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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Anyone Into Giant Sneezes/Story Trade

Mr. Black Cherry Berry Tea

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Bumping this topic from the grave. I've been on a kind of intense fetish kick lately and I have a decent amount of free time lately. (Plus I actually finished the first trade I agreed to do... two years later. Oops.) So I'd love to do more story trades and such! I'll definitely hit up folks from this thread that I haven't already been in touch with. And if anybody's interested in RPing, I recently got into that and I LOVE rps so. Hit me up!

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I'd totally be down to do some kind of story trade! I'm not a member yet, so we can't PM each other about it, but if that isn't a deal breaker, I'd love to. :)

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Hi! Yes, I'd be very open to that? Can see my profile? You should be able to contact me that way. Otherwise, I suppose we can theoretically plan out the trade in this thread? Either way, please let me know what you're looking for.

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Sorry, I'm not permitted to see profiles yet. I guess we'll have to do it in thread. I'm interested in something along the lines of a fantasy story with a witch who accidentally curses herself to have monstrous sneezes. Preferably with tons of mess. But if you don't want to write something like that I have other ideas.

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I can work with that! I might dial it back on the mess description a bit, because my tastes don't usually swing in that direction, but I'll try to make sure it's included in there. As for me, I would love to read a story medieval/fantasy story about a prince or a knight who gets increasingly powerful sneezes, super extra bonus joy points for any kind of lengthy "trying not to blow away the walls/a person/the crops/the knights/the castle" buildup/holdback. And obviously if you're not into that idea, any version of "increasingly powerful sneezes" and/or "long buildup/holdback to try to minimize destruction" would be greatly appreciated and deeply enjoyed. Male or female for that matter.

Also I tend to be slow about trades but I promise it'll get done! Even if it takes me a while. yes.gif Let me know if you have any other info you want included in your witch scenario!

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One thing I would like to add would be that I'm much more into allergies than colds.

But yeah, I'll get to work on your story.

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Actually, I have one clarifying question. You said you're cool with both male and female sneezes, right?

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Cool. I'll definitely make sure this witch is sneezing from some variety of allergies. Do you have any particular favorites, as far as sneeze causes go?

And yes, I'm cool with male and female sneezes! I lean slightly towards male sneezes but I enjoy reading about both, so whichever you pick will be good with me (or both!)

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I'm pretty much just a huge fan of allergies in general, but pollen is a really nice one.

Alright. Thanks for clearing that up.

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Awesome! Let me know if you want any more info. And if anybody else wants to story trade or RP I've got free time for the next few weeks and I am apparently in sneezing story-writing hyperdrive so. HMU! It might actually get written THIS year...

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