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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Way too Close for Comfort!!!!


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So the other day I was talking to a friend on facebook. She was having a bad day and we were talking about a bunch of her problems in life. (Which are a lot and tend to always be growing.) Anyway, we're both Christians and I was copy pasting a Bible verse to kinda inspire her a bit.

Well it didn't copy the Bible verse and totally ended up copying this sentence from one of my obs!!!! :)

"One wet unexpected sneeze, then a second drawn out harsher sneeze."

I totally freaked out and told her I had no idea why that is what sent. She said it was all cool because it just made her laugh and we went on talking as if nothing happened. Needless to say my heart was POUNDING!!

I don't think she picked up about the fetish, do you guys?

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Nah, I think you're safe. People without the fetish tend to not give sneezes a second thought. And there's really no way she could've picked up anything fetishy from that sentence. Most people don't even know there's a sneezing fetish!

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Relax, there is no way that just from that one sentence she would discover that you have a sneezing fetish. It's far too big a leap. It's only because we are all so paraniod that it would even cross our minds that it was even a remote possibility.

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Well it certainly would have inspired me! :drool:

No seriously, I think you're probably in the clear. For most people, a sneezing fetish is so far in the realms of fantasy that they don't even get suspicious :laugh:

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Don't worry, I really don't think anyone who doesn't know about the fetish would notice anything in that. Just relax. :drool:

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Oh gosh, that would've scared the heck outta me O.o lol but don't worry, I'm sure she didn't think anything of it, we all know how random the internet can be, right? :boom: I always have to keep the fact that non-fetishists view sneezing as inconsequential in mind, since I'm always *cough* hyper-aware of it X) I can be a bit paranoid, too. :S

Anyway, we're both Christians and I was copy pasting a Bible verse to kinda inspire her a bit.

Okay, that's totally cool! I'm a Christian, too! :boom:

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Okay, that's totally cool! I'm a Christian, too! :)

That's so exciting!! At first I was ashamed of my fetish, I used to think it was wrong, but it's not and now I allow myself to enjoy it! It's so cool to know I'm not the only one on here :drool:

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That's so exciting!! At first I was ashamed of my fetish, I used to think it was wrong, but it's not and now I allow myself to enjoy it! It's so cool to know I'm not the only one on here :)

ME TOO!!! I've had this for years and I thought it was somehow wrong... but it isn't, and now I allow myself to enjoy it, too. ^^ I just joined here about a month ago and I totally thought I was the only one on here O.o This is awesome! :laugh:

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