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Sneeze Fetish Forum

female at work


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well i was not looking forward to work today, as the last two days have been busy. today of my female co-workers, L, was sniffling when she came in. she is very prone to colds as this is her fourth of the winter. she continued to sniffle and cough. i asked her if she was alright and she replied miserably that she had a cold. and she continued to sniffle away. later i was walking behind her and she turned her head and sneezed on my arm, but it was stiffled a bit. i have read that a lot of people on this forum turned on by being sneezed on and i thought it was a bit odd. truthfully though i was kind of turned on by it. (you guys are bad influences :D ) later she sneezed this time and like the first time it was stiffled. i was in another room later she sneezed alot a bit HHHHiiiiiiitttttttt CHUW!!!!!! all throughout the day she continued to sniffle but no more sneezing.

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