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Sneeze Fetish Forum

at B&N


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I was at the book store with a friend the other day, and it was late so we were just browsing in an aisle, when i notice this tall attractive guy coming around the corner in to our aisle.

He starts sniffling, and i know whats coming, so i look over and try to be nonchalant. Well, he then proceeds to bend down, and take a breath in, trying to hold off his big sneeze. I keep watching him, and all of a sudden he looks over at me, and then the sneeze comes out half stiffled, although he didn't cover his mouth or nose. It was a loud Hiiiiishchoo-eeschoo almost double. more like 1 1/2. well, his sneeze pretty much mesmerized me, so, i was almost full on staring...he then smiled at me, and we had this awkwarrd moment and then he said excuse me and chuckled a little. it was kind of awkward, but a very cute surprise!!!

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Great observation! If only I saw so many attractive sneezy people in bookstores, lol.

Don't worry about it, I'm sure it'll be okay. People forget things all the time. (Like me.)

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