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Doyle all sniffly (M)


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Hi guys! I haven't posted anything in a while, but Doyle was just begging me to draw him all miserable- like! I'm really proud of this one, it's the truest to how i see Doyle i think.



My GOD, why must you make me lose my damned SANITY on a regular basis by drawing Darkness so FREAKIN' HOT?!?! AAAAHHHH!!!

*FLAILS ABOUT like a pile of STUPID!!!*

You know I printed this out, hand-fasted myself to it and then performed massive "Rite of Spring" type things with it, yes?

This is my brain.

This is my brain on Darkness:



Wtf, I love you. You have NO IDEA how much you made my day with this piece. Seriously, whenever I thought I was going to crack, I thought of this and I could go on. OMG, FONDUE?!?!?!


Gah, Doyle.....:) JFLSDKFJDSLKFJ!



wtF gaspety GASP!!!

YAAAAALLLLRRGHH!!!!!! :sillybounce:

Holy shit you got his expression SPOT ON!! SPOT ON!!! WTF... :lol:



You are so talented you take my breath away, GF. Just. GUH :)

It's really stunning, is what i meant :rolleyes:

The eyes and brow in particular draw me in.

And HAH! I love the mug. :hug:


Oh wow! I love the drawing, thats awesome!!!


Oh. My. Gawdhhhh. !!!!!!!!! :lol:


This is too hot for words. Oh yes, you have a goooood reason to be proud. Dzzdzzzthh...

How the heck am I going to be able to study now?!

gehooh dfiisekh bmfeegh. Thank you, I'll go die again elsewhere.


Wow that's amazing. Nice torso and wonderful expression. And I laughed as I scrolled down and the mug appeared! :)


I... GUH! :lol:

OMG, he is so beautiful!! I'm such a sucker for teary eyes...oohh, I'm melting here in my chair... :hug:

Thank you so much for sharing!

(Aahahaha, love the mug! :) )


Owwww, Lord. That is INCREDIBLY CUTE, yarrr. I loooove the expression on his face - those eyes and brows are excellent. Mmmmmmmmm. Delicious. Mmmmm. Thanks for sharing it.


awe....thats just way too cute!! ^_^ you always do so great when you draw him.... :D he looks so pretty with his hair down, too....i love Doyle


Scrrrrgkjgfklj. *passes out*

GUH, it's just too undergarment-incinerating, flamingly CUTE for me to take. Auuugh. Just everything. His expression, the tears, and oooh, the hair. LOVE. :yes::cryhappy:


Aw, *HUGS YOU GUYS!* Thanks so much for all the lovely comments!

Oh, and incidentally, I love your sig. Jenova! >.< I'm so happy to see someone using a BLACK guy instead of an AFRICAN AMERICAN guy for Doyle! He's Scottish, people! LOL And those are good features for him too.

VoOs, I love your sig too- nice lines in that pic. :bleh:


so glad you like my sig.... :bleh: i love that pic of him...the guy playing him makes doyle look so sexy..like my one of frost too?


i must agree....he is absolutely wonderfully beautiful here.....i do think this is my favortie of all your Doyle hotnesses.....


Oh yes...that is gorgeous. I have to add myself to the list of people that were very amused when they scrolled down to the cup.

I really do love this guys ears.

Lovely work as ALWAYS!

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