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"The Rain" ~HP - (7 Parts)


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wooops...accidentally posted this 3 times, when my computer wasnt responding...or at least didn't seem to be. I don't know how to delete posts, so I'm just editing this is instead...hehe soooorry

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Hehe, how come the only HP fics I ever like are sneezefics starring Harry? Lol, oh yeah, because sick, sneezy Harry is YUMMY!

I'm liking this. And I don't even mind the Harry/Ginny (which I don't like in the books).

Thanks, hope there's more soon. :rolleyes:

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Thanks so much for the compliments, guys! And thanks in general to anyone who takes their time to read this. :)

So, getting right to the point, here's the next bit. Let me know if you like it, and there'll prolly be one last chapter after this. Thanks again, and happy reading!

Falling, blind and numb, Harry was sure he was about to die. His eyes were squeezed shut as he twisted this way and that, flailing his arms instinctively through the air in one last, vain attempt at salvation. He'd been falling forever, through the icy cold and towards the hard, wet ground, not in a graceful arch, but in a desperate, thrashing bulk of robes.

Harry's palm hit something cool, something wooden. His hand reflexively grasped the broom-handle as his descent came to a sudden, jerking halt. The person upon the broom must have seen him coming and braced themselves for, though his weight rocked them back and forth for a moment, they remained airborne, safe.

His eyes shot open at last, desperate to gain some awareness of where he was. He caught a flash of red hair as his gaze shifted upward, where he saw something else hurtling toward him, falling along the same clumsy path that he himself had so unwillingly followed. All at once, the reflexes which had failed him all practice became active once more, just in time for him to stretch forward, and catch his own broom as it plummeted past him.

He hung there for a brief moment as the adrenaline pumping through his veins dried up. His brain was hazy and slow, as though the rain had seeped inside his skull, and he was dully aware of the rest of the team staring, flying forward to assure that their captain was indeed alright.

Shaking from head to foot, Harry mounted is broom with care. Finally, he turned to look at Ginny, who was pale and stricken. There were tears stuck in her wide, terrified eyes.

Harry opened his mouth, but speech would not come. He swallowed, wincing at the pain of his swollen throat, and tried again, "Thank you...you, er...you saved my life."

Ginny shook her head, "I just happened to be there. It was a miracle really," her voice was shaking, "God, you scared me, Harry. I thought...."

She broke off, averting her eyes. A tear rolled down her pale cheek, free at last. He wanted so badly to reach out and wipe it away, but she got there first. He looked away as a rush of guilt surged through him. He hated the thought of Ginny crying because of him.

"I'm...I'm sorry," he stammered. All of his symptoms seemed to be slowly settling upon him again, as the excitement from his fall began to fade. He dragged a hand below his nose, sniffling liquidly against a building tickle. He was shivering again.

"Bloody Hell, Harry," Ron's voice shot through Harry's thoughts. The rest of the team had grouped around him, staring openly with expressions of mingled relief and horror, "Are you alright, mate? That was horrific. I thought for sure you were a goner."

Harry's voice trembled, "I'm...fi- Heh...Heh-Ishoo!," he shook his head, and gave a harsh sniff, "I'm fine," he finished.

"Hey Ginny," someone else cried out, "What's that in your hand?"

Their eyes all shifted at once to look towards Ginny's right hand, which was clenched around something small, round, and...golden? She threw Harry an apologetic glance as she held the snitch up for the crowd to see, "I'm so sorry," she said to him, "but it was just there. I grabbed it before I could stop myself."

Harry almost laughed with relief, "That's brilliant, Ginny," he turned to address the team as a whole, "That's it team. Practice is over! Go ahead and get changed and out of this bloody rain!"

There was a series of overjoyed whoops from the group, and plenty of well wishes and pats on the back for Harry, and then they were gone, rushing for the comfort of the dry locker room. Only Ron stayed behind as he and Harry touched down upon the soggy earth.

"Are you sure you're okay, Harry?" Ron was eying him warily, "I mean, I'd be hysterical if something like that happened to me, you know...prolly piss my robes, to be honest."

"Well, it was just a tiny bit scary," Harry managed a sheepish grin, "but I'm alriii...bloody Hell, hang...on." Harry's voice trailed away.

He inhaled shakily, his face buried in the soaking elbow of his robes, "Hih-Tshoo!..."

He paused, keeping his back to Ron as he gasped again, "HUh-TShoo!...Heh-IH-tshoo!........IhTSHOO!"

Ron looked stunned, "Bless, mate."

"Thanks," Harry said, "sorr...Hih-TShoo!...sorry," he gave a small groan, rubbing his tired nose.

"Let's get you inside, Harry," Ron said, "Blimey...you know you look awful right?"

Harry only shrugged, glad of the distraction of packing the balls back into their case. When they were finished, Ron clapped a hand on Harry's back, and the two hurried off to change.

(TBC :wacko: )

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I really really really love this story and the way you write. :wub: I can't wait for more...does it have to end after one more chapter? :yes:

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I really really really love this story and the way you write. :wub: I can't wait for more...does it have to end after one more chapter? :yes:

I would also be happy to see more. Very nice.

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Guest lil angel

:twisted::winkkiss: awww yet another brilliant installment! i don't want it to end! :laugh: , but if it reeeeeely has to then i hope you start a new story soon because you're such a great writer and i cant wait to read more :omg:

xxxxxx :P xxxxxxx

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Aw, you guys are so nice to me! :cryhappy:

I finally finished it! Just in time too cuz I'm moving on Saturday and really, really have to start focusing on boring college stuff :rolleyes:

Soooo, without further ado, here it is, the final chapter of "The Rain"

REALLY hope ya like it!

Ron waited patiently near the door, looking politely distracted as Harry changed. The rest of the team had already gone, and the two were alone in the locker room. Harry was doing his best to ignore Ron’s occasional concerned glance, and trying to hurry. But he felt as though he was moving through quicksand; his limbs were heavy and his head was aching. He was at once hot and cold, feverish.


And then there was that, the persistent tickle teasing his nose and throat, flaring up with little warning. Harry ground his teeth in annoyance as he ran a hand under his nose in a rough, irritated gesture. He pulled his robes on over his head and sniffed hard against the building tickle, determined to resist it.

“Bless mate,” came a hesitant voice from across the room.

Harry turned to see Ron, brow furrowed, looking his way. Ron raised a hand to rub at the back of his neck, dragging his eyes toward the floor, “Look…” he began, but Harry interrupted him, turning to the side to cough into a fist. The sound was deep and wet, and made his chest ache.

“S-sorry,” he spluttered, voice cracking.

Ron dropped his hand, wincing, “Blimey Harry, that didn’t sound good at all,” he hesitated a moment, then continued, “Why didn’t you just tell me and Hermione that you were sick? We could have done something about practice, cancelled it even, and then,” Ron’s mouth twitched, “then maybe you wouldn’t be the walking essence of death that you are now.”

Harry rolled his eyes, sighing and scrubbing hard at his nose, where he could feel a sneeze lurking. He cleared his throat and met Ron’s worried gaze, “I’m really not as bad as I look,” Ron snorted and crossed his arms, “Right,” Harry muttered, defeated, “Well I just didn’t want to worry you two. I bring enough stress into your lives on a regular basis. Plus...I…” he broke off, waiting, feeling like an idiot for what must have been the millionth time that day, until it finally came, “Heh...HehIHTshoo!…IHShoo!...Heh-TSHOO!”

“Bless you.”

“Er...thanks. Anyway, I knew you were upset with me, and, well, I guess I was just worried that I would end up making things worse. And, look, I’m really sorry about wandering off last night without letting you know where I was going. I was being a git, I’m sorry….”

Harry broke off, unsure of what to say next. The silence hung in the air a moment as Harry fiddled with a loose thread on his sleeve. When he finally looked up to speak again, Ron was walking towards him, a soft but unreadable expression on his face.

He stopped a couple of feet away, and shook his head, “Nah, Harry, it was us, we overreacted. But none of it matters now, mate, because we’ve got to battle through that storm out there and get you to Madame Pomfrey. We’d better stop by the common room first, though; I’ll bet Hermione and Ginny are in a fair state over you. Come on,” and with that, he guided Harry out the door, and into the pouring rain once more.

* * * *

When they reached the great doors, Harry was a panting, trembling mess. The rain was falling harder than ever, and he was, once again, drenched. His robes clung stubbornly to his skin and his hair was plastered to his forehead and neck. Ron hefted the door open and they shot through, pausing on the other side to catch their breath.

“Bloody...Hell,” Ron gasped out, “I didn’t think it was possible. It’s worse than ever out there. Yuck,” he shook some of the moisture from his hair and clothes so that it puddled around his feet.

Harry leaned against the oak of the door and closed his eyes, trying not to let the sound of his own breath wheezing in and out bother him too much. It wasn’t easy. He was getting much worse, and the constant exposure to the freezing rain hadn’t done much to improve upon his condition. He coughed into his shoulder, harsh and grating, too tired to lift hand.

It must have sounded just as bad as it felt, for Ron cringed and said, “Alright, let’s go; you need to change.”

When Harry tottered slightly, Ron grasped his arm, steadying him.

“I’m fine,” Harry insisted, “Let’s go, it’s freezing.”

Moments later they burst through the entrance hole and into the crowded common room. Harry was about to head towards the boys’ dormitory when one bushy-haired indignant body shot out in front of him.

“Hermione...er...wha?” Harry stopped so fast that he nearly lost his balance. Where had she come from? And since when could she move so inhumanly fast?

Hermione’s eyes were ablaze with righteous fury, and her hands were set on her hips; she was the perfect picture of a parent about to scold a child. Harry cringed, and stepped backward as her gaze burned into his.

“Harry James Potter! Have you finally lost all care for your own health? First, you go out, of your own accord I might add, into the pouring rain last night, while knowing perfectly well that you were ill. Today,” she took a deep breath to refill her oxygen supply. Harry saw Ginny grimacing apologetically over her shoulder towards him as Hermione continued, “Today, you lie to Ron and I, and go out, once again, into the rain, when you could simply have cancelled practice and seen Madame Pomfrey. If you had actually thought all of this through, you would be better by now, instead of ten times worse. And YOU!” Hermione rounded on a terrified Ron, “You were with him all day, in the morning, at practice, and not once, did you think to-”


Hermione turned to look at him once more, while Harry recovered, sniffling.

“Sorry,” he muttered, and gave his nose a quick pinch to ward off the other sneezes that threatened to follow the first. He dropped his hands and looked up again, ready to endure whatever ranting Hermione might have ready for him, knowing full well that he deserved it. But something in her demeanor had softened, and her tense posture dissolved as she turned back to him.

“You’re really miserable, aren’t you?”

Harry only shrugged, but he didn’t need to answer. His appearance spoke for him; he was shivering and sniffling, and his face was pale, aside from the pink of his cheeks and nose.

“Of course he is.”

Ginny’s voice came bright and clear over the din of the crowded room, and Harry smiled as she stepped in front of Hermione and held out her hand for him to take, “So I think he should change and go straight to Madame Pomfrey. Come on Harry.”

Harry took her hand. It was small and warm in his, and somehow he suddenly felt that this cold wasn’t so bad, that he wanted to forget all about healing potions and think only of this girl beside him. Together they took the stairs to the dormitory, where Harry changed into warm, dry clothes and Ginny waited with her back to him.


“Bless You, Harry.”

“Thanks. You can turn around now,” he said thickly, managing a sheepish smile.

She moved to place a hand on his cheek, her eyes sparkling, “You know,” she said, barely more than a whisper, “You’re kinda cute when you’re sick...kind of...helpless”

Harry leaned into her cool touch, closing his eyes, “Really?” he asked doubtfully.

“Yep,” she was grinning now, “But you’re also burning up and need to get better. So, come on,” she kissed him on the forehead and bounded out of the room and down the stairs.

Harry, dazed in the aftermath of her kiss, lingered for a moment, looking blankly out the window and into the storm, listening to it’s drumming cadences upon the roof above.

“Coming, Harry?” he heard Ginny’s voice drift up to him.

“Yea, I’ll be right there!” he called.

He took one last look at the rain that pounded persistently against the glass, the same slightly dazed smile lingering on his lips. Cute, huh? There was a new spring to his step as he turned to follow her, happier than he’d been in days.



Thanks so much for reading guys! And don't worry. This is my first fic, but it's definitely not my last! :)

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Spectacular! I really enjoyed this :D The last paragraph was really adorable, as well ^_^ A lovely resolution! Good job :D

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:blush: The last bit.

Can't wait for more stories!

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  • 3 years later...

So....this feels awfully strange. :)

But I can't get Harry Potter out of my head lately, what with the final movie and everything.

I want to contribute, but I'm having a really hard time finding any alone time to write....

SO....I stumbled on this fic I wrote...AGES AGO....back in my youth hahaha

And I thought...it's so old it'd be practically new to lots of people here, so I might as well bring it back up to the surface.

Hope that's not too strange...reviving my own story haha.

ANYWAY.....Hope it's of some good to someone out there :bawl:

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You're reviving it? Really?? It's like all the holidays combined in a week!!! :laugh: Do you mean you're going to continue it? Cause I would definitely read more ;) I'm so happy, I haven't read many hp fics characterized half as well as yours and I'm loving Sick!Harry :wub: Yayyyy!!! Thanks for sharing :laugh:

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I just thought I'd bring it back from the dead for a bit as a contribution lol.

I probably won't continue this one, but I would love to start writing again...it's been a while.

I love HP fandoms, Suprnatural, Bones, Trueblood. So much to pick from!

Anyway, thanks so much for reading!

And, hopefully I'll write something new soon!

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Thanks for bumping this back up. I enjoyed reading it...again, I guess. It didn't sound all that familiar but I saw that I had let a little review on it years ago. ;)

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  • 2 years later...


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oh my god it's this fic again @Q@

i used to read this over and over back in the day

used to load up the forum on the wii and read it late at night

bcause it was so amazing

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