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Sneeze Fetish Forum

2 Male Obs from work


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All right, so all week long, this cutie has been very entertaining with his cold. Eric didn't exactly dissappoint last night at work. I told one forum friend yesterday that I thought after being sick the beginning of the week, I wasn't sure if he'd be better last night when I saw him or not. Well, as soon as I heard him speak, I knew his cold had definitely taken a turn for the worse.

I htink there's another thread on here about the congested voice and how much of a turn on it is. Next to sneezing, the rough voice that comes with a cold makes me all :) ! And Eric definitely had that all night, plus a serious case of the sniffles. He was so super cute about it, too! He carried his box of tissues with him all night long. Big, 6'6" guy carrying a pink box of tissues, can you say *MELT*? I did, several times. Only, I was bummed because every other female working last night wanted to nurture Eric, and I was kind of irritated that I couldn't get close enough to him to comment or anything. So, I did the next best thing and called him. I told him how sexy his deep, congested voice was. He laughed and said, "I sure don't feel sexy!" I assured himit was, and that at least I was getting enjoyment out of his suffering. :twisted:

Later on, he was in the phone center, talking with our HR person, and as she walked out, I heard him sneeze. Only this time, it sounded muffled, and then I heard him blow his nose. I figured that he sneezed into the tissue. I tried to get his attention, but his mood had gone kind of sour by then, and I didn't want to joke with him anymore. It was still yummy, though!

The second observation was only heard, and from someone new. He is a dear friend, who knows all about this fetish. He's a guy I've worked with for many years now, but I've never seen him sneeze at work. Because he knows of my fetish, he has recorded some for me in the past on his phone, and let me listen. So, based on the fact that I have heard his sneezes before, and he's one of those guys where you can hear his "voice" in his sneeze, I could then pinpoint the obs I heard and who it was. I won't go into too much detail with this guy, because he does sometimes come here and read stuff. And I'm going to call him "T." :byewave:

T and I have had discussions in the past, about if he were to sneeze at work and whether or not he'd get blessed. I assured him that if I ever saw him sneeze at work that I would. I was over at the Pro-Desk, helping another associate with some special order merchandise, and this was near where T was working. While I was kind of zoning out, I heard a semi-loud, "Heh-chhuuh!" And being that I'd heard recordings, I knew it was T. So, I called him on his portable phone, and said, "So, should I say it?" He was confused at first, and I repeated the question. Then he said, "Oh, yes please!" I said, "Bless you." And he said, "Thank you!" Pretty cute!


Man, you're so lucky! I'd love to be around a guy who's all congested and sneezy. And T sounds super-cute, too. Great obs as always!




Big, 6'6" guy carrying a pink box of tissues, can you say *MELT*? I did, several times.

Didn't you mention this when you emailed me at work? I totally melted too! I wanted to write back and go lsadfjdsalfjlsdakfj at you, but Dan was all "blah blah blah wrong x 5..." And then I got all asldfkjldsafkjsda anyway, and I couldn't do anything. Shit! I forgot to PM you details! You were supposed to remind me! :baaa: I'll do that right now.

I wanted to write back and go lsadfjdsalfjlsdakfj at you, but Dan was all "blah blah blah wrong x 5..." And then I got all asldfkjldsafkjsda anyway, and I couldn't do anything. Shit! I forgot to PM you details! You were supposed to remind me! :laugh: I'll do that right now.

Yeah, woman, where's my details? Dan and the wrong day that made your day!!!! I hope you are writing me, right now! :baaa:

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