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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Blonde With Cold (female)


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When I was at the stable today, one of the other girls was sniffling and sniffling as she was working, constantly muttering half-loud to herself about the damn cold. She's 18, with long platinum blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned and very, very fit with a lovely body. She looks like she came straight out of a Playboy magazine, really. (not my type at all, I'm more interested in her mother, but anyway! :) )

She stopped in the middle of a step, raised both hands and cupped them in front of her face but not very close to it; I had still a complete view of her face. Her breath hitched a few times and then she sneezed a loud but still feminine, wet:


She inhaled sharply and followed it up with another, much harsher and more desperate:


Then she wiped her hands on her riding pants while muttering very loudly: "damn this cold!"

I wasn't staying to pick up the germs she released, but I liked the show. :)

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Hey, hot obs! Got me intrigued to hear more on the mother aspect of the story though... >:D Only if you're sharing :D

Edited by NoV
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Sounds perfect. Don't you love it when they stop everything in sneeze-paralysis, of course with cupped hands NOT obscuring the lovely sneezy face!

The hands wiped on jodhpurs [mmm, tight, white breeches....] just makes it all perfect...

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Yum! A very nice obs .... and you never know, maybe her mother will catch it!

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I'm glad you enjoyed it, it was a really tasty double... :blushing:

Her mother is 45 and easily much more attractive. :)

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