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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Two short observations


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So, today at school, this orange-haired guy sneezed. Twice. It was something like "EESSHOO! EESHOOO!"

Of course, I turned around to see, and one of my friends (who knows about me and the fetish) said "Yeah, Amanda's distracted again."

And then he mentioned that he was a "very sneezy sneezer." That's my secret nickname for him now, Sneezy Sneezer.

Now for my second ob. This one was from last year, so I don't have the best memory of it, but anyway:

There was this guy who I knew and was my friend (he moved and never calls or emails, it's sad) and he's got seasonal allergies.

It was springtime.

So, all of a sudden, in class, he goes "HUH-SHOO!" and I was like :drool:

And he kept sneezing eight times in a row. (yeah, I counted :surrender:) I was extremely uncomfortable, due to the fact that he was drawing lots of attention. I tried not to look like I cared, though.

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Nice obsides. It can be very hard to hold one's nerve during a lovely multiple fit of eight or so, can't it. I think you just have to remmeber that the sneezer is drawing attention to himself and away from you, so in fact it's very unlikely that anyone will notice your reaction. Unless they know, I suppose....

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Nice observation, eight in a row... :D They both sound lovely though.

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