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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Chai tea vapor


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I made a chai tea latte and i thought it might be neat to breathe in the vapor because it smelled nice. I breathed through my nose. (you all should already know where this is going) :)

Yeah you guessed it with in about 3 minuted my nose was itchy and burning. I sneezes like 8 times in a row. Almost rapid fire. I am still sneezing like 1 every 30 seconds. :wub: *Hep-chuh* .......................*Hih eshiieeew* .........................*Henxt aaa*

Well maybe more later on this

TTLY bye!

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thanks! It is pretty sweet!

So later on I took a drop on my finger and sniffed it up, not sure if that was smart but my nose did not like it. I think i sneezes it out. not too sure though.....It was only one though..LOL I like experimenting with things. I've never been afraid, even if it is dangerous(by dangerous I mean like possible bleeding or injury) :)

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Aw those sneezes sound so cute! I can imagine Chai tea vapor being a little spicy. I kind of want one now!

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