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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezefurs.org - Recent Registration Issue


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I did an update to the forum that broke the registration due to something with age approval. I have removed the age restriction from the built-in check as it never gives someone a -chance- to enter their age, then says they can't be under 16. Instead, a registration agreement was added. For anyone who recently may have tried to sign up for sneezefurs.org, I apologize for that mistake. I should have caught it much sooner.

In other site news, there is now a fairly useful chat program linked to the main forum for those logged in. I also will be creating a new archive section for all these clips I have laying around that I haven't sound-balanced.

And, if anyone knows a decent video editing program that I can use to sound-balance files, please let me know. I know that Media Player Classic and possibly others have a normalize option on Win7 at the least, but I still like to sound balance the clips before moving them to the main archive.

Also if anyone knows of a gallery software that can be integrated with the forum (or even be done w/o integration) with the option to rate images, please provide some assistance. The art gallery is getting a little cluttered and a rating system would do a lot to help. :)

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