and daring, that was retarded and immature."

"Possibly. But it was also awesome." Jon leaned back in his seat and stared into the air with a sense of nostalgia. "Ah, good times."

Brendon sat back in his seat and listened to the band make their usual banter. It was amazing that after being together so long they all still managed to have

so much to say. He would usually be leading the chatting, but he was sure as soon as he opened his mouth the sneezes he could feel building would come

out, and he didn’t want them to.

Being in the addled state he was, it took Brendon a few minutes to remember he was in the front. He could sneeze without anyone else realizing it. So he

pinched his nose to allow himself to sneeze completely stifled in the way he was very proud of being capable of.

"God bless you," the cabbie said.

Wow, how had he seen without taking his eyes off the road? "Thanks, but I didn’t sneeze," Brendon lied. "I was scratching my nose."

The cab driver nodded. "Sorry about that. Thought you allergies were acting up again." He turned into the hotel drop off and let them out.

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I've read this on your website all the way through. Love it. The group dynamic is killer.

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  • 1 month later...

Part 6

Brendon stretched and yawned, bringing sleepy tears to his already red eyes. "Well, I'm gonna hit the sack. Jon, if you're gonna be late, don't be loud, will


"Yeah, someone needs his beauty sleep." Spencer teased.

Brendon didn't turn around, not wanting to show his face, but he did raise his hand and middle finger over his head for the rest to see.

Brendon made good time getting to his room, and promptly collapsed on the bed. Then he realized he wasn’t getting up and would probably be much comfier

in his pajamas. Convincing himself to get up was not an easy task my any means, but when he was in his warmest sweats and under the covers it was

definitely worth it.

As Ryan slept, the rest of the guys were watching television in Ryan and Spencer’s room to let Brendon sleep. Meet The Parents was on, but only Spencer

was watching it. Ryan was attempting to write some songs for their next cd, and Jon was attempting to wow him with his magic tricks.

"Is this your card?"

Ryan looked up from his notebook. "Nope. That one isn’t my card either."

"Ok, just a minor setback." Jon held up another card. "Is this your card?"

"That’s the same card."

Jon huffed. "I swear you're cheating. I think this is your card and you don't want to admit how cool I am."

"That's why you ask him what card he had, then show him the card you pick up." Ryan reasoned, not looking up. "Otherwise he'll just lie to you."

Jon sighed. "Let's play a real game with the cards, shall we?" he was bored of magic anyway.

Ryan agreed. "Yeah, that way my best friend can't accuse me of cheating."

"He cheats at cards too, Jon. Don't trust him."

Spencer tossed an ice cube from his drink playfully at Ryan's head. "Glad I'm sitting on your bed, Spence. Otherwise, I'd have to sleep on a melted wet spot

later tonight."


Ryan chuckled, then dealt the cards from the deck Jon was using. "Poker good for everyone?"

Spencer shook his head. "You cheat at poker. We’ve been over this."

"I don’t cheat."

"I want to play euchre," Spencer decided.

"You and your invisible partner?" Jon confirmed. "Euchre is for four people, there’s only three of us."

"We could get Brendon," Spencer suggested.

"I think we should let him sleep. He looked pretty rough today."

"Did he?" Ryan asked. "I didn’t notice. What do you mean?"

"I don’t know, just bad. The sooner we get out of this allergy death trap the better."

Ryan nodded. "I guess now that you mention it, he did sound pretty bad in the cab today. Stuffy, you know. I wonder what the hell got his allergies up so


Spencer shrugged. "Could be the stuff they clean with or something like that. Remember the time we were cleaning the bus with that new dusting stuff you

picked up, Ry? I thought he'd never stop sneezing."

Ryan nodded. "Yeah, I was actually pretty worried there, for a little bit. He was having a hard time breathing after a while."

"If you sneezed that many times in a row, you would too." He took the cards from Jon's hands and started to shuffle them. "So, what's the game?"

Jon shrugged. "Name one game that only needs three people."

Ryan gave him a pointed look. "Poker."

Spencer sighed and relented. "Fine, we’ll play poker. But Jon make sure you watch him."

"Will do," Jon promised. "Hey, why don’t we play strip poker?"

"Why would we do that?"

Jon shrugged. "I don’t know. I just usually play strip poker."

"And do you usually play this with girls, or a bunch of guys?"

"This is a very good point," Jon chuckled. He didn’t mention strip poker again, and they played for a solid three hours. By the end, Jon and Spencer were

digging pennies out of their pockets.

"I told you he cheats," Spencer scowled.

"I don’t cheat. I just win." Ryan checked the clock. "It’s getting late. Or early, whatever. We should all go to bed."

Spencer nodded. "Yeah, we want to be at our best tomorrow." he just hoped Brendon would be at his best tomorrow, too. He stood up and found a pair of

lounge pants and an old, comfortable tee-shirt. "Night Jon."

Ryan ducked into the bathroom first, leaving Spencer to change in the big room. When he came out and settled on the bed that hadn't been dampened by the

ice cube. Spencer made the mess, he could stay there.

Meanwhile Jon went into the room he shared with Brendon and turned on the bedside lamp, rather than the overhead light, so that Brendon could stay asleep.

He glanced over at his room mate and bit his lip. Brendon looked terrible, there was no other word for it. He agreed with Spencer. They needed to get out of

the hotel soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Chapter 7

Morning came way too early, at least as far as Jon was concerned. The wake-up call came at seven AM as usual, but he hadn’t gone to bed until two. He pulled himself out of bed and yawned, glancing over at Brendon’s bed to see if the ringing phone had woken him or Jon needed to. He seemed to remember owing Brendon a wake-up by pillow. But Brendon wasn’t there. Jon guessed he had woken up already and was somewhere else in the hotel. Good for him, because it meant he got first dibs on the shower.

He let the hot water wake him up, got dressed, and went back in the room to let Brendon get the bathroom so they could get out on time. But Brendon still

wasn’t in the room, and Jon hoped he wasn’t going to make them late again.

Brendon was sitting sat at a table in the dinning room sipping a very hot cup of coffee and letting the steam work on his stuffy nose. His head was throbbing

mercilessly and he felt as though he had fifty pound weights tied onto his feet. He tilted his head back and sighed quietly, wishing his cold was over and done

with, rather than just starting. He coughed and set his coffee down before putting his head on the table. It wasn't exactly comfortable, but he felt as though

he could fall asleep right then and there.

The need to sneeze jerked him out of his almost sleep and he rubbed at his nose to keep from allowing that to happen. He grabbed a napkin from the holder

and blew his nose softly. That proved to be a mistake, seeing how it wanted to run now and keep running. He dabbed at it, feeling irritable, sick and very


His cell phone chose that moment to ring shrilly, causing the pain in his head to immediately get worse. The guys had always been on his case about being

boring and how he should get a cool song for a ring tone instead of the stupid ring. He really wished he had, something low and mellow. He flipped it open

and held it to his ear. "Hello?"

"Hey, it’s Jon. Guess where I am?"

Brendon didn’t feel like guessing. "Where?"

"Our room. Guess where you’re not?"

"Our room?"

"Bingo. Where the hell are you?"

Brendon cleared his throat before answering. "Just in the dining room. I couldn’t sleep so I decided to get some coffee. I can come back now if you want."

Jon laughed quietly. "So long as you don't make us late for the shoot you can be where ever the hell you want to be. You sound tired, by the way. You


"Yeah." Brendon sniffled and rubbed at his nose with a napkin, wincing at how very rough it was. "Allergies. Kept me up all night, you know the drill. I'll be

good as soon as I'm out in fresh air."

Jon sighed loudly. "You ever think about stronger meds for those, Dude?"

"Meds don't help all that much, actually. They just drag me down more. It's the creator’s secret. They just make you so tired you can't sneeze."

Jon laughed. "That's one way to look at it, I guess."

Brendon said goodbye and hung up the phone, staring at it tiredly in his hand. ‘You sound tired’ was just code for ‘you sound like crap’, and if he sounded like

crap after being awake for an hour, he was going to sound absolutely horrible when his cold had had a chance to settle in for the day. The music video was

going to suck. There was only so much makeup he could wear to try to mask it, and there was nothing he could do about his voice.

The little nagging voice in the back of his head was telling him he was a moron. "Just tell them you idiot," it said. "You’re not going to get better running

around like nothing’s wrong and not doing anything to actually get better."

He pushed the voice back into silence and stood up dizzily. He could totally do this. Just a little positive thinking, how hard was that? He could go fudge his

way through the shoot, with the motivation of crashing in bed later.

With those thoughts on his mind, he went up to the room to "gather" his shit together. All he really needed to do was stuff his toiletries in his bag and leave,

but as horrible as he felt, that could take forever.

After Jon hung up the phone, he looked around the room and made sure he had everything. He frowned when he spotted Brendon's shirt from the night

before crumpled up in a heap, rather than folded neatly and placed in his suitcase. "Damn, he must really be foggy." He muttered and started to pick up the

shirt. He kicked around the idea of leaving it on the floor and embarrassing the owner, but figured Brendon felt crappy enough as it was. He folded it and set

it on the bed, not knowing if Brendon organized the case by color or what.

When Brendon got to his room a minute later, he felt ready to fall back asleep. There was no way a cold could knock him on his butt like this. He had to be

dying. There was no question about it. He had the bubonic plague or consumption or something, but not some little virus.

"My shirt is on the bed." He voiced this observance out loud, but it still didn’t click in his head for a good thirty seconds. He dropped it in his bag, and knocked

on the bathroom door. "Jon? Can I just grab my stuff?"

Jon pulled open the door with a toothbrush in his mouth and shaving cream all over his face. "Sure thing, come on in," he mumbled, spraying Brendon with

bits of toothpaste.

Brendon gave him a dirty look, but didn't say anything to him, for fear of Jon replying and causing more toothpaste to go flying. He grabbed his toothbrush, deodorant and comb and placed them in his toiletries case, which he took with him and put in his suitcase.

Brendon sat down on his bed and put his head in his hands. it wasn't the best thing to do, as it made his nose run, but it felt better than holding it up. He

sniffled, trying to stop the inevitable, but ended up needing a tissue anyway. He reached out and grabbed one, wiping his dripping nose several times before

finally blowing it.

Jon walked out of the bathroom in time to watch him. He debated with himself for a second before going to Brendon and resting a hand on his back. "Damn,

they're really working you over, aren't they?" There was no teasing note in his voice now, only concern for his friend.

Brendon looked up and met Jon’s worried eyes with his watery eyes, and felt an overwhelming desire to tell Jon the truth and get it over with. As it was, he

couldn’t hide it worth damn anymore anyway. He just lied and said it was allergies, but he was still sick enough for everyone to see it and hear it.

Plus, maybe if he told Jon he’d know of some way to help him feel better. Obviously, rest was out of the question as they had the shoot today and the concert

tomorrow, but maybe he was hiding some good drugs. Or a secret family cure for a cold.

As he opened his mouth to tell Jon, the older man noticed the digital clock on the small set of drawers between the beds. "Crap! We should have been down

there two minutes ago. Come on."

Brendon groaned and got up, trudging after Jon slowly, suitcase in hand. He stopped and sneezed into his shoulder a couple times, sniffling quietly.

Jon turned his head toward him. "You gonna live, Bren?" The teasing air was back, but lacked the baiting that came with it.

"Yeah, I'll live, unfortunately." It was easier to play along than to tell him what was going on, Brendon decided. At least, for the time being.

Ryan and Spencer were leaning against the bus, waiting for the other two before they got on board. Ryan smiled at Jon mockingly. "Maybe you shouldn't

room with Brendon any more after all. You're picking up his bad habits.."

Spencer tugged on Ryan's arm. "Come on, we're late."

The musicians ran on the bus, earning scathing looks from Neil in the drivers seat. he gripped the steering wheel with startling strength, and they all hurried

past him as quickly as they could. Brendon headed straight for his bunk, while Ryan stretched out on the couch and Jon and Spencer picked up right where

they had left off.

"You’re going down," Jon declared, plugging in the game system and putting in a game he grabbed blindly from the box. It didn’t matter what they played, so

long as he beat Spencer at it. And seeing as he had an equally bad chance of winning on everything, he had nothing to gain by carefully picking one out.

Pen and notebook in hand, Ryan tried to put new lyrics on paper. Their new album was supposed to start production soon and they had a total of one song

written. The words weren’t coming to him like he hoped they would, and he chalked it up to too much stress and not enough rest.

Brendon closed his eyes, hoping a little nap would help him, but was beyond the point of believing it would. He sniffled and blew his nose again, then started

to sneeze. He buried his face in his pillow, hoping they weren't too loud, but didn't honestly care.

Ryan was chewing on the tip of his pen when he heard Brendon sneezing. He sighed and closed his eyes. "Damn, I thought he'd be better when we left that

allergy trap of a hotel."

Spencer snorted. "Contrary to what the cartoons of our youth told us, allergies don't magically disappear as soon as the thing that was causing them goes

away. It takes a little while."

"How long is a while? We have to film Build God Then We’ll Talk, and if he randomly starts sneezing we may have a problem."

"I don’t know. A while." Spencer held up his watch. "We can time it if you want. Start now and stop when he stops sneezing."

"That’s not funny."

Spencer chuckled. "It’s kind of funny."

"No dork, it’s not funny."

"Fine. It’s not funny. But we’ll close all the windows at the shoot and make him stick his head in a bowl of hot water. It’ll all work out."

Ryan gave him a weird look. "Why are we going to drown him?"

Spencer gave him a look that clearly said he was talking to a three year old. "That’s how get rid of congestion and not sound stuffy."

Ryan cracked up. "You stick your head over a bowl of hot water, not in it."

Jon laughed quietly. "At any rate, does it really matter how the guy sounds? it's not like he's gonna really be singing. he lip synchs."

Ryan shrugged. "Still, it's not a bad idea. I mean, the congestion also drags him down quite a bit."

Spencer was filling a bowl and sticking it in the microwave as they spoke. "Besides, he's hard to understand when he's all stopped up like this. We have to

talk to him during filming."

"You're not going to try it now, are you? He'll scald himself if we go over a large bump." Ryan returned the "talking to a three year old" look.

Spencer laughed, dumping it out. Oh, yeah. Better wait on that."

"Good plan," Ryan commended, chewing on the end of his pen. "Hey, what do you think of a sweet guitar run being chased by bass?"

"I think we can work on that after we get some lyrics," Spencer replied as he stuck the bowl in the shelf again. "Stuck?"

Ryan nodded. "Stuck. Writing is a lot harder then it looks."

"I know. All that pen moving across the paper action, very difficult."

"I mean writing good dolt."

Spencer plopped down on the couch next to his friend and gave him a hearty slap on the back. "I know. I was just teasing you."

"Well I really don’t want to be teased right now, I’m trying to write."

"Ryan, relax. You’re a great songwriter and whatever you come up with will be brilliant."

Ryan sighed. "Don't flatter me, I can see right through you." He chewed on the tip of his pen thoughtfully.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Oh no. I don't see anymore parts to this story!

Where's the rest?

It's so good!!!

I like stories where there's romance and guy sick, girl taking care of guy, or other way around, but this one's really good. Well written, good dialogue. I have never heard this band at all, and I don't know if I'd like them, but I definitely want more of this story.

I read something about a website with the rest?

*looks around hopefully*

I vote for more sniffling, and stuffed-up voice, and caretaking!

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  • 2 months later...

I read the rest of this on your website, but is there still more? It sounds sorta unfinished...

it's a wonderful fanfic anyhow :D teenage boys are hilarious XD

and since I was the one who bumped this back up, I'll share the link to her site where the rest is:


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Thank you! This story is actually what got me hooked on Panic! And what gave me my HUUUUUUGE crush on Brendon! He is sooo hot! Did anyone see his New Years Resolution? He started talking with an accent, and said his resolution was to stay healthy :laugh::D Yeah, like that will ever happen Brendon! There's also a video where he says that the whole band's sick while they're on stage! No sneezing though unfortunatly.

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  • 11 months later...

Oh my god thank you person who bumped this! This was a VERY awesome fanfiction :D One of the BEST i've ever read! Ugh this fanfiction is the end of me..im in love <3 I fricken love brenden and Panic! at the disco :D great job <3

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 7 years later...

I just found this and I literally have to read the rest of it.  If anyone has a link to where it might possibly be now please share it with me!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I second that! I would really love to read some more. Just got into Brendon Urie and this story is absolutely what I was craving for. I know it's been like 10 years since this was last updated, but hoping doesn't hurt, does it?

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  • 2 years later...

I know it’s been like 15 years since this was originally posted, but I just finished reading it for probably the 10th time and I just absolutely have to know how it ends.  Does anyone know where I could find it?

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  • 10 months later...

Hey I’m just now reading this as I am a big panic fan and I’m wondering if some of the ordinal posters on this thread, even the author could answer some old panic questions for me. 

first the link to the rest of the story is broken and I was wondering if there is in fact an end to this sorry. I very much enjoyed it. 

also, is/was Brendon this much of a diva or is that completely made up for the story? I feel like now he’s more charming and very nice to everyone. Did the original members of panic not get along together? I came into panic around 2014 so I don’t know anything before that. 

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