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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My day was actually perfect.


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Hey, remember my boyfriend? From here and here. (You don't have to read those but I thought I'd provide links just in case you were curious.) Well, my god, I just.. wow, today. Where do I even start? Oh, this will probably be long. Brace yourselves!

Well, I'll start by saying that spring has hit the Midwest! Although nothing seems to be blooming, people around me were sneezing left and right. Granted, a lot of it was probably due to a virus -- when the weather changes, people tend to get sick. Spring colds and whatnot. But I checked the pollen count not too long ago, and it was at a medium for today. So, I mean, that's something, right?

I had already started the day off feeling particularly upbeat and confident, which was nice after having somewhat of a bad week. Like I said, there was a lot of sneezing in the morning and even my nose had begun to itch a little (which really is saying something). I wondered if my boyfriend was feeling the effect (we're in separate classes), but I didn't get my hopes up.. instead I daydreamed about him during class. And reality actually lived up to my fantasies! Well, to an extent.

We had lunch together, and there was some sort of conversation going on, I think.. but I don't really remember. What I do distinctly remember, however, was when he was in the middle of his dessert and started sniffling. Just a few quick, dry sniffles before he said "I'm gonna sneeze," and abruptly lifted the side of his jacket and buried his face in it before emitting a "Huh'ZSCHOoo!" I waited to bless him, because lately he's sneezed twice or more at a time (yay!) and he lifted his head, gasped, and repeated the process: "HUH'SCHHoo!" I blessed him, and he smiled back before returning to the conversation. I think he was embarrassed; his cheeks were red.

And I really thought that those sneezes were all I was going to get, but for whatever reason, I really didn't give up hope. I kept fantasizing about it (do I sound ridiculously creepy yet?) and sure enough, it happened again! We were able to spend extra time together today, between classes and at lunch AND one of his classes was cancelled so we were able to hang out. I am so glad it was! You have no idea.

We were in the art room, and he was looking at people's ceramic projects that had been sitting on a shelf for quite some time. "They're so dusty!" ...and he continued to complain about how dusty they were for a little while after. He walked away to talk to one of my lady friends about an assignment for a class they had together, and I blew the dust off of the projects. A few seconds later, he sniffled dryly a few times, like before. I touched his arm in hopes that he would sneeze again. Then, he lifted the collar of his tshirt (he had taken off the jacket). "HUH'tsCHHhoo!"

He received a "Bless you!" from my friend and an overlapping "Bless you~" from me. He blushed again and said "Thank you." Not thanks, but thank you. Something about that just tickles me the right way. My friend continued talking, and not even half a minute later, his face was back in his shirt collar as he jerked forward with another "Hah! TCHhHHoo!"

I looked up at him and said, again, "bless you!" before my friend could beat me to it. He smiled and replied "thank you." By then, my friend had already walked off somewhere else.. but I don't remember exactly.

What I do remember is saying to him, following the blessyouthankyou exchange, "Are you okay? --"


"You've been sneezing all day!"

"I know, it's weird."

"I think you have allergies."

"Nnnnnnoooo..?" <-- he sounded unsure here


"Of course not. It's probably just the dust." and then he said something to change the subject, so I left it alone.

The rest of the day, minus a 40-minute class in between, I was able to spend with him. We went to a food festival held in my school's gym and hung out there for a while, then decided to go to his house. When we got to the car, his breathing started to sound a little stuffy. He could still get air in through his nose, but I could tell it wasn't clear. I asked him if he was okay, because his breathing sounded different.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a stuffy nose."

"I think you have allergies."

"No! You have allergies." (that's his comeback to everything)

"Nope, I don't. I think you do though." I tapped his nose.

We went to his basement and got settled, then he stood up and said that he was going to get some mints and cough medicine.

"Cough medicine?" I asked.

"For my nose," he clarified, pointing at it with both fingers.

"Oh! Okay," I said sympathetically.

When he came back down, I asked, " is your nose better?" and held him close to me.

"Mhmm," he responded, sounding a little congested.

"You have allergies," I said.

"Just to trees."



"Aww. Is that why you were sneezing today?"

"Yeah," he said quickly.

We spent the rest of the night kissing and cuddling, and I made it a point to rub my nose against his and kiss his nose and whatnot. At some point, I asked him again if his nose was better, and he said, "Yeah. There's something stuck in it."

"Is there? Fix it!" sneeze, sneeze, sneeze!

"Yeah... I'll go to the bathroom and get it out later."

by "something stuck in it" I assumed he meant an itch. Looking back on it, I wish I could have helped him coax it out... >:D

A little while later, I asked him about his nose again (I really could not help it, and I was feeling especially confident today so I took advantage of it) and he said it was fine. "Allergies gone?" I asked. He replied, "yep. All gone."

I'm really, really looking forward to spring.. and taking long walks with him through like, forests and whatever. Because.. trees!

Wow, I apologize for the length. This is probably the longest obs I've ever written... but when it comes to this guy, I just can't shut up. He makes me so so happy.

Edited by Sen Beret
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I was literally laughing out loud during this. SO FREAKIN CUTE!!! AWW! It's so adorable how he has the same comeback to everything. "No! You have allergies." >:D And when he said "Just to trees" aahhaaha, so cuuuuuuuuuuuteeeeeeeeee!!! I loved every second of this obs. OHOHOH, and when you said, "Is there? Fix it!" Bahahhahahahahahahaa! You're so funny, gah you two are so cute together.

Edited by Scion
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Awww! Thank you so much, everyone! You guys make me so happy. He really is adorable. :( And, MIGHT I ADD, that something equally fantastic happened today!

See, he's in a play. He plays music for it, so he's backstage and isn't seen. But I usher for the play so I'm able to watch him from a higher area throughout the whole show, and we text the whole time. Since the play started (weeks ago!) I had been thinking about how awesome it would be if he would sneeze backstage, where only I could see him (minus the rest of the orchestra) and I was able to bless him via text. I kept imagining it in my head, but I didn't expect it to happen.

Yeah, but guess what! Guess what happened to me tonight!!

It's warm backstage, so he was wearing just a tshirt again. I was looking at my phone, finishing a message to him, when I actually HEARD him sneeze. I was surprised, because his sneeze isn't very loud. It sounded the same as the rest, "HEH'tchHoo!" and I looked up to see him with his face in the collar of his shirt again just in time for him to jerk another time with an identical sneeze (although maybe a bit stronger... I can't say for sure because I didn't have the BEST view). The next song started up and he sneezed once more, freely, to the side, WHILE HE WAS STILL PLAYING, and I immediately typed "bless you" and sent it.

It made me feel so warm and anxious! Like, it was almost unbearable. He texted back, once the song was over, "how did you even hear that?" I swear, I couldn't stop smiling. I had the widest grin ever. Oh my god. I said back, "I don't know. Maybe I just recognize your sneeze. It's cute." and I added something in about a friend of ours because I was nervous, I guess.

At the intermission, we were alone and walking somewhere when he asked, "How did you hear my sneeze?" And I don't even remember what I said! I was so flustered. The entire night, I just felt warm and excited and happy.

And then tonight, just earlier, I told him to get a lot of sleep tonight because we were losing an hour for daylight savings. "Lots of rest, don't get sick."

"I'm fine, just a sneeze. I'll be okay, I promise."

"You've been sneezing a lot lately. Allergies! It's so cute though. I can hear it from the second floor."

"D: No. I need to be more quiet."

"You are quiet! I think I just recognize your sneeze. It's so cute, your face turns pink!"

"No!" and the subject got changed again.

But! A little while later, we were talking about our plans for tomorrow, which include going to a park. He said something about how nice the weather is, and I agreed, saying that it'll be relatively warm tomorrow night. He said he couldn't wait, and I said, "Spring is so great. Are your allergies okay?"

"Yes, yeah, I'm fine. I just have sneezing."

"So cute! If it gets bad we can go inside; I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

He assured me that he wouldn't be, and then the conversation switched to something else.

I cannot believe how brave I am being lately. My stomach feels like I am on a rollercoaster.

...reason for edit being that I cannot type properly when I am thinking like this ksjdfhlsdjglsj;fhjksf

Edited by Sen Beret
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:lol::cry::cryhappy::frust::D:hyper: BAAAAHHH! That was THE absolute cutest thing I have EVER read in my whole life. Ohmygod! You watching from up above, and then texting him!!!!! *dies of cuteness overload* I love how your boyfriend just says "NO!" when he's embarrassed (or at least that's the impression I'm getting hahahaha). I can't believe you said, "It's so cute. Your face turns pink." Bahhhhh awwwwwwww, and he's all: "No!" Oh, what I would give to have seen his expression when you said that LOL! Man, this is making me want a boyfriend. :(
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These are great obs! So your bf doesn't know about the fetish right? If not, you are being SUPER brave. I'm terrified to say "Bless you" thinking it'll give it all away! Whatever has your confidence up, keep at it!

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@Scion: OHMYGOD I know I know! It's the cutest EVER. I'm so glad to have somewhere to freak out about it where other people will appreciate my joy. Like, it's killing me. His comeback really IS always "no", or throwing the accusation back at you even when it doesn't make sense (I've got another example below). I'm so in love with your enthusiasm, oh my god, reading your comments makes me so super happy.

@Mims: thankyouthankyouthankyou! :) I'm so glad you were interested in reading it too! Like, you have no idea how happy that makes me.

@LetMeBe: nope! He has absolutely no idea. I'm considering telling him some time, because I'm sure he'd be really sweet about it and offer to .. indulge me .. but part of what I like about this fetish is how it's like, my own little secret. And when he gets embarrassed about sneezing, it's just too adorable! I feel like that sort of effect will be lost, but maybe one day, I'll tell him. I don't know why I'm being so brave, either! I feel like I need to keep this up, though, because I doubt he'll get suspicious.

@obsessed: Yes, trees! Not "hayfever" or "pollen" (although I do love those words too..) but TREES. Just. Ahh! I can't even handle it. So cute! Thank you so much!

I thought I was on some sort of lucky streak and I would hear him sneeze again today, but nothing! (Probably because I was sort of expecting it.) He still sounded a little stuffy though, which was nice. We took a walk after it got dark and was a little colder, and the cold always makes his nose run so he got super sniffly. We walked past my house and I asked if he wanted to go inside.

"Sure. Snf, snnnff!"

"Are you cold?"

"Hmm... no, not really."



"Good." <--- that was a lie, I didn't think it was good at all!


When we got inside, he was still sniffly. I said to him, "Your nose is red."

"...YOUR nose is red."

"No it isn't, yours is though."

you guys I'm dying. It's still too cute.

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When we got inside, he was still sniffly. I said to him, "Your nose is red."

"...YOUR nose is red."

"No it isn't, yours is though."

Hahahahahahahaha, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!! That is SO FREAKING adorable. His repetitive comebacks are just so cute ahaha. It's like:

You: Hey, you sneezed.

Him: NO!

You: Yes!

Him: No, YOU sneezed!!!!!!!!

OHman! Too bad about no sneezing, but hopefully there will be more so you can share more adorable cuteness with us! :) *melts into gooey puddle*

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Sen Beret - You're most welcome! :D Aww.. even if he didn't sneeze this time, the stuffy sound is nice, too. You two sound so cute together. :innocent:

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Ohmygosh this is so adorable. I love when you blew the dust off those things to make him sneeze. :D And I agree, his comebacks (and his sneezes!) are adorable.

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*dies from adorableness* REALLY really cute!!! lol i know you've heard that a lot but it is!

This sooo makes me want a cute boyfriend, so thanks for the jealousy overload :) I hope more cuteness heads your way :blushing:

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Awww, oh my god thank you so much you guys! You really don't even know how much your comments make me smile. When you say this is cute! I just MELT. I'm so glad I have somewhere to talk about this, too! And that people are actually reading. He's sooo cute, I can't even believe it. We've been dating for over four months and we were friends for a while before, and I knew he had "slight" pollen allergies... but I didn't expect them to be this awesome.

I feel like after I was spoiled over the weekend, everything else is going to be a disappointment since I am expecting him to sneeze. I need to stop that! Although there has been more sneezy conversation lately, since I told him I thought it was cute. When he comes to school in the morning, his nose will be red and his voice is so congested-sounding and he keeps sniffling and arhif7uhifjksadjldfhasohfal oh my god it's so sexy.

Yesterday, last night, we were chatting online and out of nowhere he just said, "oh no i'm sneezing D:" and.. wow, I had to read over that a few times, I was so excited. I just said "bless you! are you okay?" and I just sat there, staring at the screen. He didn't respond for a few minutes (ohhh there goes my imagination) and finally said he was "totally good". I was about to draw out the conversation more but he changed the subject to something else, so I was unable to. I regret not reminding him how cute I think it is, because I'm sure he secretly likes it when I swoon over totally normal things he does and call them cute. I'm sure. Really.

Today, again, he was super sniffly. I just kept my head on his shoulder and listened to him breathe. He's prone to blushing and I like to tell him when his face turns red (because then it gets redder, which is adorable), which I did today in addition to resting my palm on it for a second.

"You're really warm. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, totally fine."

"Are you sure? Your breathing.. sounds--"

"Your breathing sounds..."



"No, it doesn't. Yours does."

"No! I'm fine!"

"Don't get siiickkkk~" I leaned against him again.

"I promise I won't. Just a stuffy nose."

I leaned back so I could look at his face. "Aww. Why?"

He tapped his nose and said, "allergies."

"Still? So cute."

godgodgodGOD how am I so lucky?!

Edited by Sen Beret
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:D Aww You two are soooo adorable together!!!

Exactly! This is soooooooo cute. I was grinning the whole time I was reading. Lovelovelove! And more of his same comebacks from you cutey-pie boufriend! OH GOD! I can't think of ANYthing more adorable than these obs you've been treating us with. And I LOVE how you keep telling him how cute it issssss! Awwwwwwww! I bet that makes him feel good! And so adorable that he told you he was sneezing with the little sad/horrified face haahaha aw.

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Why dont you try a blog? i'd definately read it!!!!! -sigh- i am in love with your luck right now, seriously! I'll combust if i read anymore... i take it back!!!! moremoremore!!! You are so cute together. <3

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Aww! You guys are so sweet! When you say we're cute it's just like, ahh! It's the nicest thing ever. Thank you so much! I'm not sure how I would go about making a blog, but it doesn't sound like a bad idea! I guess I'm just scared of running out of material so I post everything here lol. Like.. wow, even a week later and I'm not over how awesome my day was last Friday. But today was certainly nothing to complain about! I've got more to report!

We were hanging out in between classes, just standing around because there was a fifteen minute break in his class while I had a free period. Anyway, we were talking and it was kind of idle and then he said, "I'm gonna sneeze."

I was thinking, Yes! Finally!

I watched him closely (because by announcing it he had TOTALLY given me permission to) and he pulled the collar of his shirt over his entire face and tilted his head down. "AET'scHHoo!" Then, he KEPT IT THERE for a few seconds, as if he was waiting for another sneeze to come. I was too, actually, since I haven't heard him sneeze a single in months. Anyway, it was cute because he seemed so expectant, or maybe he was recovering. He finally emerged and I looked at him for a few seconds, because like, I was stunned in the happiest way. I finally snapped out of my trance, smiled and brightly said "bless you!"

Quietly but happily, he replied "thank you."

And I wish I would have said something about his sneezes being cute (ajdhflskafhlk I keep missing my opportunities!) or even commented on how he only sneezed once, as opposed to the two or three he's been giving me lately, but I didn't say anything... because I was too busy thinking about all of the things I could say!

Still, there's more! Since it's super nice outside, we went on a long walk just a little before sunset. I was fine with the weather (it was a little below 50F and I could bear it without short sleeves), but he was chilly even in a jacket. A little into the walk, he began sniffling and it became thicker and more incessant as we continued. He kept rubbing his nose. Finally, I asked, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, fine!"

"You sure?"

"Yes. Just a stuffy nose." More sniffling.

"Aww. Allergies?"




"Mmm." We were already holding hands, but I clung to him more closely. "It's soooo cute. Your voice. Sometimes.. when you talk... like, you pronounce words wrong, like M's and N's."

"No I don't!"

"Yeah, you do. Only sometimes, though. Not always. It's really cute."

"No, it's not!" and, while still sniffling, he proceeded to say words with M's and N's and he sounded congested and I would point out when his voice sounded particularly stuffy. Some of the words were barely noticeable and others were incredibly thick-sounding. When they were, I tapped him on the nose and said, "Nope, that's wrong."

I kept smiling and giggling and I just wow oh my god it was the best ever.

And just a few minutes later, we were arguing about the temperature (whether or not it was cold; he said it was, I disagreed). He continued sniffling and finally he said, "Oh, and I have the sniffles. Another sign that it's cold." Yes, the sniffles. I'm so in love.

"Yes! You do. It isn't cold out though, maybe you just are. That always happens to you when you're cold."

More sniffling, more nose-rubbing. "Yeah... it's bad."

"No! It's so cute!"

That walk was the best idea I had all day, really. Perhaps all week... and since we're off for spring break for two weeks, guess how we will be spending our time?

I really feel like this is a dream. I feel so inspired!

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Awww.. IT is SOOOO adorable!! I love it! You are soo lucky! You do and say everything I always dream about doing and saying. :D

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Wow! It's a SERIES of yayness! :D

What everyone else said. You guys are le cute! This is exactly the kind of obs that I like best: all sweet and happy and yay and detailed and well-written!

Good job! Thanks for sharing :)

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