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Sneeze Fetish Forum

top 10 fetishes from Body Philosophy


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Apologies if this has been linked before


~ mod note: Emetophilia content begins at 02:25 mark, ends at 3:01 -- please note, there is NOTHING graphic at all, just a doll positioned to be bent over a toilet. SLightly more disturbing is the segment immediately following on self-cannibalism, which ends at 3:36.

Edited by Lynne
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First of all, this needs an emetophobe warning: a lot of people here (no, I don't know why) are emetophobic, and there is discussion (I don't know how much since I covered my eyes and ears for the segment) of emetophilia (the opposite) in this piece.

Second of all...well, that was rude! Not just to sneeze fetishists, although it was ruder to us than to most of the other groups, since most of the others were either CLEARLY psychiatric disorders and/or ILLEGAL, but to all of the people it portrayed. Who gave whoever made that video the right to tell me what is and is not normal about what turns me on? Personally, I think it's a little weird the obsession some men have with women's breasts: they don't really do much, and are, at their core, made for BABIES, not sex. However, the mainstream has deemed breast fetishism so common that it isn't even considered a fetish (which, by the way, it is: according to dictionary.com, a "fetish" is defined as "any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation"). Fine. The last time I pandered to the mainstream, I was 14 and in love with a boy-band. So yeah, I'm not really considering whoever the hell made this vid to be an authority on anything pertaining to me.

Also, out of curiosity? Since I don't want to watch the video again, can anyone tell me: was whoever made the vid anybody (I mean, anybody scientific or whatever)? Or was it just a visual version of the whole...oh, whatever that site was called? Something Stupid or something like that? Only because even though the definitions were accurate, any legitimate science group should have known better than to combine serious psychiatric diseases (like trichotillomania) with fetishes/paraphilias (which are, according to the latest DSM, only considered to be psychiatric issues if they interfere significantly with daily life, meaning, for example, that a sneeze fetishist who just enjoys sneezing would be considered to be fine, while a man who needed to squeeze his partner's breasts in order to...uh, finish :wub: would be considered to have a problem).



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First of all, this needs an emetophobe warning: a lot of people here (no, I don't know why) are emetophobic, and there is discussion (I don't know how much since I covered my eyes and ears for the segment) of emetophilia (the opposite) in this piece.

Second of all...well, that was rude! Not just to sneeze fetishists, although it was ruder to us than to most of the other groups, since most of the others were either CLEARLY psychiatric disorders and/or ILLEGAL, but to all of the people it portrayed. Who gave whoever made that video the right to tell me what is and is not normal about what turns me on? Personally, I think it's a little weird the obsession some men have with women's breasts: they don't really do much, and are, at their core, made for BABIES, not sex. However, the mainstream has deemed breast fetishism so common that it isn't even considered a fetish (which, by the way, it is: according to dictionary.com, a "fetish" is defined as "any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation"). Fine. The last time I pandered to the mainstream, I was 14 and in love with a boy-band. So yeah, I'm not really considering whoever the hell made this vid to be an authority on anything pertaining to me.

Also, out of curiosity? Since I don't want to watch the video again, can anyone tell me: was whoever made the vid anybody (I mean, anybody scientific or whatever)? Or was it just a visual version of the whole...oh, whatever that site was called? Something Stupid or something like that? Only because even though the definitions were accurate, any legitimate science group should have known better than to combine serious psychiatric diseases (like trichotillomania) with fetishes/paraphilias (which are, according to the latest DSM, only considered to be psychiatric issues if they interfere significantly with daily life, meaning, for example, that a sneeze fetishist who just enjoys sneezing would be considered to be fine, while a man who needed to squeeze his partner's breasts in order to...uh, finish :wub: would be considered to have a problem).



Yep I agree with you.

I felt offended by this video, sneeze fetishism dosen't harm anyone and I think it is not to be compared to all of those psycho fetishes I've seen ( I couldn't watch all the video, it was a bit too much to take).

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Actually... I found that rather informative and interesting. :laugh:

They sure nailed our little fetish. :wub:

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Actually... I found that rather informative and interesting. :laugh:

They sure nailed our little fetish. :wub:

I have to agree with Strenuto, maybe I'm just a light hearted person but I kinda chuckled when the "whole new meaning to blow job" joke came up.

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Very interesting. I'm not trying to be judgmental, but our fetish seems very tame in comparison to some of the others :drool: . But I supposed I'm slightly biased.

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Everything is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. To each, his own.

I wasn't offended, per se, but the whole thing struck me as rather ignorant.

I guess I just don't think that fetishes and/or psycholocical disorders (because a lot of that went beyond mere fetish) should be fodder for people's amusment. (I'll bet the vid maker laughed hysterically throughout Rain Man.)

To me the subject matter is infinitly facsinating, but I tend to approach with a more academic attitude. (What a kill-joy, I know!)

A shrill piece of crap like that just mocks people for no good reason, and does nothing to enlighten anyone.

I was more bored by it than anything else.

Edited by Niceguy
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The video was made by a group that runs a website called body-philosophy.com. The background noises and music were just idiotic (it was meant to shock and frighten). I turned the music off, and it was fine.

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~ mod note: Emetophilia content begins at 02:25 mark, ends at 3:01 -- please note, there is NOTHING graphic at all, just a doll positioned to be bent over a toilet. SLightly more disturbing is the segment immediately following on self-cannibalism, which ends at 3:36.

It was the soundtrack of unpleasantly realistic noises that I found......unpleasant! I'm not sure if this disappears with the soundtrack Lynne mentioned switching off.

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The video was made by a group that runs a website called body-philosophy.com. The background noises and music were just idiotic (it was meant to shock and frighten). I turned the music off, and it was fine.

Point, by I still wouldn't go so far as to say it was "fine." Admittedly I'm not familiar with the website, but the video, even w/o the sounds still struck me as judgemental and as mocking some people for the amusement of others. That may not have been their point, but it's still what I saw. (And before anyone tells me I'm just too sensitive, let say one more time that I wasn't offended... I just found the whole thing purile and stupid.)

When we learned about fetishes in both Abnormal Psych and Human Sexuality (in college) the subject was treated a bit more seriously and with a bit more respect.

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Surely pica is the name for the absolutely normal tendency of pregnant women to eat slightly odd things; it's not fetishistic and in fact is only odd because they eat eg pork pies which everyone knows only men can eat because they're disgustulent .

So I would say that our interest is the second least unusual of those mentioned. Though of course sneezing on someone is obviously almost as Yueh as eating coal. What about eating coal that someone has sneezed on?

It would be interesting to know if a normal person would really find our interest more terrible than even one of the others.

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:) I'm emetophobic so i'm not even going to watch. I just wish someone would describe in detail what the hell everybody is talking about in this particular post.
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Surely pica is the name for the absolutely normal tendency of pregnant women to eat slightly odd things; it's not fetishistic and in fact is only odd because they eat eg pork pies which everyone knows only men can eat because they're disgustulent .

Well the most common form of pica in the veterinary world is dogs eating their own faeces. Pregnant women do naturally exhibit this but it isn't restricted to that scenario. As you say it's not really fetishistic, although I think they do also mention the word disorder....which it is.

Oh and pork pies during pregnancy :)

Edited by Vetinari
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It *was* puerile and ridiculous :) Of course, if you turn the music off, it kind of looks like a brainwashing sort of video :cryhappy:

Not really worth anyone's time. Even the sneeze sound effect was simply repeated a few times (and if you turn the sound off to get rid of the absolutely ridiculous B-movie music, you don't even get to hear it).

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Better with the sound effects off! :)

Edited by Lynne
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Guest rezeensy

I kinda came to see my fetish as a fetish after watching some show I can't remember in which the man had a fetish for watching women kill bugs and watching the movie Crash in which there is a society of people who have a fetish for car crashes. I then embraced finding out more about the sneeze fetish I have because like some of you shared sneeze fetish seems tame to some of the others. But I also felt when watch this top ten fetish thing and the two shows I mentioned before I had some understanding and could not judge because of how I have no control over my fetish and have had it for longer than I can remember, I guess I have to go with the to each his own theory. I feel more sorry for people who have nothing to get them turned on. If you have a fetish a good time is just a sneeze away and the O!!!!!

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I think the video was meant to be purely informative....maybe even a bit lighthearted...

To each his own I guess.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I watched it the whole way through.

I dare say it was pretty idiotic. The facts, sure they're true and educated, but the video itself is rediculous.

I watched it trying to be open minded but when it came to the vomitin fetish (Not saying its wrong but my reaction to vomit itself probably has something to do with my desgusted opinion on that) and then to canibalism, I found it just plain...gross.

I wasn't offended either, but I did find it a little insulting to the general idea of the sneeze fetishist.

Whatever. People like that won't really understand unless they have the fetish in question. Can't blame them for ignorance.

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I couldn't finish watching, it was creepy. Especially the music.

I would have to agree :laugh: Since I moved out on my own I feel like I have become more open minded, still this video was a little unsettling to me.

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