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To catch a cold?


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A lot of my friends have been coming down with colds lately. So far, I have been fairly healthy. For sneezy purposes, I want to catch one! Any suggestions? I want real results, as cliche as that sounds!


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You can't guarantee it. Even at the Common Cold Research centre when they innoculated people directly with virus into their nasal passages it wasn't guaranteed. The best methods of infecting yourself are probably by touching something you know is contaminated because it has been recently handled by someone who has a cold and then rubbing your eyes or put your fingers into your nose. Preferably you should choose someone in the early stages when the nasal secretions are at their most liquid and their nose is most irritated. If you don't mind getting a bit grim then a nice wet tissue or hanky is probably a good source.

Research done, again at the common cold research centre has suggested that putting your feet in ice cold water for twenty minutes once you have been infected increases the likelihood of infection taking hold, however I understand that it can also lead to increased chances of getting urinary tract infections as well, presumably it must mess with your immunity a bit.

Other than that, not getting enough sleep is supposed to help. Actually, I have noticed that if I feel I am coming down with a cold but it isn't coming to much, or if I have had one and am starting to get better, then a good night out drinking plenty of alcohol usually makes the symptoms reappear.

All that said, there is no guarantee of real results. I have tried combinations of all of these and for the past two years haven't managed to get any further than a sore throat. Hope your luck is better.

Edited by Vetinari
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Though I wouldn't really condone trying to catch a cold, I always try to avoid illness by eating a lot of fruits and vegetables and taking vitamins. So I'd say you'd have a higher chance without these things and with fewer of these, I suppose (though that won't only lead to a cold, it's also not healthy in general). I think it's best to just um, let it happen I suppose? Hang around people who are sick and don't wash your hands, but ack, that could lead to other things you wouldn't want, either. So just be careful!

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Drink from their cups and glasses by accident, touch their hands just after they've wiped their noses with them, eff up your daily rhythm, stress your head off and go outside without a jacket on when you're all hot and sweaty.

Oh, and don't blame us when you happen to catch the Flu of Doom by accident. :D

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Hi Yiffy. I was thinking about you recently and wondering if you were around. :P

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