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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My bf d sexiest sneezer


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Hi.. i'v loved seein ppl sneeze since ages n i confided in my bf 2 yrs ago abt my unusual likes.actually i kinda noticed my bf in high school as he usd to always sneeze a min of 4 continuous ones.he's 6 feet tall, fair n has an amazin fat nose to get enough space to kis on. be4 tellin him my littl secret i usd to just sit n count his sexy sneezes over d phone, in college, in his arms ,everywhere :laugh: .. but dint have d guts to tel him... finally i decided to tel him n he's been very supportive sinc then...

d best experienc i had was once when v were sittin too close in mornin time at abt 8.30 on college steps, n i just went on kissin his nose coz he has somethin cald allergic rinitis... i kisssd for harldy 2 mins n suddenly saw his eyes close into a frown n his cute nostrils flarin up,his lips partin n his face fully creased... man he looks extremely hot durin d build up which takes my breath away.. n there it was... 5 very very fast, loud n long ones, followed by 15secs gap n 3 more long hard ones.. all like EEKSSH, HE-EIKSCH,, EKSCHII.. heCHII... HAIIIIEKSSSSH...........Oh my god, tat was so hot... d best one...

let me tel u he can sneeze 20 times in a row when he has a major attack but ii'v never had d fortune of listenin to those... have heard 12 in a row over d phone which sounded very sexy coz his voice on phone is very heavy n his sneezes even louder which always echo in ma ears..

hey did u'l enjoy... sory m bat at descriptions, but this was d best i cld get at.... waitin for ur inputs...

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gaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! :laugh: you're sooo lucky lucky lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!! 20 sneezes in a row are really a whole lot, I hope you get to hear them!!!! I repeat: lukcyy!! I wish my bf would sneeze that much, I wouldn't be able to control myself anymore :P (not that now I am... errr ;):innocent:)

I love how you described the sneezes, totally yummy! thanks for the very nice obs :P!

Edited by Lynne
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Nice obs. FYI, we prefer that people type normally here, as opposed to chatspeak. :laugh:

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thanks for the information... hope u enjoyed the obs... i was very obsessed writing about it so was not aware of having using the chat language. but will surely make a note of that Lynne...

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