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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezy classmates all day!


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Today it just seemed like everyone was sneezy! More than ever.

1st period:First Aid: a girl a few seats to the left of me sneeze a "chi"

then my friend on front of me sneezed once, its always a "chooo" she sneezed a double a little later a bit softer this time though.

3rd Period:Geometry: a girls 2 seats to my right sneezed a "chi"

a boy in the front sneezes a double "choo" "choo"

the girl in front of me sneezd once "ka chio" than a "heh...nothing" I thought she was going again but nothing

a boy diagonal to me sneezed twice at differnt times but each was harsh and loud.

then the guy next to me sneezed 1 perfect sneeze, so perfect that I can never remeber the sound. I love it!:)

(each time that someone sneezed in this class my teache said bless you every time....I really think she may have the fetish as well.

4th Period: English: My teacher has had a cold for quite some time now. She sneezed 3 times during class a single then at the end a double. Her sneezes are so cute. She sounds so congested today. Her cough is really mucis sounding. I really feel bad for her.

That was actually it today but a total of 14 sneezes.

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