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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Beta help (?)


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So, about my "When The Mighty Tumble And Fall", I'm supposed to re-writing it for a non-fetish audience... is there anyone who'd want to try and beta-read it once I've changed the worst allergy-moments. Anyone willing to help with the idea? And how to get the whole important storyline through without the allergies... is there anyone who think they might be able to help me out there? Send me a PM or (if you're not validaded yet, reply to this thread).

If mods think this question doesn't really belong here, feel free to move it. ^_^

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I'd be more than happy to help with the editing. (But it might be kind of hard to help if I don't have access to PM, so maybe I could just give ideas?) :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't see this sooner!! Forgive me. :D

I have found a beta reader for that story already, but thank you so much for your interest, maybe there'll be more in the future. :lol:

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