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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Newly Registered Members

High on Lullabies

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Okay, I've had a fair few e-mails to this effect now, so I feel I should address this point where people will hopefully see it.

When you register for an account on the forum, you can't post until an Admin (me in other words) approves your account. This is to stop spambots (which are easily identifiable from their profile info) from being able to run amok while we're not looking, and also acts as a first line of defence against duplicate accounts and people who want to register just to cause trouble.

I try my best to go through all the new registrations everyday, but obviously this isn't always possible. I know you want to jump right in there and start responding to all this wonderful discussion you've been viewing, but please be patient. These measures are in place to enhance yours and everyone elses enjoyment of this place. I will get to you as soon as I can, promise! :eek:

If you've registered more than 3 days ago and clicked the link in the e-mail you were sent, and nothing's happened and you still can't post. Then I would recommend contacting the staff just to make sure there isn't a technical problem or I haven't done something silly like forget you.

Thank you for your attention! :stretcher:

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