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female in class with a cold


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Yesterday i had an early morning class. One girl, K, sits two seats in front of me was a little late to class. She came in through the door and sat down as usual. She then took off her glasses and started digging around in her purse. K pulled out a tissue and blew her nose. :eek: She put her glasses back and class went back on as usual. Then about five minutes later she started sniffling and quickly removed another tissue from her purse and let out a juicy sneeze, Hiiitttt chu, into the tissue. She then blew her nose again. A couple of seconds later she let out another sneeze. Again into the tissue and she blew her nose again. :omg: After that she was continously sniffling throughout the rest of the class. She continued to repeatedly sneeze and blew her nose (i lost track of how many times she did this). At this point, i have no idea what else is going on in the class. At the end of the class, she takes her time getting and as i walk by her desk i see the top of the desk covered with tissues. Man she had a really bad cold, snotty and sneezy.

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oh god. this is marvelous!!!

lucky you!! even if in my head I'm re-writing your obs in male key but anyways... NICE OBS!! :omg::eek:

Edited by Lynne
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This is more or less my favourite scenario - continual cold sneezes over an extended period! It must have been hard to sit still!

Thanks for that.

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tell me about it! she just kept on going and i was in dream land. i have class again with her tomorrow so i can't wait. :eek:

Edited by Lynne
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wow excellent obs...takes me back to my the good ole days in school. (THIS MAY SOUND A LITTLE GROSS TO SOME) I can remember several sneezy nose blowing girls who either ended class with a pile of sneezed in tissues, that I snuck back into the classroom to retrieve from the trash can....for further enjoyment of course.....LOL

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you mean she didn't even clean up after herself? Am I the only one grossed out by the thought of having to clean up somebody else's used tissues? When I worked retail, I used to refuse if someone tried to hand me one to throw away.

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wow excellent obs...takes me back to my the good ole days in school. (THIS MAY SOUND A LITTLE GROSS TO SOME) I can remember several sneezy nose blowing girls who either ended class with a pile of sneezed in tissues, that I snuck back into the classroom to retrieve from the trash can....for further enjoyment of course.....LOL

A little gross? Sounds more like heaven to me as I had a similar practice going as far back as Grade 6. :blink::blushing:

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