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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Completely random and unlikely fic request


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Are there any Red Dwarf fans here? I was thinking the other night that I'd love for someone to write a Red Dwarf fic. With Rimmer and Lister as the main characters, and either friendship, pre-slash or slightly slash in theme.

I know I'd be hard-pressed to find someone here who is into the show enough to write fics, but you'll never get if you never ask. :rolleyes:


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I love Red Dwarf so I could have a go sometime after easter (but it would have to be a friendship fic, cos I'm not fond of slash). Any particular type of sneeze (allergies, cold, etc) or any particular character?

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Wow, really?? Thanks so much! I totally didn't expect anyone to respond to this. :drool:

I don't really mind what kind of sneezing or which character, although I guess I have a slight preference for allergies and Rimmer. But please just go with whatever's easiest to write.

Oh, and friendship is totally fine; I'm actually not a huge slash fan myself, but I'm just starting to become more open to it in some fandoms. :wub:

Thanks again! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

The story's up under the title 'I Didn't Know Holgrams Could Catch Colds', and has Rimmer with a cold in it.

Sorry it took so long to put up, I hope you like it :blink:

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