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Sinus infection symptoms...


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Hey all,

Think I'm getting a sinus infection; started as just a sore throat, but now I have this incredible pressure behind my face, something I've never had before. I was wondering if anybody knew if there were a sneezy upside to this in the future ... though the more I think about sneezing right now, the more it just seems painful.


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you poor thing! (id recommend Claritin D and hot tea immediately!!!) this is what ive had for the past month, and i havent had any wonderful sneeziness to outweigh the sinus pressure. some people are lucky enough to have it, but most of the people i know dont get really sneezy when they have infections. hope you feel better soon.... :blushing:

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When I had sinusitis there was a slight increase in sneezing, but nowhere near enough to make it worth the pain in my face and the constantly drippy nose. Sorry - and hope you feel better soon!

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I'm in the middle of a sinus infection right now, and while I do sneeze every now and then, it's not like when it's allergies (where it's an intense tickle and usually a fit). It's more painful and uncomfortable :yes: And usually just one or two.

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Sometimes...it really depends. If your teeth start hurting then it's definetly an infection...I'm prone to these so I feel your pain. Feel better ^

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Sorry to hear I'm not the only one! Yeah, the teeth thing is really weird ... not entirely something I would have expected.

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This is timely for me, unfortunately. I have a sinus infection currently and I knew it was coming on when the pressure in my head grew so intense that my eyesight was blurred for a day. I've been sneezing a lot lately and I'm not normally much of a sneezer. During the cold that preceded the infection, I sneezed maybe 4 or 5 times total but I've been sneezing that much every hour since developing the infection. Ow. Hope you feel better soon.

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It probably depends on the person. I used to have a colleague who would complain of sinusitis... but I never saw sneeze once.

I had a big cold in Feb/March, which finished off with a bit of a sinus infection, which I have hardly ever had, and that kept up a general sneeziness, though not as much as during the cold itself.

So the answer probably is that it depends on the individual, and when it does make you more sneezy, it's not by much!

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Bleh... I spoke too soon. Hadn't sneezed in days, then this morning, must have sneezed about sixty times during my ten-minute commute to work *sigh* It's been on and off all day, but damn, i'm tired of not being able to breathe LOL

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In my case, no. :blushing: If it's an infection you're gonna need penicillin. Just taking a decongestant won't cut it

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