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Well, my boyfriend was still sick this morning, sounding incredibly stuffy and coughing periodically over the phone. He sneezed two harsh sneezes while I was talking to him. "Hetzcchhhhhhhh! CHHHHhhh!" Poor Baby. Apparently though, this happens every time he gets stressed out. :razz:

Later at work, one of my co-workers: C, was sneezing silently into her upper arm sleeve repeatedly, and then proceeded to whine about her allergies. She is in her late thirties to early forties, with almost black straight brown hair tied in a high pony tail.

After she left, it was myself and two guys in their early twenties. One of them, S. was sporting a very irritated looking, red nose. He sneezed twice into his elbow, "Heh-zzzhoo! Hehhhhschhhoooo!" I blessed him and he thanked me saying that he thought he was getting sick. He proceeded to say that he didn't usually get sick so when he did, it was always really bad. I gave him a few tips to speed the symptoms along and said that I felt bad that he was going to be closing by himself when he felt this bad. He sniffled, and sneezed a third exhausting looking sneeze into his arm again. HEHHHTCHZHHooo!

Boys with colds are like chocolate. I can never get enough.

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Boys with colds are like chocolate. I can never get enough.

Amen! Very, very nice obs. Your boyfriend sounds adorable, by the way.

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