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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Stuffy talk generator


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I added another extension to the collection of writer's sneezing tools.

this time I added a "stuffyfier". Just click "stuffyfier" from the menu on top of the page and log in with the usual

login: sff

password: sneezefetish

The stuffyfier transforms text so that, when read aloud, it sounds a bit like stuffy talk, for example:


Yes. Could you please get me something to wipe my hands with. Something sanitizing. [1]


Yes. Could you please get be sobethigg to wipe by hadds with. Sobethigg saditizigg.

Have fun!

[1] quote from pig's most recent story found here

Edited by haeeshoo
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Ooh.. you keep coming up with these awesome projects! :( Must definitely check it out sometime! ^^ Thank you lots. :P

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  • 3 weeks later...
it doesn't want to work for me, trying to decode my code but doesn't work

Hello Umeko, could you please be more specific as to what you are trying to do, what you expected, and what you got instead?

I didn't see a code in your profile or signature: did you Generate a new code already?

Edited by haeeshoo
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  • 7 months later...

I've been using this quite a bit recently to try and make sure the stuffy-talk in my (first ever! hyper.gif ) sneezefic stays intelligible, and it's a great tool - so thanks for creating it; you're awesome <3

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  • 1 year later...

That's so great! I'm not even writing anything, but I've been playing around with it lol.

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  • 1 month later...

I, personally, am not a fan of "stuffy speak" because I find it too hard to translate into english. However. I'm happy that those of us who enjoy it have a resource with which to enjoy it.

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