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Can Hayfever affect your chest?


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I developed Hayfever for the first time last year (although been sneezily allergic to lillies for a long time), over this last 7 days I've noticed I'm coughing a lot when i've been outside. My chest and throat feel really irritated and it's a very tickly type cough. Talking and even stifling sneezes sets it off and it's bad during the night.

Can Hayfever cause this? I was affected by grass pollen last year (sneezing like crazy) and it's a little early for grass pollen here, but tree pollen is everywhere right now and i'm wondering if this is the way i'm going to react to tree pollen? My nose is itchy too with some sneezes and my throat and roof of my mouth has been very itchy.

Anyone any idea?

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Honestly I would have to say I'm not sure, but wondering the same thing. I woke up 2 days ago with hayfever and noy my cough literally comes from my chest.

Hope you're not suffereing too much there Sneezles! ♥

I think it can though, A few of my friends are in the same boat.

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Sneezles, I'm sorry you feel like hell! :) But I can tell you that certain allergens affect my upper respiratory tract - itchy eyes, sneezes, runny nose - but others affect my lower. Mold really gets my asthma going...most of my other allergies are the itchy eyes and sneezy kind, but even then the post-nasal drip can give me an irritating kind of cough. So my answer to you is that I'm afraid so. :)

On the bright side, a good antihistamine can help. Feel better, pretty lady! :)

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Thanks girls for your replies :P

That's interesting what you said Nic, I think the post-nasal drip may have something to do it with it. I sneeze in allergic fits a lot during the day which will obviously affect secretions in my nose which could then in turn be affecting my chest - damn it!!

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