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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezing at the worst times


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Here's a few Obs I've compiled for a bit.

Okay, so basically a few weeks ago or so, we had this select band 'rehersal' which we had been practicing for. It was at a local high school, and we had just finished the first part on a pretty big stage in the auditorium. So we walked through the halls, and got to the choir room. Apparently, there had been some horse rides or something in there, and there was big stacks of hay, (Dont we love them? :laugh: ) So I actually thought to myself, "Heh-heh-heh. This will be fun." :cryhappy: So we sit down, and we are just about to start the piece as my friend, A, whom Ill give you a description of, got 'the look'. A, whom I've posted observations about before, is about 5'5 with mild blonde hair, and these beautiful baby blue eyes. He's got a light complexion, and beautiful skin. I think he's one of the cutest boys I've ever met. And he's got this really cute grin. He knows about my fetish, and we've been good friends for about a year or two. So he thrusts his head back, and sneezes a "hu-tchuu!" really fast. Then he looks at me, and by this time I'm grinning like an idiot. And then, we begin to start sightreading.

So this next one is about my friend Brandon, who plays the bassoon. He is kind of cute, though a bit overweight. But it kind of gives him personality. He has this LONG ( :shy: ) blonde hair and a cute face with glasses. So we were in jazz band, and he was there playing his bassoon. Now, I have never seen him sneeze, and I know he has the fetish, and he sneezed a quick, "Huh-itchoo" and he kind of grinned a bit. That was it for the day.

So again with my friend A. Today during band, we were playing a song, and he sneezed one right into his shoulder, while taking the bassoon away from his mouth. I thought that was hot. n_n;;

The end. :lol: Or is it?

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The end. ;) Or is it?

Oooh I do hope not!

Thanks for sharing those.

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