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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Brand New Sneezy Cold


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Hey all,

Thought I was getting a sore throat last night, and sure enough, its a full blown cold now. Throat, runny nose. None of that headache-fever business yet, which is nice. But there is a constant, unusually intense burning sensation in my nose. Normally I do a bit of extra sneezing when I have a cold, but so far this has been unusual.

I sneezed once on my way from bed to the kitchen, a muffled, snuffly sort of thing. I then sneezed five, count'em five times in the shower, more or less back to back but with breathy annoying pauses in between. I often sneeze a few times in the shower, and like it, but this was a little much. It calmed down after that, although I sneezed twice waiting for this page to open. Sort of gross. I had to wipe off my screen.

Sorry this hasn't been a proper obs. It's just that I have to run to class. I promise more when I have more time. Cheers.

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Bless you, and thanks for the wonderful obs. Hope you don't end up feeling too bad.

Edited by Lynne
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Well it sounds pretty much perfect so far. Hope it carries on the same way!

Messiness....Yum! :blushing:

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Hey all, thanks for the thoughts,

Friday did turn out to be a fairly sneezy day, and I tried to keep an accurate tally. I sneezed three or four wet ones in my first class, realizing I didn't have tissues, but that I needed one, after the second sneeze. I held off disaster until the lecture was over, though the last two sneezes were fairly stressful - I actually did that "finger under nose" thing to try to keep them back. I had to spend about five minutes clearing out my nose in the bathroom, and I think I sneezed once more while doing so.

Armed with tissues I went to the library. My nose was pretty quiet while I was there. I think I only sneezed once during that two hours, into a tissue, following it with a loud blow. It got bad again during my last class. About halfway through, I felt a sneeze coming, but totally failed to prepare; I had no tissue out, and the sneeze was near disruptively loud. The professor is one of those "friendly" guys who blesses everyone in lecture when they sneeze. SO I got a "bless you," with my name thrown in. I'm sure his intentions are nice, but being blessed by a man makes me sort of uncomfortable.

I managed an excuse me, but more was coming. Into the tissue I now managed to produce came three sneezes in quick succession, a little quieter, thank heaven, than the first. Still, another professorial "bless you!" I hitched for a few seconds, sneezed again, again, again. Seven sneezes. "Bless you!" Prof said again, "are you alright?" using my name again. "Sorry," I managed, "just a cold." The class, which was small, had meanwhile giggled in what i guess was sympathy. Sometimes I like to be watched sneezing, but this was a little intense. I sneezed twice more around the end of class, but, still mortified, managed to make them almost silent. I never do this, but I really wanted to avoid another public blessing.

After this I started to feel crappy. Headache, pressure in ears, the works. I ran some quick errands, went home and sort of spent the rest of the day in bed. I'm sure I sneezed several times, but it's all kind of a blur. I slept really late on saturday, and sort of lay around most of the day. Again, not much stands out in my memory except the predictable exxageration of my typical shower sneezing by my cold. Four sneezes, the first two quick, then a pause, then th second two about two seconds apart. I had to get out to blow my nose. My sneezes saturdday were harsher. Friday they had been vocal "AEeeschEEW" s. Yesterday they were more like "HEASCH!"

I napped a lot saturday and started to feel better, so I decided to join my friends at a bar that evening. Generally I felt good, but a couple sneezes crept up on me. My girlfriend and I are on a break leading only to oblivion, so I felt ok flirting (gently, since I'm not technically single yet) with an attrctive redhead friend of a friend. I broke off from a joke at one point to sneeze "Heash -Heash!" and then ,after a hitchy second, a third "HEEschAH!" She blessed me super-cutely, and actually giggled when I needed to blow my nose. I went red, I'm sure, but I loved it. I think I sneezed one more time, while talking to another friend. I don't really remember.

Sorry about the length of this whole thing, and sorry about not posting it all sooner. I think I feel 95% better now, so this is probably it. Cheers, hope you enjoyed.

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Thank you for a lovely obs,

and I totally dig those pauses between shower-sneezes :blushing:

Take care

I completely agree with all of this :nohappy:

:blushing: I also really enjoyed reading about the part when the red-head blessed you, sounds super cute to me too hehe

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