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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Can I just say...


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...my fetish all but disappears when I have a cold. I don't necessarily enjoy my own sneezes, but for some reason, I find allergies less of an annoyance than colds (usually). Right now I have a cold - not the worst one ever, but still - and it's not even a sneezy cold. It's just the "sinuses perpetually full of snot forever" variety, and I have to say, right now, the thought of reading an observation or sneezefic or listening to one of my favorite wavs holds absolutely zero appeal to me right now.

Anyone else get this feeling when they're sick?

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I get that feeling too, but not all the time. Sometimes, being sick doesn't really make a difference, but when it does, it gets really annoying. I don't mind my own sneezing, but I don't really enjoy it either, so if I'm doing it a lot more than usual, I just get sick of it after a while. No pun intended. Yeah, that was really bad, but still my point stands.

I hope you feel better soon! It sounds like that cold is no fun, fetish or not. :D

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Yes I'm exactally the same like you, I normally enjoy sneezing or any related things but if I'm sick I don't enjoy the things that I normally would enjoy if I am well. I hope you feel better soon. :D

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Maybe it's because when you're ill, you connect sneezing with feeling crappy and disgusting, which is not so sexy. Hope you feel better soon.

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I'm the exact opposite. I LOVE having colds and feeling sneezy and congested. For me there's nothing like it.

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I kind of like it at the tickly starting to be sneezy phase but hate it after it progresses to miserable snot monster phase....so a few sneezes and I may find myself drawn here, too many and I'm repulsed until I'm a little bit more human again.

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I'm exactly the same way! And even if I'm just unusually sneezy in general some day, that too makes my fetish die a gruesome death. However, it's never long gone. <_<

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No, I really don't feel like that. I always thought I would, but I'm inclined to get more into the mood than usual, I think. Probably because I find it inspiring. :blushing: It's like a little reminder of what I like the most. Not that I ever get ill. I'm just saying...

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No, being ill myself does not kill my fetish. Like Nova, I just find it inspiring. *laugh*

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No, being ill myself does not kill my fetish. Like Nova, I just find it inspiring. *laugh*
And it is!

I've wondered sometimes if that is a reason to why I prefer colds before allergies. I can't relate to the latter, never having experienced them. I like being able to relate, even if I don't care much for my own sneezes. Oh, well.

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  • 2 months later...

I hate my own sneezes but i love having a cold (weird right!?) the main reason i like having a cold is when someone is taking care of you ( not like my mom) like a boyfriend or a girlfriend or even a best friend. I also hate it when someone i live with like my mom dad or brother gets a cold it completely doesnt do ANYTHING for me i just think its gross unlike when my friends get colds then its just fun :P

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