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Spending the night on a dare <-- CRAP TITLE O_O;

Teh Ninjin

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I wrote this for Glowie, because I wanted to. I haven't written fic-ness in a while, and she wanted South Park. So I made a skip to like their Sophomore year, and... like added some fluffy slash. Just how she wanted it. I hope you like it, dear <3



The silence was cut but a sneeze that seemed most eruptive. Up in the clubhouse of Stanley Marsh, two boys were sitting, trying to sleep. They’d been dared by that no good fatass.

Dead of winter, and the rain had finally stopped falling. A redheaded boy snuggled up close to his dark haired companion. Kyle Brovlovski was his name. And he was shivering.

“H-huh?” Stan’s cobalt eyes darted open. He was half asleep anyways. The sound of Kyle’s sneeze had pretty much jolted him from his dream. Good thing too. Wendy was chasing him. She was just starting to scare him. He was sixteen, and he feared a chick. “Dude…” he groaned sleepily and stretched his legs covered in dark green flannel pants. A white baggy shirt draped over his lean frame.

“You okay?”

With a sniffle, the Jewish boy replied with a quiet, “Yeah…j-just a little cold..”

Kyle was so cute. He couldn’t help but think it. Cuddled up next to him so…it was almost—OH. Stan immediately recoiled. He was not gay! Or… well. Maybe just a little curious. Wendy had kind of scared the teenage lust for a chick away from him.

“Dude, if your not feeling well, we can call it off…”

“And give fatass the satisfa---ahh—‘PSTCHHH!” a hand glided past his nose.

“Bless you….” His dark brows were crinkled in worry, hand sliding up the boy’s arm to feel his cheek. His cheek was soft. And warm. The darkness gave a gray tint to the rosy hue it possessed.

“Thanks---hey. I said I’m okay, Stan…” he turned his head away and muffled a small series of coughs.

The Marsh boy shifted positions and sat cross-legged, leaning forward and observing him. Did he really think he could pull off hiding this? “Come on….” His arms outstretched and tugged gently at his shoulders, and Kyle’s hazel eyes widened. The tint on his cheeks was now a small blush.

It was scribbled messily across his pale face when he felt himself powerless against his friend’s arms. He was being reeled in. His back was against Stan’s chest. He was denying the fact he was sick, and he felt awkward in this position. But for some reason, he didn’t want to pull away.

“Hnnn…” he nestled his cheek against his shirt, and felt Stan’s cool hand stamp against his forehead, and lift up and back to tame his locks back.

“Kyle…” he grimaced slightly. “Your burning up…”

The boy in his dark gray sweat pants narrowed his eyes. “Stan…how many times… I—uh…g’huh..”

Stan shook his head. He knew well enough what was coming.

A sneeze. Wait. No? Two. Three? Four? Holy crap. FIVE.

“Bless..you…Kyle we should— ”


“A-Are you--”

“Yes….” The red headed male gave a weak cough. His voice was dripping with a syrupy tone, and a congested one accompanied it.

“All right…” he stroked the boy’s head and smiled softly. This actually wasn’t so bad. It was cold as hell…but he at least felt Kyle’s body stop rattling so violently. So he pulled him up close brushed his vibrant tresses from those golden-green eyes.

“Stan…what’re y— ”

Before Kyle could finish his sentence, Stan’s lips were pressed against his. Kyle’s eyes rolled back.He felt hotter. Not from fever, but from embarrassment. What on earth was he doing? As much as the Jewish boy wanted to fight him, he felt weak, from sickness, and because he was enjoying it.

A smile curved on the lips embraced by his companion’s. But the impending tickle that was building in his nose caused his cheeks to really burn with embarrassment. Why wouldn’t it leave him alone? His nostrils flared softly, and he shoved Stan away, his head whipping to the side. “Ha—Ha’Eekstchhhh! K’STCHHHH! H-Hu’STCHH! H—aeeex’tchhh!

Stan’s hands gently pulled him back in. “Bless you….” He stretched his words softly in his ear. Almost like a low humane purr. It made Kyle blush.

Marsh shifted himself to lay down and he twisted so that he could spoon with his under the weather friend, hugging him in tight. “Try and get some sleep, okay?” his hand gently ruffled his hair.

Kyle smiled softly and rolled over, pressing his head into Stan’s chest. “…Okay….” He breathed softly, with a yawn and a quiet sniffle.

With all that just happened, Stanley couldn’t help but wonder… maybe Wendy wasn’t for him. He pulled Kyle in tight and draped his leg over the sick boy’s thigh and pressed his lips in a gentle peck on the nape of his neck.

( to be continued. )

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I have to seriously fix this. Because the text is all fudged up Dx

Will some nice person please help me by taking the original text and editing my---

Aku! Oh, Akutenshi! Could you help me?

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Hey babe!

That problem is easily fixed because it happens to me ALL the time! The fastest way to fix it is to just delete the whole fic bit and repaste it in there, but use the "Full Edit" function. Don't use "Quick Edit" because THAT is what screws up your quotes in the first place.

It would take me a long time to go and fix everything manually by myself, so if you do it this way, all you have to do is re-italicize your sounds and you're done! :unsure:


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D: Stupid encoding. I put my browser on "unicode" and that seemed to fix it. Then again, I'm just impatient. XD

Awww, what the cutness? I won't lie, I've seen some hot fanart of the SP-boys and loved them much. (I won't ever deny my crush on Cartman. XD!) Anyway, AWWWW! This was so adorable fluffy cuteness!! I <3 your writing, and <3333 you like crazy!

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Oh my god, Aku thanks so much for telling me <--too stupid to guess that on her own.

I love juu for that <3<3<3<3

and...and Kisa? Thanks so much for commenting my story. <3 I'm glad you like it. and I love your writing and love YOU like crazy too <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gah! *dies of happiness*

I've been away at work for two weeks, and then my boyfriend (whose cute allergies I never got to observe) broke up with me, so I come here looking for a bit of distraction.... and I find this little gem!

Thank you thank you thank you for taking up my little request!! I love it, it's exactly the sort of thing I was hoping for.

*massive virtual hugs* :wub:

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Well, I'm sorry he broke up with you babe. He doesn't know what he's missing. Of course. I don't know you, really, but what I do know, I like <3

and I surely love the fact that this made you happy. because that makes me happy...in this..early time of morning XD

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!!GAH!! This is...this is so HOT! *splodes* Ow >.<*

I wish the show was more like this! Seriously, you took my 2 favourite characters from SP and made them seem so CUTE ( I usually just wanna squeeze them because they are funny, but now I have such firey hot thoughts in my head about those two!)

Funny, when I read this fic, it makes me think of them as anime teens :D Maybe I should draw that...

I will never watch the show the same again :D

Can't wait for more!

A sneeze. Wait. No? Two. Three? Four? Holy crap. FIVE.

That, by the way, is pure genius :(

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!!GAH!! This is...this is so HOT! *splodes* Ow >.<*

I wish the show was more like this! Seriously, you took my 2 favourite characters from SP and made them seem so CUTE ( I usually just wanna squeeze them because they are funny, but now I have such firey hot thoughts in my head about those two!)

Funny, when I read this fic, it makes me think of them as anime teens :D Maybe I should draw that...

I will never watch the show the same again :nohappy:

Can't wait for more!

A sneeze. Wait. No? Two. Three? Four? Holy crap. FIVE.

That, by the way, is pure genius :(

Yeah, I love fandom Kyle and Stan even more than I like them on the show (and even then I think they're amazingly cute a lot of the time. Especially their friendshippy moments). That's why I put this request out. I'm so lucky to have it honoured!

And I totally agree with you about the bit you quoted. I loved that too. :D

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