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Whats your favorite phonetic sneeze sound?


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When its a stifle I like for it to have a very nasally squeek like NNNCKKXXXTT!!! The completely silent ones don't do much for me unless they are accompanied by alot of presneeze face and shuddering.

If its unstifled I prefer it to be three sylabled and not screaming but slightly loud like HIH-JIHH-SHUHH or HUH-UHREH-SHUHH!

Sneezes that end in CHOO or SHOO dont really do it for me.

I also like find it even more of a turn on if it starts out as three slyabled and then loses sylables with each sneeze because the sneezes are coming so rapidly and intensely.

Please share your favorite phonetic sneeze sound!

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Everything I use in my stories are basically the kinds of sounds I like best. The more syllables it has and the more complicated it is, the sexier it is to me. :mf_boff: I generally like three syllables best though, with an audible inhale (any variation of hihh/hahh/huhh/hehh), the actual expulsion of air (I like the ISHHH or KSHHH the best, especially if it's nice and desperate and drawn-out, or more of a BSHH sound for congestion, or PFSHH if there's a lot of spray... rawr :wub:), and the exhale that comes afterwards (euhh or ahh). The shakier the exhale, the better. :D

For stifles I like the same formula except with a squeak or just silence in the middle. I like silent stifles as long as you can see the effort it took to hold it back (like you said, shuddering or something like that :drool:). Silent stifles followed by a tired, relieved sigh are so sexy. :wub:

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I like consonant-heavy sounds. A lot. :P N's and m's and x's and g's. Half-stifles really is my thing, and I usually prefer one och two syllable sounds. Three syllables can be nice too sometimes, if they end with an "-ah" or an "-ih".

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Something along the lines of "Aah-yESSH-huh" or "Aah-ESSCh-uh", that sounds desperate and forceful, quite wet but not, you know, "snotty"... :rolleyes: Preferably with quite a bit of hitching before... :P

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I heard this only once: a guy I knew once did a "heh-chh-aaaaahhhh" with the aaaaahhh sounding almost like a sigh of pleasure :) And while he was aaaahhh-ing he rubbed his nose; with his palm in a circular motion. Turned me to mush. :drool: I waited forever to hear him sneeze again, but never did. :)

I also knew a girl who did a really soft "chhhew. You could barely hear it. I kind of liked that. [she was usually good for six, at least]

Edited by Mayor McSneeze
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I heard this only once: a guy I knew once did a "heh-chh-aaaaahhhh" with the aaaaahhh sounding almost like a sigh of pleasure :)

fhdsuofhsdo I love that. :) It doesn't happen often enough as far as I'm concerned.

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The shakier the exhale, the better.

THIS. So muuuuch....:)

I love a strong sounding sneeze with a "shhh" somewhere in it. That's my only requirement. :)

Also, false starts are...amazing. I don't even care if there's a sneeze, as long as I get to hear a deliiiightful false start...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really love it when a female sneezes, the quick recovery noise they make right after. its like...a short inhale...

Ah, or Uh. really short and quick noises.

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