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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Reasons not to tell someone? (partner, etc)


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Ok, so...my reason not to tell anyone I know in real life about my fetish was always because I was just too embarrassed by it.

I am proud to have the fetish in general, and really enjoy the fact I have it, but...I was never going to tell anyone else, and never have.

However...this guy...I like this guy and I've been waiting to hear him sneeze (I HOPE it does eventually happen)...we only interact online as he's in America and I'm in Australia, but basically...I WOULD tell him about my fetish...I'm not embarrassed very much by it where he's concerned...I'm not sure why, but it's a good thing, right?

Except...now I have a new reason not to tell him (or anyone else I like), which is that if I told him, then...everything would be different...tainted somehow, you know? Like...whenever he sneezed (if he ever DOES!!! *impatient), he'd be aware of it...and it'd be affected...and I really don't want that.

I like completely natural sneezes...and I can't have those if the person knows how I feel about them. I have not much interest in people inducing FOR me or doing that sort of thing...it's too staged.

I find this a shame, cause I really would tell him otherwise. *sigh*

What're your reasons not to tell people?

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My reasons is basically like you I'm embarrissed and worried what other people would think about my fetish good topic!

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- Same reason why I don't tell everyone about my sex life: it's none of their business.

- Embarrassment.

- Feeling you can't trust a person with that knowledge.

- Person you think about telling is narrow-minded enough to think of you as a freak afterwards.

But mostly the first reason. There are two people outside this forum that know. One is my partner, the other a very good friend who was curious why she couldn't read certain stories I wrote. :omg: Now she can. :) Other people don't need to know because really, it's not as everyone needs to know any of my turn-ons. :lol:

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My reasons are:

I'd be beyond embarrassed

The person I told most probably wouldn't sneeze around me, or if they did- it'd be incredibly awkward

In fear they'll think i'm the biggest freak ever/disgusting

In fear they'll tell everyone.

I'd only ever tell anyone if I knew 100% that they had it too, like a member of this forum whom i'm also buddies with.

Other than that- NOPE. I'm not telling anyone.

Edited by cheech
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I do tell certain people, but my reasons not to tell are embarrassment/worrying about that particular person's trustworthiness, and, specific to my girlfriend, worse than embarrassment, the possibility of their disgust. *sigh*

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  • 2 weeks later...

I totally agree about the 'staged' part.

I've told boyfriends before and some freaked out and ran away (whatever, didn't need them anyway B)), some went about normally after, some never sneezed again in front of me and tried to hide it :drool:, and some tried to sneeze as often as possible in front of me and it was incredibly annoying. You'd think it would be hot, but not for me...:/

I felt like I couldn't enjoy it properly cuz I didn't know which ones were real and which were fake. I missed just admiring secretly.

Edited by lalaland~
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I think the main reasons I don't share the fetish with my friends are:


~they could be self concious about sneezing in front of me

~they don't need to know about my sexual preferences

~they could have loose tounges and share my secret

I've told some of past boyfriends and my current boyfriend and it just felt right. I had one boyfriend that I knew I couldn't tell because I didn't trust him. Needless to say, we did not last very long. I do think if you are with the person you are meant to be with he or she will not make you feel embarassed or share your secret with other people.

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In my experiences with telling people...

#1. They never, EVER sneeze in front of you again! NEVER!!

#2. They apologize over and over again if they do sneeze in front of you (like sexually arousing somebody is a SIN!)

#3. They use it to their advantage, and any time they want to be ravaged or have rough sex... they just start sneezing away. (I actually LOVED this scenario!)

#4. They WANT to sneeze for you, but want it to be real... not acted... and for some reason or another.... they cant do either.

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