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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Fiancée ob =D


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Sorry for not posting in a while, things were pretty hectic here.

Now, for the ob... My girlfriend, Angie, now fiancée has come down with a cold, just the common one, not nearly as bad as the sickness she had a while back.

She had just gotten home and set down all her stuff, and trying to be a gentleman I, of course took her coat for her and hung it up. She always blushes when I do things like that, I've yet to discover why. Anyway, she kind of collapsed into my arms with a big hug telling me how exhausted she was, so I lifted her up, kind of like a baby so that her head was resting on my shoulder. I could hear her sniffle softly since she was very close to my ear. Since she knows about the fetish I asked her if she was teasing me, she replied saying no, but thanked me for the idea. We had a little laugh about that. I felt her breathing change a little and since she knows I really appreciate it, she sneezed softly into my shoulder. She has really small sneezes, they don't sound stifled or anything, just small, like tsshew. I blessed her and she sneezed again. I gave her back a little rub and blessed her another time and I carried her off. She asked me where we were going in a small congested voice. I told her I was taking her to bed since I don't want anything happening to her. She of course protested telling me she was okay, but I took her anyway. Once we were there it was the ultimate struggle to keep her from getting up and going about doing things that would make her even more tired, so finally I just put myself ontop of her so she couldn't move lol. She started coughing a bit so I moved off of her so she could sit up, and took her in my arms. She asked me if I would get off her legs so she could get out of bed, but of course I didn't since I wanted her to stay and she asked me if I'd get her pajamas for her since I wasn't letting her move. I did... when I got back into the room she was in the middle of a sneeze, it was followed by two more of her soft tsshew's. I blessed her and lied down next to her. She fell asleep within 15 minutes.

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Wow that was one of the sweetestest obs I've read in a while. You are indeed a gentleman. So attentive and loving. You're Fiancee is a lucky lady. Hope she feels better very soon.

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