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I want to blow my nose, but...


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Does anyone else have a fear of blowing their nose in public, which ironically is coupled with a noseblowing fetish?

I always have, and it may be the one annoying thing about my noseblowing fetish. This is especially bothersome right now, as it is hay fever season. I'll be sitting in class, feel an itch or fight back a sneeze, then just sniffle like a little kid or something because I'm too embarrassed to blow my nose on the spot, or even to repeatedly leave the room to do it.

Does anyone else have this problem? If so, do you have any suggestions for getting over this fear?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh god yes. As a kid, I would flat out REFUSE to blow my nose. My mum would hold a tissue or hanky to my nose and yell BLOW!!! And I'd just shake my head, screwing up my face in distress. lol.

It's the same with sneezing for me. My main fetish is sneezing but nose blowing is sort of a slight extension to the overall fetish, so anything to do with sneezing, blowing, sniffing noticeably, ANYTHING at all...TOTAL embarrassment in public!

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I remember when I was a kid that I wasn't very good at blowing my nose. I hadn't picked it up easily and so this lead to being embarrased about trying blow my nose in public. I finally got the hang of it and have been blowing my nose ever since (and how!) but yes, for a few early years I would do anything not to blow or wipe my nose in public.

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Oh, I used to WIPE my nose in public ALL the time. I didn't like it, but I couldn't help it.

Every morning I'd wake up feeling like I had a cold. My nose would run and I'd be sniffly. I would try to hide it from my parents (for embarrassment reasons), but so many times I remember in the car being driven to school by my mum, I'd be wiping my nose with the palm of my hand, and my mum would notice and sometimes she'd get a bit annoyed..."Do you have a runny nose?" and I'd be SO mortified...but I still wouldn't ever blow it.

I never blew my nose, not even ONCE, until I was about 15 years old. Then for some reason I started doing it in private. (I still only ever do it in private)

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Yes, I hate, HATE blowing my nose in front of people. I also feel uncomfortable if people do it right in front of me...I feel like I should respond in some way, yet I don't know what to do.

I am at the point now where I might, if I am feeling bold, wipe my nose of blow very, very gently in front of others, in certain situations only. However, if I had a very runny nose I wouldn't do this, I would go to the bathroom or something so I could do it in private.

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I definitely try to avoid blowing my nose in public despite loving it when other people do it. I very rarely need to blow my nose at all unless I have a cold, but the problem is that when I do have a cold it's always really productive when I blow. I mean, really productive. I don't particularly like drawing attention to myself in general, and even less so if it's because people are disgusted at the massive gurgle of snot that's just come out of my nose...

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Yeah, when I've got a cold I'm the same. VERY productive blower, I am. :D So I always go to the bathroom to do it...where I can do it properly, with nobody else around, and make sure I'm "neat" afterwards...you know what I mean. In the nose area, as visible to others. Yep.

Sometimes if I'm in a public bathroom, and there are people in there but it's quite a large bathroom and maybe kinda loud as well, and I don't know anyone there and nobody can see me in the cubicle I'm in, I'll blow my nose...and not care who hears...it's almost a GOOD thing to think of people hearing me...mmm. Hehehe.

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Thanks for all of the input everyone!


Yeah, I'd have to agree with you. I'm now at the stage where it's fairly easy to blow my nose in public if few people are close by, and if it's nobody that I really know. What I need now is to progress to the next stage. It's still just as annoying- my allergies woke up shortly after I did yesterday. I was sneezing all morning, and by the time I got to class my nose was still rather runny. I had plenty of tissues in my backpack, but...I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Gahhhh! Oh well, I'll definitely keep your advice in mind in the meantime :o

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