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Damian's Twitter


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So I don't know if anyone you watch the Glee Project, but it's a show that's basically American Idol, except for Glee where they're competing to be a new cast member. But if you do watch it, you obviously know about Damian, the hot Irish boy :D

He's super attractive. Brown hair, beautiful eyes...

And according to his twitter (not that I um...stalk him or anything...) he's been traveling on really long plane trips and came down with a head cold because of it. *swoon*

So I just wanted to share that :hug:

Oh! And I'm a terrible author, but if anyone could write a story or a Drabble or anything about this I would love you forever. Just think about it. A hot, sniffly Irish boy.

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I freaking LOVE the Glee Project!!!! And Damian is super yummy! :D

I really would do a drabble for you, but... :hug: ...well, I actually might do it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd love to write one for you but I just got into the glee project today, so I don't know alot about it. I LOVE Glee but I've never seen the Glee project until today. :laugh: I agree that Damian is :laugh::wub::laugh: When I watched it I freaked out because of his accent. :laugh: (got to love hot guys and accents) My friend laughed at me cause I kept freaking out because of his accent. It's so adorable! And he's really good! I hope he wins! :winkkiss:

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You are a wonderful person. Damian?? I swear. I just watched the most recent episode this morning, and I couldn't stop thinking about that guy. It's like you read my mind. Now I wanna write something. Mayyybe? I'll have to see if it wants to be written. :P I'll try hard, promise.

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He's definitely sweet but I just can't see him winning and as part of the cast. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy watching him as long as he's on though! But how weird was it when Hannah was plucking his nose hairs, and really getting into it? It was one of those omygosh she's one of us, except that pretty much none of us would come anywhere close to admitting our fetish on camera kind of moments.

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