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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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Well, I'm a mad queer, but before I had relationships with people of the same sex, I still liked their sneezing. (No, it is not a slippery slope. I'm not going to go into the ways in which it's not, but I keep my private sexuality -- sneezing fetish included in that -- and my sexuality with other people pretty well separated most of the time.)

So, obviously, bring it on.

When I'm looking for something specific, I'm looking for something specific and everything else fades into the background. Sometimes one character's sneezing gets to me, and another's doesn't -- but it's as often that's because one character has allergies and the other one has a cold as it is because of a gender difference! And if I don't care for some of the context, I can ignore as I see fit. Or rather ignore everything else and read the description of the fit. Rather transparently freudian I am. Freakin' beer. =)

(In case it's not clear, I'd be SUPER happy to read stories with female sneezing. I tend to go through alternating week-long periods of being infatuated with each sex, anyhow.)

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LOL...Well I don't know how useful my opinion is because to be honest, I'll read your stories no matter what just because of how much I love your writing style, but I certainly don't think it would detract at all to have both gender sneezing in it.

So yes, in short, bring it on say I. :cryhappy:

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If there's an even amount of sneezes from both genders, I'll read. Obviously, if there's a million female sneezes and only a few male ones, I'll still read. The only kind of mixed fiction I won't read is one where I have to wade through a million male sneezes to find one female one. It's all preference though.

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Being only into male sneezing (to the point of squicking female sneezing), I'll usually avoid stories that contain both. I especially dislike the "switch" ending that some stories have (where a male character starts off sick, but at the end the female picks it up.)

Multiple characters sneezing in the same story, of any gender, is pretty tough... I like it more when there's a definite focus.

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If there's an even amount of sneezes from both genders, I'll read. Obviously, if there's a million female sneezes and only a few male ones, I'll still read. The only kind of mixed fiction I won't read is one where I have to wade through a million male sneezes to find one female one. It's all preference though.

I'd mostly go along with that; in fact it had never really occurred to me that people would object to both sex sneezing.

But there are lots of stories where both sexes sneezing is a positive advantage; say in very naughty stories with a lot of mutual sexual stuff and, as it were mutual sneezing to match; or indeed contagion stories, or just stories of couples sneezing together.

For example amongst the old Serotica stories, although I usually go for female first, one cn miss out on lots of really good stories if one doesn't sample "both/other". And I love it when several characters all sneeze.

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I know it's totally unhelpful, but for me, too, it depends a lot on the story and the characters.

Within reason, it's fine, but I just can't get into those gratuitous sneeze orgy stories. They're too much like regular gratuitous orgy porno, which I find totally unappealing.

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Well personally I stay away from stories that are heavy in male sneezing even though there are female sneezing in them as well. If i really feel like it I may skip through it to see if it is segmented so that the male sneezing constitutes one part and female sneezing another part but mostly I simply cannot stand reading/seeing/hearing males sneeze since that is a major turndown =)

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I know there are different points of view on such a thing, I can only speak for me. I know there are some people that find it deeply unpleasant to hear the sex to which they are not attracted (hows that for a wordy phrase?) sneeze. I don't really find it that repellant. I only like female sneezing in a fetish way in very certain circumstances but I don't feel the need to rip off my ears or claw out my eyes if I hear/see it. Even if it may not "do anything" for me, it doesn't put me off enjoying the rest of the story.

The same opinion actually goes for female-sneezing only stories with a really good plot. I can enjoy those for the plot even though the sneezes don't make anything "happen" for me fetish wise. But...that's not what you're asking so I shall shut up.

I don't know how helpful my answer is going to be because it's probably contrary to what the majority think...so why did I post it? Because I like the sound of my own typing... :D

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Thanks for your answers, everyone! :dead: I think I'll give this M/F thing a shot. :D I'm pretty sure I can balance it out between the two of them. Hell, I'll even START with HER, just for the guys who might want to read. :nosebleed:


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I heard this somewhere, and it may not be entirely true. But you know how a movie that shows a naked woman is rated R usually, while if it shows a naked man it's usually NC17? It's because woman are generally alright with seeing naked women, but men aren't okay with seeing naked men. Maybe this is the same thing.

And I agree with Liberty Belle, I don't even like it when more than one person is sneezing, regardless of gender.

But oh well. You aren't writing it for me, or any of us. If you want to make her sneeze, do it. It's your story, your muses. Have fun with it.

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I'm almost exclusivly interested in female sneezing, but I'll read a M/F as male sneezing does not necessarilty turn me off. In certain specific scenarios it can still turn me on. But if it's like 90% male sneezing, and a cold as opposed to allegries, and the female sneezing is just incidental, then I'll proably give up on it.

A couple of my fics are M/F, but they're really predominantly female.

(I write what I'd like to read, after all. :innocent:)

Usuyally when I've focused on males in my writing, it's when they're the fetishist rather than the sneezer.

(I also write what I know. :) )

So M/F won't scare me off, but I might lose interest if it's realy M/f.

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