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Sneeze Fetish Forum

HP request


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Okay, so I'd really love to read a sick!Harry fic set after the scene where they jump from the dragon into the water, and they're all cold and wet. Harry sort of sniffles and rubs his nose towards the end of the scene and it appealed to my inner fetishist. :lol:

Things I would like included:

- Sneezy Harry of course! :lol: I'd like him to be his usual "carrying on as though he's fine even though he's obviously not" self

- Lots of concerned!Hermione (even though I've made peace with the canon pairings, I will always be a H/Hr at heart)

Things I don't want:

- Any mention of Ginny at all (I don't dislike her, but I'm not terribly interested in her either)

- Anything too OOC or far-fetched, naturally

I will love you forever if you can write this! Thanks so much for reading (and possibly considering). :lol:

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I was just thinking the same thing after going to see the movie for the second time! I may try to write it...no guarantees, though, as I'm still new to this writing thing. The only problem is, between falling in the water and going off to Hogsmeade, where is there time for Harry to be sick? Or do you want him to get sick after the Battle of Hogwarts is already over?

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The only problem is, between falling in the water and going off to Hogsmeade, where is there time for Harry to be sick? Or do you want him to get sick after the Battle of Hogwarts is already over?

I realised that after I posted this, lol! Maybe it could be a case of poetic licence; they could have been several days' travel from Hogsmeade but nothing happened in that time... it's been too long since I read the book, obviously. ;)

But if it's easier to write it post-battle that's okay. :)

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Omg! I noticed that too! Add me to the "Will love you forever" list!

It would've been awful if Harry was sick during the battle... :confused:

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