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Alright, so waht's the name for a sneeze-fic with absolutely no sneezing in the first part, but really doesn't have a plot either? Hmmm well whatever you cal it, this is it. Basically a girl in her early twenties is trying to end her relationship with her ex (he cheated, big suprise XD) , since they left on pretty bad terms. He has a cold. She fights the urge to baby him. This is what happens when I write for fun instead of school...ENJOY! Also, Vanity can talk to cats. :P

Vanity's phone buzzed for what seemed like the hundreth time that day. Her rocking chair groaned as she headed into the kitchen. She picked it up from the counter and flipped it open, then just as quickly slammed it shut. Burrying her head in tense hands, gripping her head tightly, she felt like screaming.

"Maybe that would help...." said a voice below her. Glancing up she saw her kitten Envy, looking into her face thoughtfully. Vanity couldn't help but smile and scratch her litttle angels chin. "Ya, it would help. But it's not like it would solve the problem, E." Vanity felt the little cat's ears droop slightly. "But thanks anyway" she said and smiled a bit wider. Envy purred and rubbed her small fuzzy body against Vanity's arm.

Envy continued her thought. "You can't just keep ignoring him, you know. You'll have to deal with this sooner or later...."

Vanity groaned and resumed her earlier position. "I know, I know..." she mumbled hopelessly. But Envy wasn't through yet. "And I know that you know-"

"Sooner is better than later" finished Vanity. That very thought had been nawing a whole in the back of her mind for days now, but she continued to pretend it wasn't there. "I know that very well, thank you." The feline stared back at the young raven haired girl expectantly.

"What!?" She was starting to get irritated with her pet's constant staring. "It's like your trying to bore a whole into my brain..." Envy narrowed her eyes. Vanity smirked at her expression and mimicked it.


She sighed, defeated. Even though she hated it, in fact she despised it that Envy was right. But she was. She had to face this situation eventually and she might as well get it over with now. Envy's hair prickled as the cellular vibrated again.

"Perfect timing..." said the young kitten as she hopped down onto the floor, scurrying away into the hall. Vanity continued to stare at the device a couple more seconds, then finally opened her inbox and began typing a reply to Jake.


She didn't have to wait long for a reply. Only 15 seconds and the phone buzzed once again. She hesitated, but finally opened the message.

Hey Van..R u okay?

Bitter laughter entered her throat as she typed a reply, faster this time.

What do u think ass??

'Okay, this isn't really solving anything...' she thought. A new message.

I desrved tht. Im sorry...

Vanity knew this wasn't going anywhere. If she wanted to put this thing to rest, they would have to...to.....

Can u come ovr. I knw we need to talk..

'Wow, a freakin' mind reader' she mumbled to herself. She knew that's what had to happen. A face-to-face, mature conversation. They were'nt teenagers anymore. It was time to start acting her own age.

Alright. When?

A buzz.

Is 2day good for you?

Damn it. Envy's earlier words popped into her head. 'Sooner rather than later...' Right.

Okay. B over in a couple mins.

Vanity began to gather up her toat bag as she felt the phone buzz in her jean pocket. She could feel the color drain from her face as she read his last message.

K. I shud warn you, I think I have a cold...

If you guys likey, I'll post part 2 asap. <3

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K. I shud warn you, I think I have a cold...

of course i like that, this sentence promise alot :) please more :P

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This sounds good so far! you should so continue! thanks for writing this! looking forward to more

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This is really interesting so far! You pretty much HAVE to continue... you can't just leave us with a cliffhanger like that. :)

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If you guys likey, I'll post part 2 asap. <3

I very much like.

The talking-to-cats part is unusual: mind if I ask where it came from?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Kay, first of all seriously seriously sorry to have kept you guys waiting so long. EXTREMELY sorry :winkkiss:

Ciuty80: Hehe, im glad you like!

LovelyLinda: Well thank you for reading!

Quite Contrary: Of course! Again, sorry for the wait :heart:

sneezytwilight: Yes! Yes they do! Ahhh colds :heart:

Zane: Thankyou!

sillystarsmoons: AW thankyou

ichixshiro14: Much thanks!

Scion: Ah, i know. SUSPENSE!

obsessed: Of course, just your usual cat whisperer :heart: thx!

AnonyMouse: Or can't I??? lol thanks!

Mims: can do!

coffeepot: Yay you like! Well, as for the talking to cats thing, I really just needed someone for vanity to voice her thoughts to, and a sort of conscience thing. I didn't really want her talking to herself. That's my job.

Thankyou bunches for your comments guys! They are always so encouraging (and a reminder that maybe my writing doesn't suck as much as I think it does :heart:)

Part 2

"That bastard..That fucking bastard!" Even though she was driving like speed racer on the rural country road leading to Jake's place, she was just plain pissed. Her mind was a flury of rage and anxiety. 'Of course he had to catch a fucking cold now! He knows how I am, he knows that I would go easier on him just because he's sick. How can I be firm when I see him sick and miserable and....no. Not this time' She took a deep breath to calm herself, fixing her mindset in order to be ready. She could do this.

Pulling into the empty driveway, Vanity could feel herself shaking. As if it wasn't hard enough just to answer Jake's messages, now it just seemed impossible to face him. 'Just adjust yourself, Vanny. You can do this.'

The small cabin like house that she faced seemed to grow higher and higher with each step she took. 'Maybe I can't do this' She started to hesitate more as thoughts of dread flogged her. 'What if all it takes is one look. One look at that adorable sick-puppy like face to make me crumble....' Vanity couldn't take the pressure. She span around and started heading back to her car, when the creaking of the door opening made her freeze where she stood.

"Van?" She could recognize that soothing voice anywhere, no matter how stuffy or cracky it sounded. A deep breath later, Vanity turned on her heels and strode up to him as confidently as she could in her current state.

She could see Jake tense slightly as she came closer towards him. She tucked a stray band of hair behind her ear and tried to keep the tremble out of her voice as she spoke. "Hello Jacob."

Vanity definitely tried to imagine what Jake would look like before she arrived, but it was nothing like the actual thing in person. He was a mess. His usually combed blonde hair stood out at odd angles, looking like it hadn't been tended to in days. His hazel eyes were surrounded by dark circles, and his poor nose looked so raw and rough that she felt a twinge of pain.

Her ex laughed, sounding more like a wheez to be acurate, at being adressed so formally by someone he once shared intimate moments with. But one look at her expressionless face, he played it off as a cough, turning into a real one shortly. He truned to his right, trying to muffle the gags onto his sleeve.

"I- *cough* Im sorry Van. I'm just really not feeling that we-"

"I think it would be more...appropriate, if you were to call me by my full name Jacob."

The now slightly puzzled Jake raised an eyebrow. "Umm, appropriate?"

Vanity was getting slightly irritated with Jake. It was like he was ignoring how she was feeling. Or, the more likely conclusion, that he was completely oblivious of them. 'Figures' she thought mentally rolling her eyes. "Look, can I just come in? We're here to talk right?"

Jake sniffled and nodded, his head lowering. "Y-ya, I know but..." He glanced an embarrased look into his house. "But?..." she prompted.

"Well, the house isn't....it's not really the cleanest it's ever been, I mean.." Vanity sighed impatiently and pushed past Jake into the house. True, the house wasn't going to win a spot in 'Home and Garden' any time soon, but the damage wasn't that bad.

Jake still stood at the door, sniffling incessantly. Vanity bit the inside of her lip. "Do you, uh, need a tissue or something?"

Jake brought his index finger up to his needy nose and shook his head. "No, i'm fine Van, I- I mean, Vanity. *sniff* It's just this dambed c-cold...." Vanity could feel her stony facade waver as Jakes face screwed up in irritation. It was always such a hassle for Jake when he had to sneeze. There was always a build up and there was always more than one sneeze.

"EEeeheh...heeeheheh....Uhh c-cobe od...." he buried his sneezy nose into the crook of his elbow, breath hitching incessantly, feeling the tickles in his nose rising to full sneeeze potential, but it seemed that they liked to take their own sweet time. Watery eyes peeked over his robed arm, noticing the uncomfortable look on his ex's face. "Ehhh....I...I'b reheehheh....really sorry vad....hehheeh..c-cad't seeb to....to....ehh get this sde..sdeeze o-out...hehehh!"

Vanity couldn't take the torture anymore. Even if every part of her was valiantly resisting the urge to be, in any remote way kind to him, she couldn't bear to see Jake go through this torture. She gently grabbed his shoulders and guided him over to his tissue piled couch, pushing him down, his breath still coming in short, desperate gasps. A tissue box on his coffee table caught her eye and, plucking a couple out, she gently pressed them over his twitching nose. Totally the opposite of Vanity's intentions, the tickles in Jakes nose became unbearable due to the soft fibers of the tissue.

"V-add w-waiit.....!" Jake took in one last deep breath before releasing a string of harsh sneezes. "EEhhh!.....Eeshcchtt! EEhhh....EEscchttt! Eeescht! Heehee...Heesscht!" Vanity felt more than a little awkward, keeping the tissues covered over Jakes nose as his blonde head bobbed down harshly with each sneeze, then rearing back with a powerful inhale. Jake tipped his head back (hopefully) for the last tiring sneeze....."HHHAAAHh!!" and flew forward.. "EEshoo!!" thoroughly spraying Vanity's slightly exposed chest....

*crowd 'ooooohhhh's'* tehe!

Edited by Grey on a Sunday
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Oh, yay! You updated! :winkkiss: This is so good. I love the way you describe oncoming sneezes and just the way you describe things in general. Awesome, awesome, awesome. And Vanity's pretty funny, though I guess she doesn't mean to be ahaha, calling him "Jacob" all formal and stuff. :heart:

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Yay a update! I loved it the way you described everything that happened. Just great chapter I can't wait to read more! :winkkiss:

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