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Nose blowing survey


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1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet?

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time?

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose?

4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose?

5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose?

6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose?

7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose?

8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box?

9) When was the last time you blew your nose?

10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy?

11) What color was the discharge?

12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose?

13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others?

14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose?

15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you?

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose?

17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy?

18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)?

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend?

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them?

21) How would you help them??

21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it?

22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose?

23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge?

24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it?

I know that this survey was longer than the cold survey, I hope it wasn't too long for anyone and hope that you enjoyed answering the questions. Have a great day!!


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1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet?

soft and quiet

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time?

one at a time

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose?

both :cold:

4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose?

straight ahead

5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose?

one to be environmentally friendly

6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose?


7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose?

white kleenex

8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box?

yep, kleenex (white) in my bathroom on my vanity. normal sized box that's under a penguin igloo for decoration :disco:

9) When was the last time you blew your nose?


10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy?

yes;yes;not too bad...

11) What color was the discharge?


12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose?

yeah lol

13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others?

yes which is why i dont

14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose?

i dont do it in front of people

15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you?

depends... parents, yes. i hate when they even talk about tissues!

boyfriend or people that are attractive? no... its hot

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose?

depends on who they are...

17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy?

depends... boyfriend, i talk to him because he sounds sexy :ph34r:

18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)?

i would enjoy their sniffles and ask if they were ok, if they needed anything, if they wanted a tissue :wub:

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend?

nah... i'd enjoy it

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them?

omg! i would love too! i would want to do it, but i dont want to weird him out!

21) How would you help them??

in everyway possible :zippy2:

21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it?

hell no... i dont like it done to me

22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose?

i'd just wait till i got home

23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge?


24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it?


I know that this survey was longer than the cold survey, I hope it wasn't too long for anyone and hope that you enjoyed answering the questions. Have a great day!!


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1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet?

Soft and quiet usually, but sometimes hard and loud to get everything out

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time?

One nostril at a time

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose?

Both hands usually, but sometimes one hand (if I need to blow my nose while I am driving)

4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose?

I usually look straight ahead, but sometimes I bend over while blowing my nose (if there's going to be a lot coming out, not sure why I do that)

5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose?

I usually use one at a time, but if there's going to be a lot and the tissues are thin, I usually use two at a time

6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose?


7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose?

I usually use white Kleenex tissues, but my favorite are Puffs tissues (they're so soft)

8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box?

I have some in my room. They're Surpass (cheap brand), and the tissues are beige

9) When was the last time you blew your nose?

Earlier this morning

10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy?

Yes. It sounded like a lot, and wasn't too soggy

11) What color was the discharge?


12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose?

Always. Even in public (but usually pretty quick)

13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others?

Sometimes, especially if I know it's going to be really soggy. Not sure why

14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose?

If it's someone I am comfortable around, then I'll face them the entire time. Otherwise, I'll try to turn away or go into another room

15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you?

No. Not at all.

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose?

I almost always face them and talk to them (if I am currently in a conversation with them), unless I sense that they're uncomfortable with it, then I'll give them their privacy and turn away

17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy?

See answer #16

18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)?

I would ask them if they were okay or needed a tissue. If they kept doing it for a while, I would just get them a tissue and tell them to blow their nose

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend?

I would leave them alone

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them?

I would love to help them, but would be too shy to ask them

21) How would you help them??

I would grab a tissue, fold it over, then put it up to their nose. I would hold the tissue with one hand, while my other hand was on their back to let them know that i am there for them and I would tell them to blow their nose. I would feel my hand getting warm with all that was coming out. After they were done and didn't need to blow anymore, I would hold them close to me

21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it?

Yes, I would love that!! I would hope that I wouldn't have to ask, I would be too shy to.

22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose?

I would just use one hand and blow my nose in the car while driving. I've done it before. Sometimes I can't wait

23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge?

No. Nothing would come out.

24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it?


I figured that it would be only fair to give my answers, since I was the one asking the questions. :hypoc:


Edited by the_jackal_twins
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My answers.

1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet? Kind of loud

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time? Both at the same time

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose? One hand sometimes both

4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose? Look straight ahead

5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose? Depending on my nose one or sometimes 2

6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose? No

7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose? White kleenx

8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box? Small box in bedroom white kleenx and big box in bathroom kleenx

9) When was the last time you blew your nose? Yesterday

10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy? Yes no it wasn't a lot and wasn't soggy

11) What color was the discharge? Clear

12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose? Yes

13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others? Yes I do

14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose? Turn away

15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you? Nope

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose? Turn away

17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy? Try to give them privacy

18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)? I'd ask them if they were ok and hand them a tissue to see if they needed to blow there nose

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend? The same answer as 18

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them? I would ask but I'd love to do this.

21) How would you help them?? Getting them tissues holding tissues to there nose and letting them blow.

21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it? Yes.

22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose? One hand

23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge? I did it wasn't soggy and clear

24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it? White kleenx one tissue and in my room.

I know that this survey was longer than the cold survey, I hope it wasn't too long for anyone and hope that you enjoyed answering the questions. Have a great day!!


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1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet?

Hard, but quiet. So there! :rolleyes:

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time?

One at a time.

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose?

It varies, but more often two than one.

4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose?

I tip my head forward a bit I guess, but I wouldn't say I actually bend over at all.

5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose?

Usually one, unless I have a really bad cold, then two.

6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose?


7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose?

The ones that are cheap and have an interesting box? I really don't care, tissues are tissues and I'm poor.

8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box?

One small box of white tissues, I think Kleenex, but I'm not positive. I pretty much live in a studio apartment, so... the room that isn't the bathroom.

9) When was the last time you blew your nose?

Couple of days ago, I guess.

10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy?

Yes, not really, not especially.

11) What color was the discharge?


12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose?

Sometimes, but not always.

13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others?

Yeah, I very much prefer not to.

14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose?

Turn away.

15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you?

Not generally, no.

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose?

Face them.

17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy?

Depends on who they are and how sadistic I'm feeling :D

18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)?

If they were my SO I'd probably ask if they were okay, maybe offer to get them a tissue.

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend?

Probably the same as above.

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them?

I was going to say it would depend on the person I was dating, but then I realized I'm only be interested in dating the sort of person whose nose I would be happy to help blow. As far as asking that would depend on whether they knew about my fetish or not. If they knew about it I'd be much more willing to offer.

21) How would you help them??

Putting a tissue over their nose seems like it would probably be the way to start.

21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it?

I'm really not sure how I would feel about that... I've never been in that situation and I can't really decide whether I'd like it or not.

22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose?

I use both hands and steer with my knees, obviously. No, that's a lie, my knees don't reach the steering wheel well enough, I use my elbows.

23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge?

I could try, but I doubt anything would come of it.

24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it?


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Sorry, I like this one a lot better than the other one (and I'm bored, and thinking about my own answears to this will keep me entertained for a while... .__.). Also, there is two 21's.

1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet?

Soft and quiet, I quess.

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time?

Not both at the same time...

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose?

Two hands sound more natural but I quess I might use sometimes only one hand...

4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose?

Sraight ahead.

5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose?

Better question would be "how often do you blow your nose?" - a couple of time in a year. Duh, one tissue. Or half of a sheet of kitchen paper. .__.

6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose?

Our tissues are folded in the pack so I have unfold them. .P Though I still use kitchen paper.

7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose?

Uhh... We have only white ones, or at least I've never seen one of different colour. And... I don't know, our kitchen paper is a brand called lotus and the tissues we usually have but at the monet seem to have run out of are a brand called... Serla.

8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box?

Oh, there is... They are under all that stuff that are on my sofa and I got them for free so they are... Well I don't know... They are advertising some lukio (finnish high school/gymnasium/what ever you want to call it) or such...

9) When was the last time you blew your nose?

I don't remember, a long time ago...

10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy?

I don't remember, as I said it has been a long time.

11) What color was the discharge?


12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose?

I do look.

13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others?

I don't do it. I don't blow my nose in front of other and yes, I would get so embarrased that I would probably disappear from sight just like Aliisa (if that was her name and I have no idea what her name is in the English version of Moomins) when she get scared.

14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose?

I said it, I don't blow my nose in front of anyone.

15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you?

If it honks.

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose?

I don't change my position but I do look at them... .__.

17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy?

I won't talk because I feel they won't be listening... And out of politeness? I don't know...

18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)?

My significant other? Blah blah blah... :rolleyes: I mean I wuold probably give them a tissue or if it was so that their nose was running in a lovely way, I would first... *could continue but you wouldn't understand because she can only really explain this in another language* You know... Uhh, whipe the skin beneath their nose with my finger? Yes, hot hot hot... :D Just because it would be too hot to resist and after that I would give them a tissue and tell them to use it.

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend?

...I wouldn't do or say anything.

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them?

I could hold the tissue for them but... I don't know, does that count. And... Would they have to ask... The person I'm imagining would never do that because I don't know anyone who would want someone to help them blow their nose... But this person wouldn't mind if I asked could I hold it the tissue for them. Hmm... I want to meet this person someday, sad s/he is not reall.

21) How would you help them??

Look up.

21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it?

I wouldn't have a horrible cold and no.

22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose?

First, I don't drive. Second, I wouldn't need to blow my nose there. .__. If this happened I would be alone in the car but there would be other people out side it anyways so no, I wouldn't need to blow my nose. Because I say I wouldn't. Didn't really answear the question? How sad.

23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge?

No, I'm not alone in the house.

24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it?


Edited by Sitruuna
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1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet?

When nobody can hear me, fairly hard and fairly loud...usually more gurgly than actually loud

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time?

One at a time, always

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose?

Both hands

4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose?

Straight ahead

5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose?


6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose?


7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose?

No colours, just white

8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box?

Yes, they're white and in a large box with cute fur seals on them. They're in the bathroom

9) When was the last time you blew your nose?

About 7 hours ago, this morning

10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy?

Yes, a LOT came out. It was very soggy and very gurgly

11) What color was the discharge?

Mostly clear

12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose?


13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others?

Yes, so I never do it, ever

14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose?

I never do it around people at all

15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you?

Depends how far away they are and who they are

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose?

I don't turn away, but I feel weird staring right at them so "pretend" to look elsewhere a few times during it

17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy?

Sometimes I talk...it depends if they're already talking or not

18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)?

If they were my significant other, I'd comment on them having "nose". (this is what we say when the other is snuffly, that we have a nose. lol)

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend?

A friend? I'd say nothing

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them?

No, they'd never ask and I'd never do it. They've got hands!!

21) How would you help them??

I wouldn't! I mean, not to blow their nose

21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it?

NOOO!! Mortification!

22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose?

I don't drive, but if I did, I'd use one hand or wait till I was stopped at traffic lights

23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge?

I blew it, and not much came out

24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it?

White, same as before

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  • 1 year later...

1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet?

Usually soft and quiet.

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time?

Mostly one but sometimes both.

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose?

Both hands.

4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose?

I usually bend over while doing it.

5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose?

Only one.

6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose?


7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose?

White tissues for using one time.

8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box?

I have a package of 10 white tissues in my room.

9) When was the last time you blew your nose?

This morning when I waited at the station.

10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy?

A lot came out and so it sounded like. It was soggy too.

11) What color was the discharge?


12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose?


13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others?

Yes, usually I do, so I do it only when I`m really despert.

14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose?

Turn away.

15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you?

It depends on which person it is.

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose?

Look at 15)

17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy?

I try to give them privacy.

18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)?

I would do nothing.

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend?

I would offer the person a handkerchief if I had one.

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them?

I won`t.

21) How would you help them??


21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it?


22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose?

If I was alone I would do nothing.

23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge?

No I can`t.

24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it?


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  • 4 weeks later...

1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet?

hard and loud

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time?

one at a time

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose?


4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose?

look straight

5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose?

2 or three depending

6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose?


7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose?

kleenex and idc

8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box?

kleenex white living room small box

9) When was the last time you blew your nose?

about 2 days ago

10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy?

well a lot came out it sounded wet

11) What color was the discharge?


12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose?

not always

13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others?


14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose?

turn away

15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you?

depends on who

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose?

did i just answer this?

17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy?


18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)?

dude blow your damn nose!

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend?

dude blow your damn nose!

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them?

sure why not

21) How would you help them??

however they wanted

21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it?


22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose?


23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge?

I just did a lot came out it was soggy and it was clear

24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it?

kleenex white 3 living room

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  • 1 month later...

1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet?

Extremely loud, like a foghorn every time, blowing a deep bass note. I can hold back a little if I really try hard, but then I really need to blow my nose properly and loudly later on.

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time?

I blow each nostril on at a time, alternating, until I feel clear, then blow both together in a few short blasts to finish, before I wipe my nose by rubbing it backwards and forwards.

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose?

I always blow two-handed - it gives me far better control of my nose and hanky.

4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose?

I tend to look straight ahead - I don't need to stoop over to blow hard.

5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose?

If I'm using tissues, maybe only one if it's a mansize since I can fold it and it still be big enough to go around my nose in a proper grip, but often I will use two or maybe even three because I tend to shred them. Obviously if I'm using my handkerchief, just the one will do the job!

6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose?

Yes - I usually shred tissues a bit when I blow, so I always fold them over, unless I'm using a couple of pocket pack tissues, as if I fold them they're too small to go round my nose. If I'm using a cloth handkerchief or bandana, there's ususally no need.

7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose?

If I'm using tissues, usually white 2 or 3 ply mansize. If I'm using a cloth hanky, usually a white or plaid cotton handkerchief or (better) a large paisley or spotted bandana.

8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box?

I have several large boxes of mansize white kleenex tissues around the house - in my lounge, bedroom and bathroom.

9) When was the last time you blew your nose?

This morning, after a tickle I got while gardening forced me to let out a couple of massive sneezes. I had a hanky in may pocket, but had to wait until I had finished and washed my muddy hands before I could do a nose-blow.

10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy?

It was a long, deafening sequence of honks which completely emptied my snuffly nose and probably filled the pair of folded tissues I used! It didn't sound wet, given all the noise my nose was making.

11) What color was the discharge?

I didn't look, but given that it came from irritated sneezes outside, I guess the tissues contained alot of fluid and a big tickle that I blew out :-)

12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose?

Not usually, no.

13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others?

Depends on the circumstances - sometimes the sheer volume of my honks can be a little embarassing! Depends who is there whether I am comfortable blowing my nose in front of them or whether I feel the need to be polite and excuse myself.

14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose?

Again, depends on the circumstances, but I always try to be polite and respect other people's personal space. Normally I will excuse myself first (it's only fair to try to give people *some* kind of warning that I'm about to blow loudly) and move/turn away.

15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you?

No, not at all - they're only taking care of their nose, and I know what it's like when you suddenly get the urge to blow your nose!

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose?

I tend to be senstive to their wishes, I guess - if they look like they are ducking away, I will just leave them to it.

17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy?

I think that I would probably let them finish their nose-blow first so that they can concentrate on what they are doing. Also, I have had people try to keep talking to me while I have been blowing my nose - they have usually given up because of the incredibly loud noise!

18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)?

I'd ask them gently "aww, are you okay there, Snuffles?", and offer them a tissue or a clean handkerchief, and offer some help blowing their nose if we were alone and they needed it - see below.

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend?

Similar, but perhaps differently phrased - "Have you got the sniffles - here, do you need a tissue?" - see first if they take it and how they use it, and take it from there, but would be willing to help them if they needed and were open to it - nobody like to see a friend struggling!

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them?

Of course I would help - I don't think they would have to ask, but equally it would have to be something that came out of the situation with their consent.

21) How would you help them??

I would take a couple of tissues, fold them and hold them up to their nose in one hand, taking a gentle hold of their congested nose and placing my other hand at the nape of their neck for support. I would gently guide one of their nostrils shut, leaving the other open for them to blow, and urge them to take the deepest breath they can, and then "BLOW", before changing to their other nostril and repeating, until they were getting clear. Then I would re-fold the tissues and get them to blow a few puffs out of both nostrils together, to leave their nose feeling comfortable, before very gently wiping it dry for them.

21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it?

I don't think that I would need their help, given the way that I usually blow my nose, but given that I can't recall ever being helped to blow my nose, it is a lovely thought. Mind you, given how hard I normally blow my nose, it would have to be a very brave person!!

22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose?

A bit of both - have been known to honk my nose one-handed while driving if I get the opportunity, but then leave my hanky in my lap until I get the chance to blow it poperly two-handed!

23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge?

Yes, of course, I can always blow my nose. My nose felt quite clear before, so only a small amount of moisture came out during several long loud honking blows.

24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it?

I didn't use tissues, I used the white "Mr Men" handkerchief that was in my trouser pocket for that blow, held singly and wrapped over my fingertips in both hands for a long, deep blow. I was in the lounge at home.

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1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet?

Both, depending on the reason for it. Allergies, usually happens to be softer, but if I have a cold, it's harder and louder.

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time?

I start with both and then switch off.

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose?

Both hands.

4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose?

Straight ahead.

5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose?

Just one. I feel like I'm wasting them if I use more than one at a time. ^^;

6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose?


7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose?

Puffs and white.

8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box?

I ALWAYS have tissues in my house. XD Brand and color are always the same as above. They're in almost every room (but always in bathrooms and bedrooms), big boxes because we use them all the time.

9) When was the last time you blew your nose?

A few minutes ago, I think.

10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy?

Yes. No. No.

11) What color was the discharge?


12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose?

Yeah, unless I'm in public, in which case I'll either not look or look discreetly.

13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others?

Yeah, I usually try to go somewhere else so they don't see.

14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose?

I turn away because I get really embarrassed about it. ^^;

15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you?

Not really. Once in a while I do, but I wouldn't say anything because I don't want to make anyone self conscious.

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose?

Neither, really. I try to let them have their privacy with it, though, so I don't stare at them. But I don't obviously turn away, just kind of look somewhere else or do something that doesn't involve looking at them.

17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy?

It depends. If they're talking to me, I'll talk to them. But usually I give them privacy.

18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)?

If it were my significant other, I'd offer them tissues and tell them to blow their nose.

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend?

Pretend to ignore it so they don't feel bad. ^^; Maybe if I were really close to them, I'd offer them a tissue, but I always feel really awkward doing stuff like that.

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them?

I can't say I would. ^^;

21) How would you help them??

I wouldn't.

21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it?

No, I don't like people doing stuff like that.

22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose?

Neither. I use both hands and drive with my elbows. XD

23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge?

I could, but I don't have to. I imagine it'd be the same as it was earlier, not a lot, clear, and not soggy.

24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it?

If I'd used one, it would be Puffs, white, one, and the bathroom.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just wanted to try to make a poor attempt at resurrecting this topic to see if I can get more replies. Hope all is well!


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  • 2 years later...

Making another attempt at resurrecting this topic. This was a great survey, and I felt as though it's worth resurrecting. I am looking forward to seeing the replies to this one! Hope everyone is having a great day!

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1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet? Medium loud, I guess. Unless I honk, in which case it's probably pretty loud.

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time? One nostril.

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose? Both hands - I never seem to be able to do it with one hand.

4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose? I bend over slightly sometimes.

5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose? One, but if I know it's pretty messy, then two or more.

6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose? Nah :P

7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose? Kleenex, normal white.

8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box? Same as 7), and in a small box.

9) When was the last time you blew your nose? About 30 minutes ago.

10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy? It was more runny than soggy, and I honked at the end.

11) What color was the discharge? Clear

12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose? Not when I'm in public, but sometimes if I'm alone, lol :P

13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others? Not really, but if it's in a formal or quiet setting then probably.

14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose? I usually face them unless I know my blows are going to sound gross.

15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you? Nah

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose? I usually watch them but try to not do so awkwardly :P

17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy? I try to give them privacy, so I wait.

18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)? I would probably ask them if they'd want a tissue to blow their nose.

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend? Same answer as 18

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them? I'd ask him before I do it.

21) How would you help them?? Hold a tissue over his nose and ask him to blow it :P

21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it? Actually I prefer blowing myself just because it's more natural, but maybe to try it out.

22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose? Depends - if it's an emergency I'll do it with one hand.

23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge? I did and not a lot of snot came out - I kinda did need to blow my nose, but I could've also waited.

24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it? One tissue (Kleenex, white), and I'm currently in my room.

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"16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose? I usually watch them but try to not do so awkwardly " this is such a struggle not to be awkward while watching hahaha

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  • 7 months later...

1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet? Depends on how much snot is in my nose when I am blowing it. I really only blow my nose when I am sick.
2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time? One nostril at a time.
3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose? Both hands.
4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose? Look straight ahead.
5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose? 2-3
6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose? Yes.
7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose? Kleenex, white.
8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box? Yes, in the bathroom in travel packs.
9) When was the last time you blew your nose? In August. I had a cold.
10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy? Yes, a lot of snot came out and it was kind of loud.
11) What color was the discharge? Yellow.
12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose? Rarely. But sometimes, I'm curious about how much snot is in the tissue and what color it is.
13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others? Yes, very much. I can't remember the last time I did it.
14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose? I don't blow my nose in front of anyone.
15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you? No, I don't really care.
16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose? I look down unless they talk to me while they are blowing their nose.
17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy? I try to give them privacy, but if they talk to me, I will talk but keep it brief.
18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)? I wouldn't say anything, but I would be tempted to take out a travel pack of tissues and make them notice it, so that they ask me for a tissue.
19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend? I wouldn't say anything. I would just ignore it.
20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them? Yes, I would tell them that I like it when they blow their nose. I would shyly ask if I could blow it for them.
21) How would you help them?? I would put a tissue to their nose and hold the tissue so they can blow and I can feel it at the same time.
21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it? No, I'm way too embarrassed and my nose blows are pretty disgusting.
22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose? I would wipe my nose until I get to an area where I can stop. Then, I would use both hands to blow my nose and be on my way.
23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge? No, my nose is clear, so nothing would come out.
24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it? N/A

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1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet?

I think I aim for closer to hard but quiet?

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time?

Both I think

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose?

Both I think
4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose?

Straight ahead
5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose?

6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose?

7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose?

Noooooo idea. White.
8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box?

Possibly? Probably Kleenex. Probably white. I don't know.
9) When was the last time you blew your nose?

No idea
10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy?

11) What color was the discharge?

I don't look…
12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose?

See 11.
13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others?

14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose?

Turn away
15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you?

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose?

Whatever I'm already doing before they do.
17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy?

I try to avoid this situation.
18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)?

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend?

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them?

No. No.
21) How would you help them??

I wouldn't I'm a terrible person.
21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it?

No. No.
22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose?

I don't know.
23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge?


24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it?


Edited by MoonBetta
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1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet?
My blows are normally kind of noisy because I suffer constantly from congestion. I try and blow as quietly as possible, though.
2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time?
I always blow out of both nostrils simultaneously.
3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose?
Usually I hold the tissue with both hands, but every once and a while I will use only one (I usually do so if I am about to sneeze since I tend to cover with my left elbow).
4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose?
When I blow my nose I hunch over a bit.
5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose?
I will pluck a few from the box, but will use one at a time. That is, unless my nose is particularly runny.
6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose?
Yes. I feel that it keeps my hands more clean, and makes the tissue a little more durable.
7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose?
For daily use I rely on Scotties brand tissues. When I am suffering from a cold, though, I switch to Puffs and buy the kind that are infused with lotion. All of the tissues I buy are white.
8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box?
I always make sure to have plenty of tissues handy. I have a box of 182 Scotties tissues in my bathroom, and a couple of travel-packs of Kleenex on my desk so that I can bring them with me whenever I venture out.
9) When was the last time you blew your nose?
About half an hour ago, but I feel as though I need to again; my nose is feeling miserably stopped-up once more!
10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy?
The blow managed to rid me of a little mucus, but not much. It sounded like a dry, harsh honk.
11) What color was the discharge?
The discharge was a sickly hue of green.
12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose?
Yes, but out of curiosity more than anything.
13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others?
Absolutely! It has always been something that I despise doing. Whenever I am around others and feel the need to blow my nose I will usually do everything I can (sniffling manically or clasping my hand over my nose to try and stem the flow) to make sure that I don't have to resort to grabbing a tissue, swallowing my pride, and relieving myself of my nasal gunk in front of them.
14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose?
I will almost always turn away from people when I blow my nose, but if they are talking to me I feel rude for not maintaining eye contact, so I will bear with the embarrassment to show them respect.
15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you?
More often than not.
16) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy?
I give a person who's blowing their nose space and privacy.
17) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)?
"You sound pretty stuffed-up. Would you like me to get a tissue for you?"
18) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend?
I would say the same thing, but probably in a more casual tone.
19) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them?
I think that I would feel slightly uncomfortable in either scenario. I would likely just provide him or her with tissues, and give him or her warm beverages to drink and foods to eat so that it would help to break up his or her congestion.
20) How would you help them?
As I said in my answer to the previous question, I would remedy their cold with at-home cures. I might also rub some vapor rub on their chest and draw a nice, warm bath for them and add in bath salts which give off menthol vapors.
21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it?
I would not want them to help me blow my nose. I would just rely on tissues and home remedies to expel the mucus from me.
22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose?
I would press the tissue to my nose with a single hand because my runny nose would distract me from the road.
23) Can you blow your nose right now? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge?
I am able to, and just did. More mucus filled the tissue than the last time I blew my nose, but not a significant amount more. It was more slimy than soggy. The discharge was, again, a sickly hue of green.
24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it?
I used two white Kleenex tissues to relieve me of my congestion. I was seated at my desk at the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet?

Somewhere in between. My blows tend to sound wet.

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time?

Both at the same time usually

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose?

Usually both hands

4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose?

I hunch over a little bit.

5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose?

Depends if I have a cold. Usually 2 if I don't have a cold, 3 if I do.

6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose?


7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose?

White Kleenex

8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box?

Big boxes of white Kleenex in two bathrooms.

9) When was the last time you blew your nose?

A few hours ago

10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy?

It was kind of a wet blow, and it definitely dampened the tissues

11) What color was the discharge?

Clear but with chhinkni powder in it

12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose?


13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others?

Yes, but I'm getting better

14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose?

I usually turn away

15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you?

Hell no. I'm interested

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose?

I face them since it's no big deal

17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy?

I give them privacy and stop talking for s sec

18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)?

I'd mention the sniffling and ask if they need a tissue

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend?

I'd joke about it

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them?

I would love to help but he doesn't know about the fetish. If he knew and was ok with it, I'd just go straight into helping him blow

21) How would you help them??

Hold the tissues in my hand cupped around their nose and tell him to blow

21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it?

That's a huge fantasy of mine. I'd want him to just do it

22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose?

I'll use one hand

23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge?

I could and I did. It was just a bit of clear snot.

24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it?

White Kleenex again, 2 tissues, in the living room

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  • 3 months later...
On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet?

Hard and loud if nobody's around, otherwise soft and quiet.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time?

One at a time.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose?

Both, unless one hand is holding something else.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose?

I lower my eyes.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose?

One or two, or a handful, depending on the quality of the tissues.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose?


On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose?

Whatever I have. Usually white, Kleenex.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box?

Yes. White, Kleenex, right next to me, big box.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

9) When was the last time you blew your nose?

Less than two minutes ago.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy?

Yes, yes, yes.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

11) What color was the discharge?


On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose?


On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others?

Hell yes.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose?

Turn away, if I have to blow my nose in front of people at all.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you?

Not really. But I'm afraid of grossing people out.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose?

Face but don't make eye contact/turn away.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy?

Give them privacy.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)?

I'd offer them a tissue.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend?


On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them?


On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

21) How would you help them??

I'd offer them a tissue.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it?


On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose?

Use one hand.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge?

Yes. Yes. Yes. Clear.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it?

White. Kleenex. Two. In bed.

On 23/11/2010 at 9:22 PM, Jeff said:

I know that this survey was longer than the cold survey, I hope it wasn't too long for anyone and hope that you enjoyed answering the questions. Have a great day!!



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Oooh, I love these.

1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet?

I try to be quiet cause it's kind of embarrassing for me, but I rarely succeed. I could be louder, tho.

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time?

It depends. Sometimes I only get stuffed up in one, so if that's the cause I'll only blow that one.

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose?


4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose?

I close my eyes :P

5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose?

Just one at a time.

6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose?


7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose?

Honestly... most of the time I just... grab a roll of toilet paper...

8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box?

See above.

9) When was the last time you blew your nose?

Two nights ago.

10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy?

I was crying, so it was pretty soggy, lol.

11) What color was the discharge?

Was too dark to see :P

12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose?

Not generally.

13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others?


14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose?

I turn away.

15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you?

When it's strangers I'm kinda eh, but when it's people I like I go all hearteyes.

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose?

I don't really do anything wrt this.

17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy?

Depends on how close I am with the person, generally if I'm close with someone I just keep talking to them if we were already chatting.

18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)?

Again, I kinda freeze up in those scenarios. But with my SO I usually get them something to blow with.

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend?

I'd be a lot less affectionate but I'd still do it.

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them?

I'm WAY too in the closet to even consider suggesting it. Is that a thing normal people do with their SO? Lol. I take care of my SO when they're sick, but I imagine that level of involvement would make them suspicious, haha. If they asked, though, I wouldn't object.

21) How would you help them??

See above.

21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it?

No way I would be way too embarrassed to even think about it, let alone ask.

22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose?

I don't drive, but I imagine I'd do it onehanded.

23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge?

Don't feel like it :P

24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it?


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1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet? Soft and quiet usually.

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time? Both at the same time unless I'm really congested.

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose? Both, unless I have to do something with the other hand.

4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose? I kind of turn my head to the side a little? That way it's not straight ahead but I don't have to bend over either.   

5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose? Usually just one, unless it's allergy season and I know I'm going to need two :P 

6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose? No

7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose? Doesn't matter, whatever's cheapest 

8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box? We keep small boxes of tissues in most rooms of our house. At the moment they're the white ones from Target.

9) When was the last time you blew your nose? This morning, right when I woke up

10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy? It was very wet and soggy, and it sounded like it! 

11) What color was the discharge? Clear

12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose? Usually not, unless it's for something like a thread like this

13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others? Depends who it is. I do around family, so I try to avoid that, but generally I'm a bit of a sneeze fetish exhibitionist so sometimes it's rather enjoyable ;) 

14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose? Turn away, so I don't gross them out 

15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you? Again, depends who. If it's family it's disgusting, but an attractive (non-family!) person can change that! 

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose? Turn away 

17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy? Give them privacy 

18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)? I'd offer them a tissue and maybe hold their hand or something

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend? Honestly? Probably nothing 

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them? I wouldn't help.  Tbh it feels kind of creepy and condescending to me

21) How would you help them?? N/A

21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it? N/A

22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose? I wait until I get to a stoplight or I park and then I use both hands.

23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge? I did and it was very soggy! Lots of clear discharge. 

24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it? I was in my living room. I'm not sure on the brand, but I used only one tissue. 

This was a fun survey! I'd like to see others' responses as well! :D 

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1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet? Very loud with honking. 

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time? Start off with one nostril at a time and then finish with both.

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose? One hand.

4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose? I look straight ahead or down when honking.   

5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose? Two tissues.

6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose? Yes

7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose?Doesn't matter, whatever's cheapest 

8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box? I have a box of white man size tissues to cope with the heavy colds and honking.

9) When was the last time you blew your nose? 5 minutes ago

10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy? A lot of snot came out and started off gurgly and ended with a honking sound. 

11) What color was the discharge?Clear

12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose?  No!

13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others? Yes because I honk loudly and am a very shy person so I blush easily!

14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose? Turn away. 

15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you? No.

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose? Turn away 

17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy? Give them privacy 

18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)? I'd offer them a tissue

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend? Nothing. 

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them? No.

21) How would you help them?? N/A

21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it? N/A

22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose? Wait until I stop.

23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge? I blew my nose and a lot came out, soggy with clear discharge. 

24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it? Don't know the brand, white tissues, two tissues, in my living room. 

This was a fun survey! I'd like to see others' responses as well! :D 

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  • 7 months later...

1) Do you blow your nose hard and loud or soft and quiet? I usually start out soft and quiet because I find it a bit embarrassing (there's no-one to hear but old habits di hard) and then turn the volume up

2) Do you blow out of one nostril at a time or both at the same time? If it's running then I'll do both at once, if there's congestion I'll do one at a time, often there's a combination.

3) Do you use one hand or both hands to blow your nose? I try to use one hand so the other one stays clean especially if I can't wash my hands but I often catch myself using two. I'm left-handed so I try to use my right hand for blowing and wiping.

4) Do you usually bend over or look straight ahead while you're blowing your nose? Bend over, it's always been something I've felt I had to hide from people so it feels natural to bend over

5) How many tissues do you usually grab when you blow your nose? either one or the whole box, depending on what I'm expecting to need

6) Do you usually fold the tissues before you blow your nose? I usually open them out completely for a little blow, if it's likely to be a big one I might fold over for security

7) What brand and color tissues do you usually use to blow your nose? I only like plain white ones for some reason, I'm not so fussy about brand as I like to try different kinds but the softer the better.

8) Do you have any tissues in your house right now? If so, what brand and color are the tissues, what rooms are they in, are they in a big box or small box? I have one box in my bedroom, superdrug ultra soft in a cube shaped box

9) When was the last time you blew your nose? Maybe 15 minutes ago?

10) Did anything come out? Did it sound like a lot? Was it soggy? Almost nothing came out, my nose feels wet and sniffly and there was a sort of huffy sound but that was all

11) What color was the discharge? I would think white if anything

12) Do you look at the tissues after you're done blowing your nose? not for fun but I'll look to see if it's worth keeping the tissue or if it needs to be thrown away

13) Do you get embarrassed when you blow your nose in front of others? so embarrassed, it would be like going to the toilet in front of someone, it's worse now so many people think it's rude to do it in front of them

14) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while you are blowing your nose? I would turn away if I was unlucky enough to be with people

15) Do you get grossed out when someone blows their nose in front of you? I don't think I'd be on this site if I did ;) Family doing it makes me feel uncomfortable but I usually find it hot.

16) Do you usually face people or turn away from them while they are blowing their nose? I turn away, I don't want to make them uncomfortable by staring but I have been known to take sneaky peeks

17) Do you like to talk to people while they are blowing their nose so they are forced to look at you while they're doing it, or do you try to give them privacy? I give them privacy, that's what I would want

18) If someone was sitting next to you and was sniffling a lot, what would you do and what would you say to them (if they were your significant other)? It would depend on their attitude to it in general, if they want a fuss or want to be ignored but perfect scenario, I'd get them a tissue and hug them and watch while they used it

19) Same as question #18, but if they were a friend? probably the same as above without the hug and the watching unless I was lucky enough to have a friend who was happy for me to watch

20) If your significant other had a horrible cold, would you help them blow their nose? Would they have to ask or would you just do it for them? It would depend on what he or she was like or our relationship, I wouldn't do it unless they liked it and wanted it. If they were always happy for me to do it then I might just do it, if they liked it sometimes and not other times I would ask (unless I'd learned to read the signals)

21) How would you help them?? it would depend on what they were most comfortable with but I like the idea of holding the tissue and telling them to blow.

21) If you had a horrible cold, would you want your significant to help you blow your nose? Would you ask them to help or just want them to do it? I would absolutely love the idea of it but it would depend on how they felt, also if they were comfortable getting that close to the germs. I'd be happy for them to go for it or to offer, I can't quite imagine asking them but if we were that close and I knew they were okay with it I guess I would. I would only want them to do it in private though, if I have a cold I don't want anyone to know.

22) If you're in your car and you have to blow your nose, do you just use one hand and blow your nose while driving or wait until you stop and use both hands to blow your nose? I use one hand and wipe, I'm happy to blow with one hand but I think blowing would... excite me too much and I wouldn't want to do it whilst driving a car, I wouldn't feel safe!

23) Can you blow your nose right now?? If you did, did a lot come out, was it soggy? What color was the discharge? Okay let's see. Self-obs time. I wasn't expecting much so I started a bit harder than usual. There was a kind of light buzzing sound that started quite low and slowly rose in pitch but nothing came out of either nostril. I wiped my nose after and stuck the tissue in a little bit and managed to get clear discharge from one nostril.

24) What brand and color tissues did you use? How many tissues did you use? Where were you when you did it? One tissue, Superdrug ultra soft, white.

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