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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Work observation

Guest lilly munster

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Guest lilly munster

A girl i work with is always talking about her allergies. the one symptom she really gets is sneezes.

the other day, we were sitting at lunch and she kept trying to sneeze huh..heeehh...iiih... and nothing. so we continue to talk about office gossip and eat. she is talking about her husband when she suddenly goes slack jawed. hah!...ahh...ah... and she has the presneeze face plastered on. her chest is hitching and her nostrils are flared, but as suddenly as it started, everything returns to normal and she goes right back to talking. she was starting to get annoyed and i was starting to squirm. we end up finishing lunch at the cafe without any sneezes and it is time to head back to the office. we step outside and as soon as the sun hits her....

hiii...hiiiieeeehhh. hichooo!!

she had to stop walking as the sneeze made her bend at the waist from force. she was relieve that it had finally came out and was very happy and bouncy. she said that after wanting to sneeze for so long, that one sneeze had made her day!

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Sounds like the ideal sneeze; talking about it before and after, really long buildups , flary nostrils and a big sneeze. And she enjoyed it!

And welcome to the forum.

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So not only does she have allergies, but she also photic apparently. Okay...... :innocent:


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