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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The Stories of Us

Talon Winchester

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So, I've had some inspiration for a series of fics! I would love to know if anyone would read 'em.

The series would be called, 'The Stories of Us' and it would be about two magic users, a master and an apprentice. They would be somewhere around fantasy wiccans or something like that. They'd be the type of evil where you can't really tell if it's evil or good. They would end up in love of course :bounce: I might cross it over with Supernatural sometime. I started writing one where Jayler, the apprentice, would be writing a letter to her twin brother, but keeps getting interupted by sick people! It would be called, 'Dear Jayden' and would be based roughly on parts of the song, 'Dear John' by Taylor Swift! It's better than it sounds!

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