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Sneeze Fetish Forum

sneezing fit outside club (m)


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I was just outside a club about an hour ago. This guy who judging by his conversation was the extremely arrogant and pretentious type had to pause for a sneezing fit.

He sneezed five very stereotypical sneezes in a row, one right after another. HAAAACHOOOOO HACCCHOOOOO HACCHOOOO slight pause HACHOOOO HACHOOOOOO. They were very intense sneezes which would were probubly very audible from half-way down the block. He did not sniffle either, they just sort of snuck up on him all the sudden.

He was around 6 foot, 170 lbs, I would say 28ish years old with a baseball cap. He did have a very small nose, which I tend not be crazy about. But the intensity was nice and also it was the first sneeze I have seen from a guy in several days so I have to take the observations I can get obviously even if the nose really wasnt my favorite.

For some reason I have seen 2 sneezing fits in the last week or so from different guys with small noses. I guess after pretty much being in a sneeze drought I have been lucky to hear 3 sneezing fits in around the last week from guys.

Edited by colorado198219
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Nice to have an intense fit, even if the nose isn't the sort you normally find attractive. I wonder if there are many of us who also have a strong preference for big male noses ?

Leaving clubs or dinners or general late-night events seems to be a good time for sneezing fits in general. A good excuse to go night-clubbing!

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