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Admitting to friends about your fetish and people saying bless you!


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Hi guys!

Recently I've told a few people about my fetish. I've told 9 friends. All boys, being my current boyfriend, some of my exes and some close friends :) they were all really understanding and I trust them with basically my life, they have my life in there hands and honestly sometimes I really don't think they know that. They just seemed to thing that my fetish was cute and apparently suited me. Made me happy! Who else has told lots of people in comfort about their fetish? :)

On another topic. I've noticed that I've become really sensitive and paranoid about people saying 'thank you' when I say 'bless you' to them. Sometimes I feel myself getting really upset and/or angry when people don't thank me. I feel it's just basic manners. But I don't know. Does anyone else feel like this or get upset or annoyed like me ?


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On another topic. I've noticed that I've become really sensitive and paranoid about people saying 'thank you' when I say 'bless you' to them. Sometimes I feel myself getting really upset and/or angry when people don't thank me. I feel it's just basic manners. But I don't know. Does anyone else feel like this or get upset or annoyed like me ?


I'm with you on that, i like people to thank me when I bless them rather than leave it hanging in the air - it would be an exaggeration to say I get annoyed about it, but it just completes the experience for me if they thank me.

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First of all, congratulations on telling everyone! It's such a relieving and awesome feeling, even better when your boyfriend knows. I'm so glad you got a positive reaction, too. That's awesome!

And yes, I absolutely know where you're coming from on the bless you thing. It's like, it takes tons of courage for me to say it and then it isn't even noticed/appreciated. It makes me kind of sad. xD

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Well, I've got lots of friends that I know wouldn't betray me, so I've told some of them. Most of them are cool with it, and I just don't discuss it with the ones that seem reproachful.

I bless people often, because it's the polite thing to do, but I don't really like doing it, because I'm sort of anti-religious, and saying 'God bless you' all the time seems a bit hypocritical. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've never told anyone about it, and I guess on the bless you topic some people just don't give thanking people a thought. Personally I always say thank you, but a lot of people just don't for whatever reason.

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Well there are lots of people, myself included, who absolutely hate blessing people and being blessed. I never bless anyone but my SO, except in rare cases where it actually feels more awkward not to do it. I also completely ignore anyone who blesses me other than my SO because I don't like it and I don't want to encourage them to keep doing it.

My reasons for not liking it are partly fetish related and partly due to an aversion to religion, and I honestly don't care if it's considered a polite social custom. It makes me extremely uncomfortable and I want nothing to do with it. The reason I make an exception for my SO is because when we say it to each other it's more of a term of affection and also a way of us saying that we enjoyed the other's sneezes.

I guess what I'm saying is that while some people might not thank a blessing just cause they are inconsiderate/thoughtless, others might have specific reasons for not doing it which could be fetish related, religious issues, or simply not wanting to draw attention to themselves. So it might help to keep this in mind, if someone doesn't doesn't thank you for a blessing and maybe you can learn to be less upset/annoyed by it.

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Congratulations for telling people! And on getting positive feedback as well :laugh: As someone who has never shared the fetish with anyone outside the community I can't imagine the balls it must have taken to tell people about it, really happy for you that they reacted well.

As far as blessing people goes, I absolutely love it when someone I bless acknowledges the blessing. Especially if they respond with a sniffle or a stuffy voice or, even better, try to say "thank you" but are interrupted by another sneeze... Having said that, I completely understand that some people just don't like to draw attention to themselves. A hell of a lot of people, fetishists and non-fetishists alike, see sneezing in the presence of others as an incredibly embarrassing act and I guess for them a blessing just increases the level of embarrassment, however well-intended it is.

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