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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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i'm a girl, and i'm turned on by girls sneezes. i don't mean 'girly' sneezes, like something quiet coming from a guy, only female.

does this mean i'm a lesbo? i'm confused :omg:

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Many, many female fetishists on here, straight as well as bi or gay, are turned on by sneezes from their own gender. It's quite common. :boom: I wouldn't worry about it. :>

Edited by VoOs
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It doesn't necessarily mean you're a lesbian. It only goes to show that our fetish preferences are a (semi-)separate area of our sexuality. I know straight male fetishists who appreciate male sneezes (almost) as much as female ones. I also know people who appreciate their own sneezes. It's just a bit different from "regular" attraction.

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No, it doesn't mean you're a lesbian. :boom: I myself don't enjoy female sneezes all that much, but I do really enjoy female pornography (and sneezes are kinda like porn to us, right?) and I consider myself straight.

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i agree with everyone above. I think you are ok. I am into female as a female. and i have had 2 boyfriends and possibly on my 3rd so don't worry

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Right! It's totally common. Like Maru-chan said, it's a different part of our sexuality. Adding the other part in (like hearing a really great sneeze from someone you LIKE) is even more fantastic, but sneezes on their own are hot too. Does that make sense?

I'm a girl, and I just like... sneezes. Male and female alike, one just as much as the other. But I've had boyfriends and I know that I am very much straight. Male sneezing is more sensual to me, in addition to sexual, but with female sneezing there is purely just sexual attraction. Like, I wouldn't want to take care of a sneezy girl with a cold but the thought of doing it for a boy is like a fantasy.

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Hmm, I don't know. Is is just girls sneezes you're finding yourself drawn to, or is it the girls themselves?

You're really young, just see where these feelings go. Loads of folk get confused as teenagers. Maybe things will keep changing for you as you figure yourself out.

Don't worry too much about labels. Gay, straight, bi, pansexual, none of the above- it doesn't change who you are. Your sexual identity is a word you can pick that best describes how you feel and behave, it's not always a perfect fit. Loads of folk have already commented- people who enjoy male and female sneezes and have no problem seeing themselves as straight.

I'm kinda in the same confusing boat as you webgiz. Except I think I'm probably bi, leaning towards the gay side. I think girl's sneezes are generally sexier than guys. I've felt a romantic connection with guys and girls, but never really felt much on the purely sexual side of things until I realised I had this thing for sneezes. Now I have more of an idea of what turns me on, and most of the time, it's girls. I guess it depends on your other feelings for people outside the fetish as well.

If you're still unsure or unhappy by the time you and your friends can legally get into gay bars- I suggest you get yourself suitably drunk and go kiss some chicks :)

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i'm a girl, and i'm turned on by girls sneezes. i don't mean 'girly' sneezes, like something quiet coming from a guy, only female.

does this mean i'm a lesbo? i'm confused :)

Hi webgiz

I have had this thought too despite being happily married for several years. I started off having a thing about guys with colds but currently prefer female sneezing. I think I am probably bi-curious but sexuality is so complex and I think it is constantly changing. I suspect there are few people who are absolutely 100% straight.

I say just go with the flow. Life is more interesting when you are not in a box!


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Life is more interesting when you are not in a box!

^This right hur. *thumbs up*

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While I agree life may be more interesting when you're not in a box, I would identify myself as being very much straight when it comes to relationships but attracted more to female sneezing in general. I do find however that sneezes from a man to whom I am attracted are the best of all.

I wondered for a while whether my attraction to female sneezing meant that I was a lesbian but just too afraid or too closed minded to accept it but I have come to the conclusion that isn't the case. I have also given consideration to the fact that I can enjoy other women's sneezing without any feeling of guilt or concern because I might enjoy that side but I know that even if I am turned on by events, I don't fancy the person at all.

Just relax and find enjoyment where you can. As long as you're not harming anyone, there's no problem that I can see.

Edited by Vetinari
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I agree it doesn't mean you're a lesbian. I too can like female sneezes as well as male as it can just depend on my preference. I think your ok and just explore and go with the flow.

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Fetishes and sexual orientation seem to be surprisingly unrelated a lot of the time. I don't think you can really assume anything about one based on the other. I'm very much bisexual in my physical attraction to people, but when it comes to sneezing I'm almost only ever really attracted to men's sneezing. Very few sneezes from women do anything for me and they never do it for me as much as a sneeze from a man does even though outside of the fetish I'm equally attracted to men and women.

I don't think the fact that you're attracted to female sneezes means you must be a lesbian. But then, I also don't see being a lesbian as problem :yay:

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It is definitely normal, I'm very much turned on by both genders sneezes [although I will admit I'm not 100% straight] but as everyone else said there are many females who are and find females sneezes quite attractive. You have nothing to worry about :)

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I would advise anyone not to feel they have to define their sexuality until their late teens if this is at all possible nowadays, and for anyone with an interest like ours it is even more uncertain.

I recall that at thirteen my interest was almost entirely in boys and their sneezes. But then until I was about 18 I never really had the opportunity to appreciate the full glory of the female nose [and of course, bottom]. I suppose technically I may still be bisexual, but since my youth maleness , even male sneezing, has completely lost interest for me.

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