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Sneeze Fetish Forum

at the bank


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My friend and I were at the bank today, and were standing with our backs to the counter, as we waited for our turn in line.

We were talking, and then all of a sudden I hear a loud high pitched Hiiischiooo. from the lady behind the counter.

Her co-worker quickly blessed her, but only to hear another Heiiishoo!, which was followed by her co-worker blessing her again, and then another sneeze.

when I (and apparently she) thought the little fit was over, she chuckled and said "Gee......HIiiiiSHOO!!z" which was followed by sniffling and awkward chuckling for her.

I dont usually like female sneezes but this little episode kinda got me going!!

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Guest Obsessed With Sneezing

Aww, very nice, good obs! I don't know why i never get to see anything like this! haha thank goodness for you guys :twisted::shy::drunk: hehe

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