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Sneeze Fetish Forum


Da Greenz Yo

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So tonight I went to a concert. It was pretty lame so I mainly stayed outside in the parking lot with a bunch of friends. We were lighting incense and stuff, and it was pretty cool. So this guy started rubbing his nose a lot and he was sniffling like crazy. He sneezed two soft heshoo's and I just about died :)

So a little later, I was leaning against him, just being stupid and flirty :rolleyes: and then his breath started hitching. This time the sneeze sounded like HUCHIAHHH! and...I felt him shudder and...laerjhlkaejrlhkj :)

He said, "Damn allergies. Incense always does this to me."

I was all like awww poor thing :nohappy:

haha :omg:

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Yeah, poor thing! How cool was that to feel him shudder when he sneezed? Nice observation!! Thanks! :)

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OMG le delight! :blink: Allergic to incense... that's just... ROWRRR. When you hang out with him again.... will you have it at hand? :)

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OMG le delight! :twisted: Allergic to incense... that's just... ROWRRR. When you hang out with him again.... will you have it at hand? :laugh:

oh yes, of course! :unsure:

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