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Harry Potter request

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Ok so before I say anything else this request contains spoiler alerts so if you have not seen the movie or read the book then turn back now. :rolleyes:

Secondly I was just wondering if someone would write a fic about a sick George after Fred's death. I cried during the movie when Fred died :rolleyes: it was just so sad, and Fred and George were my favorites in the movies (and then of course Professor Snape.) If anyone doesn't want to write one it's totally fine.

Edited by Zane
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Yes! I would love to do this. I'll try to have it up soon :unsure:.

Oh my gosh!!! :bleh::omg::omg::P seriously?! :hug: thank you sooooooooo much!!!

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Hahaha no problem! I LOVE writing post-DH stories about the Weasleys, and I have so many non-fetishy ones that I've always wanted to try a fetishy one. :hug: I'm psychedddd.

Wait, quick question - do you want it to take place right afterwards? Like, make George sick during the funeral and all of that? It seems a lot for the poor guy to handle, but it might make for a fun story :P. Or would you rather have it take place a longer time afterwards?

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Hahaha no problem! I LOVE writing post-DH stories about the Weasleys, and I have so many non-fetishy ones that I've always wanted to try a fetishy one. :D I'm psychedddd.

Wait, quick question - do you want it to take place right afterwards? Like, make George sick during the funeral and all of that? It seems a lot for the poor guy to handle, but it might make for a fun story :innocent:. Or would you rather have it take place a longer time afterwards?

I so love you right now! haha :laugh: wait you have written non fetish ones?! frickin sweet!!!

I think before the funeral. I feel kinda horrible for asking him to be sick before the funeral because he already has so much to deal with but still. :( I also think it would make the story a bit better.

Again thank you for doing this :D:group:

Edited by Zane
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OHMYGOSH I totally can't wait to read this. The twins were my favorites and I spent the whole movie getting really anxious about that scene. :twisted:

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This is actually a really great idea. I might take you up on the idea too and write one of my own. ;)

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It ended up getting kind of long, so I'm turning it into a 3-parter. I hope that's okay? Anyway, I'm posting it now ;). I really, really hope you like it!

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