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Reaction to a cold (m) (some swearing)

Guest UncommonCold

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Guest UncommonCold

So I have this character, you see. His nickname is Pazz. For your information, he's 18, Asian, a pretty boy. Behind his sadistic, lecherous facade, he's quite sensitive and romantic. He can be immature at time and acts irrational, but that's because emotions play a big part in his decision making. Okay, enough with the intro. What I'm presenting you today is what I've written in my journal. It's how he acts when he has a cold. It turns out that there are three stages.

(Other personages are his brothers, by the way.)

1. Stage 1: Deny

Like many men, he at first denies being sick. Although we all can see that he's as sick as a meat pie.

Pazz: *sneezes, sniffs and coughs*

Prach: You ought to be in bed now. You're sick. *touches Pazz's forehead* And you're burning up too.

Pazz: *rubs his nose* No, I'mb not sick. *rises up and falters*

Prach: ...And he says he's not sick. *helps Pazz to be on his feet*

2. Stage 2: Get angry

After having realised that he's really sick, he gets annoyed and vents his anger on his little brother. (Not that his brother minds, though, being so masochistic.)

Pazz: *sneezes and sniffs* Shit! Who the fuck gave me this fucking cold?!!? I'm killing them!!!

Petit: *walks in sniffling* Pazz, you'b gotd a cold too? You must havb caught it fromb me.

Pazz: Damn you and your virus! *grabs Petit collars* You made me suffer. Now I'm making you suffer too! *pushes Petit to the ground*

Petit: Ah~ ah~ Ashoo!!! *sneeze hits Pazz's face and chest*

Pazz: DIEZ!!!!!

3. Stage 3: Indulge

After a while, someone like Pazz knows that he should take advantage of the situation. Being ill, no one would mind if he isn't as strong as he usually is. So he take the opportunity to act weak and gets sympathy.

Pazz: *cough painfully*

Peace: Looks like someone's got himself a good cold. *strokes Pazz's hair* Poor boy.

Pazz: I'mb cold... *shivers and coughs harder* I don't want to be alone.

Peace: I'll stay with you in your room then.

Pazz: Thank you~ *sniffs* I love you. You're such a lovely brother.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading.

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Guest UncommonCold

Oh, well, I'm writing this novel featuring him and his brother, and he does catch colds and sneeze in there. Regrettably, it's in my native language. T^T But now I'm writing a shorter piece. It features this guy who was quite similar to Pazz, but without the aggression or sadism.

And this guy at your school, which of the three stages reminds you of him? Or is it the combination that does it?

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