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Sneeze Fetish Forum

When's the last time you had a sneezy cold?


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about a week ago lol, i sneezed well over 300 times in about 5 days it was hell, never gone through so many tissues and hankies

feel better soon sneezy chick

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I just got over a bad cold - unusual for me, as I don't often get sick. I usually only sneeze when I am going down with a cold, not when I am actually displaying the symptoms :drool:

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Weirdly enough, it seems I have one now, which irks me because I typically have a rock-solid immune system. But nope, I woke up yesterday feeling not great, and today had to miss class because the cold had moved to my head and nose and I just overall feel pretty wiped out. At least it's the sneezy type of cold though.

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I think I'm about to come down with one now... been sneezing a lot today, and feeling icky. Hopefully it'll pass quickly though, I'm not very keen on colds at all. ;)

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Right now, didn't think it was going to be a cold but it would seem it's gone that way. I thought my allergies were playing up. I've been sneezing on and off all day and have got worse in the last couple of hours. For research purposes :omg: i am keeping a record of how many times I sneeze every month and so far today I have sneezed 117 times. Sneezy cold? Yeah I'd say so!!

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Right now, didn't think it was going to be a cold but it would seem it's gone that way. I thought my allergies were playing up. I've been sneezing on and off all day and have got worse in the last couple of hours. For research purposes :omg: i am keeping a record of how many times I sneeze every month and so far today I have sneezed 117 times. Sneezy cold? Yeah I'd say so!!

Bless you sneezles!!

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Well I had a cold a couple of weeks back, although it wasn't a really sneezy one compared to some I've had. The last really sneezy cold I had was back in January, and it felt like it dragged on forever. And while I normally enjoy having a sneezy cold, I didn't enjoy this one as it went straight to my sinuses, leaving me horribly congested with really bad, pounding headaches, so that the sneezing actually hurt when it happened, and no way could I stifle because that only made it worse. Really sucks when that happens :zippy:.

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