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I told my friends!!!! FIRST TIME EVER


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so up till last night, I've never told ANYONE about my fetish, ever. even though I know it's not that weird, compared to a lot of other fetishes, I just didn't want people feeling self-conscious about sneezing around me, and it's just the one secret I've kept my whole life, since I was three years old-- I used to get in trouble as a young child because I wouldn't say "bless you" when someone sneezed, because I was embarrassed (even at that age) of how turned on I was.

anyway. last night I was hanging out w/ my 6 closest friends; we'd just gone to see the new scream movie, and then after, we went to a bar and were just having some beers and chilling out. and one of my friends who broke up w/ her long-term boyfriend recently started talking about how she feels really boring sexually, because she was in one relationship for so long, yatta yatta...and then out of nowhere she asks us all if we have any sexual fetishes. she says she wishes she had one because it would make her more interesting.

and it was just the perfect opener...it was the most natural, logical time I'd ever have a chance to tell without it seeming particularly weird, and I really trust and love these guys more than any other friends I've ever had in my life. so I just went for it, and said yeah, I have one. they were all so interested! but not in an "oh you're a freak" way; more like a "oh, you have something cool to teach us!" way. and I hemmed and hawed a little; I said it really wasn't that big a deal or all that kinky, but I'd never told anyone before, and then I made them all promise they wouldn't tease me. and then I told them! they weren't weirded out at all. in fact, they all thought it was adorable. I felt so liberated!!!!! I am still a little worried that it might be a tiny bit awkward now the next time one of them sneezes...but I think it'll only be awkward for me, and I'll get over it. maybe the reason they took it so well (or part of the reason) is that me and my friends are mostly gay or bisexual, so we just have a much broader culture of sexuality in our daily lives, and talking about sex, and masturbation, and what turns us on, etc, is something we've all been comfortable with for a long time.

anyway, telling was great!!!!!! I don't particularly want to go tell the whole world now, but I feel great (and totally liberated, just in time for passover!) about telling my friends :o

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That's great, :o I'm really happy for you. You're friends sound like supportive, mature and open-minded folk- I don't think you're going to regret telling them.

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Wow, what a great experience! That really doesn't seem like it could've gone any better, huh? Lucky you! Your friends sound like super people too. :o

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As other people have said, congratulations. Good for you for being so brave and open. Also, I thi it really flects really positively on your friends that they were supportive and cool about it. I myself can't quite imagine sharing that information with anybody I wsn't intimate with. Kudos to all involved.

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thanks for the good mojo, guys-- and yeah, I know I am lucky to have such awesome friends :cry:

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Yay for you! That was a brave thing to do, and fantastic that it came off so well! Now you can share the inside joke with them :P

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Very nicely done. I love seeing such out-and-out positive success stories like this on here. There are friends who are ok with the fetish, and then there are those who just really embrace it and go that extra bit to make it that much more positive for having told them - and yours are definitely in the latter category. And you're right, there's nothing quite like that "I just told and got an awesome reaction!" liberated feeling... :wub:

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's a cool experience you had (and you must have been really relieved!) with your friends. I admire your courage, because if it was me, and I didn't know for a fact that someone shared this with me, I don't know if I could have done it. Props to you also for picking a really appropriate time to say something, and it sounds like it went naturally and smoothly. :lol:


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6 at once?! That's awesome! I've told maybe 5 or 6 trustworthy people in my life, but from you to go from zero to 6 in the blink of an eye is great :yes: It's great you have so many friends you can trust :blushing:

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Haha, that's so cool :yes: congrats! It must feel so good to share a secret like that and have that trust. It's impossible for me to not look at this from the perspective of a fetishist, but the way you described it I probably would've thought it was cute too even if I didn't have the fetish.

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